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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Growing respect for BC? and other links

Either everyone read Doc Saturday's dead on assessment of BC the other day, or there is a growing, and pretty accurate, assessment of what BC football is and can be. HD got things rolling with this post. She thinks we will be a contender again. This Rivals article also covers the team's issues well.

This is a pretty good roundup of differing opinions on Matt Tennant.

One of our latest Hockey recruits played in New England but is from Florida. That's got to be a first.

Despite the economy BC raised its tuition again. The good news is that the percentage increase was smaller than usual and they increased the amount of financial aid the school gives. I had hoped that the economy would force a "tuition correction" at the college level, but it looks like it will just be a drag as opposed to a full restructuring.


  1. Wouldn't complain if the Doc Saturday writer wrote instead for ESPN. Just sayin'.

    Sad but true: the comments section on Dinich's BC article is filled with NCAA tourney updates. Ha.

    I think it's fair to say that the upcoming season will be about Shinskie's progression and locating a DE with a pulse.

  2. BC has a floridian on its roster right now actually...malcolm lyles #23. he is from somewhere down there but i think he played at one of the local prep schools. i am too lazy to go look it up now though

  3. BU's raise was higher, 3.65%

    Chalk that up as another win for the Eagles!

  4. Lyles is from Miami Gardens but played prep school hockey at Deerfield Academy in Mass. His brother plays lax at UNC.

  5. Darn, they've turned on us. Two positive predictions in one week. I don't like it. They're taking the chip off of the BC players' shoulders.

    I guess they have been burned too many times by the "over-achieving" Eagles.

  6. Frank the Tank, a blogger who has opined heavily on Big Ten expansion, posted an entry today on the idea of Boston College joining the Big Ten:

    link here, or you can copy and paste this for manual fun:


  7. can't believe those schmucks would actually think that BC would jump to create a Big Ten hockey conference...gimme a break

  8. I live in Iowa and the "Boston College, Rutgers, and Notre Dame going to the Big Ten" rumor has been floating around for a few days on blogs and local sports radio.

    Personally, it would be great for me as I could drive to BC games, but I would have to guess that the travel costs, even with Big Ten network money, would be significant. And do we all really want to endure yet another painful divorce?

    I'm curious as to who keeps floating these rumors.

  9. BIG TEN -- i love the idea!

    Penn St instead of Va Tech
    Mich instead of FSU
    Wisc instead of Miami
    Northwestern instead of Duke
    MSU instead of Clemson

    but I can't imagine anyone is really serious about this idea and the idea suggested in the blog linked that bringing BC would help lure ND is ridiculous. ND's natural instinct would be to exclude BC as a condition for joining.

  10. Hockey all over Vermont 3-0. On to the HE finals.

    Let's go Eagles!

  11. I think Big Ten might be a better fit for us, but I doubt BC makes the move unless we get a very sweet offer which we probably won't. We really just don't have a lot to leverage. We'd have to win the ACC and the Orange Bowl this year and somehow get Boston to give a crap about us

  12. I guess there'd be positive sentiment at Penn St for including BC in the Big Ten, since we're old rivals and Paterno coached Spaz. Ffrom everything I read the money in the Big Ten is huge and will get crazy with expansion. I suppose if they wanted to secure the north east, BC, ND and UofNJ would do it. Plus, I remember from the days when Michigan played at BC, it's a real attractive roadtrip for the midwesterners. Don't see it happening though.

  13. Fascinating trolling the other school boards - the Iowa folks love the idea of BC, ND, Rutgers (here's the link, referring to the original source: http://iowa.rivals.com/showmsg.asp?fid=804&tid=132360214&mid=132360214&sid=940&style=2), the Pitt folks seem to think it's a done deal.
    Great for us, and the Big Ten gets its lock on the Northeast TV and doesn't crimp its supposed academic standards. What of Hockey East though?

  14. the hockey conferences have never had much to do with the football/hoops conferences anyway. the current big 10 schools are split between the wcha and ccha. it would be ludicrous for bc to put aside matchups with unh, maine, bu, and northeastern in favor of osu, michigan, michigan state, and wisconsin. it would be a terrible idea. instead of having played vermont in boston tonight we would have played wisco somewhere in the midwest. the thought makes me nauseous

  15. Hope one day it won't be so predictable to hear BC folks on this post talking about moving to another conference like players in SoCal leave the L.A. Clippers.

    How's that Big Least doin' for ya in the NCAA tourney? L.O.S.E.R.S. Our brothers in the ACC are advancing, and the Domers, Hoyas, Louisville,and Marquette are gone, and Nova barely got by Robert Morris, while UConn's a dim memory. Now Seton Hall is too busy getting arrested, and all that's left are 'Cuse 'n Pitt. Ho Hum...Sure wish we were still back with THAT crowd. Oh Yeah...

    And now what? We've got LSD in the koolaid and you guys are really thinking The Big Ten? Is life so empty out there, and boredom or bad weather making everyone NUTS? We're so lucky to not have to deal with the Big Least and their sad struggles for identity in a world that time forgot and that revolving door membership in that conference. BC was way ahead of the learning curve when we jumped to a conference that any university would be proud to be a part of. See anybody else out there talking about leaving the ACC?

    Let's move on. BC Hockey doesn't need any hype. That shutout today of Vermont was great fun and we're goin' to the Four, I'll bet. And BC football will be a Monster this year.

    Let's enjoy this abundance.Even HD gets it...

  16. I don't think there will ever be a Big Ten hockey conference. It's been talked about for many years, and the fans of most Big Ten schools with hockey (at least the ones that follow hockey pretty closely) all seem opposed to it. Similarly to us and our local Hockey East rivals (BU, UNH, Maine, NU, etc.), teams such as Minnesota and Wisconsin have big rivals in the WCHA that I would find it difficult for them to leave behind (such as North Dakota, Denver, and the other Minnesota hockey schools). I'm not sure the Big Ten schools would go along with it either because the conference would be too tough. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Michigan State, and Ohio State are all high profile programs, and all with the exception of Ohio State have won at least one national title since 1998. Throw in two top programs in BC and ND (if these are two teams that the Big Ten decides to add for other sports), and you've got 7 high quality programs in the same conference. It'd be the equivalent (in terms of program quality) of Florida, Alabama, Texas, Oklahoma, Ohio State, USC, Penn State, and Virginia Tech all being in the same conference for football. It just wouldn't work.

  17. There is no question the Big Ten will expand as they desperately need a conference title game. Paterno has been pushing for this for years. However, I highly doubt BC is in the conversation. Why? Because BC brings nothing to the conference. Boston is a pro sports town so BC won't bring more eyes to the Big Ten Network. Also, do you think the other Big ten coaches want a team loaded with hard-working over-achievers who are supposed to be conference basement dwellers messing up their bowl chances?

    I don't know where these rumors originated but agree with Mmason that BC is not going anywhere and we are an ACC school.

  18. eagleboston -- no one on this board or anywhere else takes rumors of BC moving to the Big Ten seriously at all.

    This rumor and the like are just blog who-hah.

    On that note, there are a lot of blogs saying Rutgers is a good candidate for Big Ten expansion. I find that hard to believe. Rutger's admittedly nice record of late is directly traceable to getting Miami, VTech and BC off its schedule. Same goes for the UConn to B10 rumors. Frankly, I do not see any of the BE teams being desirable by the B10.

    but, if B10 does poach AND if the BE falls apart, it would be nice to see Syracuse or Pitt come to the ACC, rather than say WVa.

  19. I've been reading more about the Big Ten rumors and, seriously, there are people saying or pushing schools like Cornell ('never really fit in the Ivy League') and UMass ('could move up to FS status') and Toronto (?) for joining the B10 - it's a huge talk up your school fest out there. Except the ND fans - one commented 'I would rather see ND burn to the ground than join a conference.' - Maybe Observer College under another name?
    We're fortunate BC would be buyers, not sellers in realignment. If expansion is all about TV, then you have to get the three of the five northeast FBS schools (Buffalo and UConn draw zip) into the conversation, I'd say.


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