BC Fan Resources

Monday, March 01, 2010

Show your respect on Wednesday

Thankfully the past few home games have been wins and muted the frustration among the Skinner critics. Unless BC hosts an NIT contest, Wednesday is likely the last home game of the season. With students on Spring Break and Virginia unlikely to generate much bandwagon interest, I don't expect much of a crowd. Another facet of the evening will be "Senior Night" where the school honors Tyler Roche and the student managers.

I don't like to tell people how to behave or who to root for, but I hope fans are respectful Wednesday night. This has been a very disappointing season. I'm a Skinner apologist and I've been frustrated. But that doesn't mean we should air our frustrations publicly. If you have a problem with the basketball team, bring it up with Gene. Boo if you like, buy try not to embarrass the school or yourselves. This is Tyler Roche's night, not ours.


  1. Or you can do what most frustrated BC fans do...not show up to the game. That should send a message to GDF

  2. Instead of a BC plaque with his name on it, they should hand him an offer letter from Bain & Co or PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

  3. >>Or you can do what most frustrated BC fans do...not show up to the game. That should send a message to GDF<<

    Funny enough, this is the exact way our fans celebrate good seasons too.

  4. I'm not trying to re-open Big East vs ACC, but if we were playing Syracuse or Georgetown or Villanova Wednesday night, fans would show up.

    Virginia is just another sorry ACC team - why should anyone in Boston care? There's no past rivalry there - and probably no future interest either.

    All BC has is UNC and Duke, really - and they couldn't care less about BC. Who cares about the others in basketball? When we stink, who's going to show up to see Fla St. or Miami or NC State, etc.

    We had some heated rivalries with Syracuse, St. John's, Providence, Villanova, UCONN, - not so in the ACC. The ACC is kind of a joke this year, which doesn't help.

    GDF is a joke as well, with his pathetic football OOC schedule (Webber State and Kent State to open the season)and his unwillingness to address the unfavorable in-game experience for his most loyal fans. We need a real leader in there - this guy peaked many years ago.

  5. John -- why do you say the ACC is a joke this year? Yes, UNC is bad, but Kenpom, a respectable source, rates the ACC as #1 league in the country.

  6. ATL: As a season ticket holder for many years, I'm happy to reassure you that the kind of behavior that you are worried about almost never happens at BC. People are frustrated, for sure, but I would not expect any booing on senior night.

    Enough with the Big East talk. There were plenty of "who cares" BE games (Rutgers, Seton Hall, etc., not to mention the expansion teams), and there is more to the ACC than Duke and UNC. Move on!

  7. Seriously, of course people would show up for Cuse or Villanova or GTown, those are top 25 teams. This isn't a BE v. ACC issue. We'd have an awful crowd if BC was having this same lousy season and the last game was at 9pm against USF, Rutgers, DePaul, Seton Hall etc. There's plenty of ho-hum games in the BE too.

  8. "I'm not trying to re-open the BE v. ACC, but let me spend time doing just that while downplaying the ACC, not mentioning the benefits, and thoroughly exaggerating the rivalries that existed in the BE."

    Let's look at some facts, shall we?
    How about looking at attendance the last time BC had a bad year in the BE (99-00).
    Avg home attendance = 4,398.
    Syracuse = sellout
    SJU = 4,883
    PC = 5,486
    Nova = 4,878
    G'town = 5,711

    And compare it to this bad year in the ACC:
    Avg home attendance = 5,143

    Lucy, you got some splainin' to do.

  9. Speaking of the Big East, here is a scary idea proposed in the Bleacher report -- Adding UMASS to the Big East.

    "UMass Clearly the Best Choice for Big East Expansion

    While East Carolina, Memphis, and even TCU have been considered as possible additions to the Big East, it's clear that UMass—although they do not compete in the FBS, but rather the FCS—would make the best choice for Big East expansion.

    UMass potentially brings with them viewers in the state of Massachusetts and those of greater Boston, which includes parts of four other states."

    UMass in the BE would dilute BC's New England Football position and would not be too helpful for hoops either (although the hoops recruiting is not NE focused) Hope it does not happen

  10. Sure, more fans would show up for UConn, Providence, or Syracuse games than ACC Game.... UConn fans, Providence fans, and Syracuse fans.

    You'd be hearing "U-U-U U-Cooooonnnn" cheers the entire game. That is worse than 5,500 for a Wake Forest game.

  11. Mod - troll the blog sites and you'll find fans from just about every school touting their program as the perfect fit for the Big East, MWC, C-USA etc etc. I guess UMass has a shot, since it's one of the few I-AA football programs we haven't put out of business in recent years (Northeastern and Hofstra pre-emptively).
    You hear similar rumors about Fordham, SUNY Stony Brook too. I think as UConn shows, it's not easy to create a decent D-1 football program - UConn is a state school with a lot of dough behind football and they're still firmly mediocre after what, a decade?

  12. blist --

    I think UConn has been fairly successful with their football program.

    UConn made it into the top 20 once or twice and has been to bowl games. UConn players have made it to the NFL. According to CBS Sports, UConn nwas ranked 32 after last season and BC was ranked 43. So, UConn certainly has enjoyed some decent success.

    I think, frankly, BC would be a little nervous playing UConn. Heaven forbid we lose to the scroungy Huskies.

    UMass has huge potential if they stepped up a division and had a few years of decent recruting. UMass would provide a lot of trouble and competition for BC and UConn. That's the part that worries me most... BC having to compete with the low academic standards of UMass (low standards for scholarship athletes, not overall, UMass is a fine school that produces many outstanding graduates).

    As for Fordham and Stonybrook, geez louise, they can't be compared to UMass at all. c'mon, Stonybrook, are you kidding!!!

    Do u really think BC had anything to do with the demise of the Hofstra or Northeastern football programs? or was that just some blog chatter?

  13. Mod, if you're going to argue that the ACC is better than the Big East and Big 12, then you are smoking the good stuff. It is highly debatable that the ACC is better than the Big 10, SEC, and even MWC this year. I'd give the slight edge to the Big 10, equate the SEC to the ACC, and give the ACC a slight advantage over the MWC and a huge advantage over the Pac 10. Face it, the ACC is VERY mediocre this year, much like it was football last year.

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  15. All these Kenpom rankings are ridiculous. How many elite teams are in the Big East? How many elite teams are in the ACC? And no, Duke is not an elite team. They always get bounced early in the tourney because they are soft, and have lousy big men year after year. There's no comparison whatsoever. Going by elite teams and even good teams, the ACC is at best the 4th strongest conference in the country. And to further prove that Kenpom is ridiculous, how in the world in the Pac 10 who will get 1 team into the tourney this year ranked ahead of the Mountain West, which should get 4? Ridiculous.

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  17. Mod, do you ever have any original arguments before resorting to citing ridiculous rankings and personal insults? We can all see that a BC education really didn't do much for you.

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  19. The fact that you don't try to rebut any of my claims whatsoever proves that you have no response and terrible arguments.

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  21. Bravesbill is right - the ACC is way down this year - almost a joke.

    Kenpom is a joke - where is their credibility in ranking the ACC #1?

    The ACC will be lucky to get a team into the Sweet 16.

  22. agreed with bravesbill... mod, you never have an original thought. ever hear the phrase "it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak, and remove all doubt"?

    That Abe Lincoln was a smart man... you are not.

    I argued that kenpom citing were ridiculous earlier when he said we were going to end the conference season with only a couple of wins... (not sure how many, but it wasnt more than 3)

    People who WATCH college basketball dont need Kenpom... it's like those extensive metrics in baseball. Watch the games, and use your brain.

    I havent seen enough of the SEC, but the big 12 and the big east are the majors, and the acc is barely triple A. As far as the big 10? Either way could be argued, but I'd probably go big 10. If the acc and big 10 played, that would be some damn boring basketball, thats all i know... oh wait, they do....

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  24. Like I said, the only argument mod can make is to personally insult all those who disagree with him. Stay classy.

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  26. Again, what does any of that have to do with any of the arguments that you cannot rebut? Multiple people have already called you out no your sad, pathetic attempts to form coherent sentences, let alone arguments. And I am critiquing your pathetic arguments when I call them terrible or unoriginal. I don't go around insulting you, calling people "douche bags" or any other profane name of the day like you do. Instead of trying to tear people down, why don't you focus on their actual arguments. Stay classy sir, stay classy.

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  28. Kenpom is a respected college basketball authority? Since when? Since you declared them to be so? It's already been pointed out how Kenpom is worthless. Come again though. And remember, stay classy sir.

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