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Monday, April 19, 2010

Can Castonzo become a Rhodes Scholar?

As many of you have read already, Anthony Castonzo has been nominated for a Rhodes Scholarship. It will be interesting to see how this plays out since the Rhodes Scholarship is not purely merit based. Don't get me wrong, it is a great honor and only the best and brightest get nominated, but all sorts of variables factor into the final selection. (One of my classmates from high school actually was a Rhodes Scholar.) One of the challenges traditionally for any BC student has always been the region. BC kids compete against other talented students from the northeast, while some other areas of the country might be less competitive.

Castonzo's story and athletic success will also be huge factors in his favor. Everyone nominated has a special skill, but few skills are as high profile as playing DIA football. Castonzo has the added benefit of being great. Assuming he is healthy, he could be a first round draft pick/All America candidate. Let's face it, he is a better football player than Myron Rolle. The committee would love the brainy left tackle who is on ESPN between chem labs.

The other factor is how much Anthony even wants this. To win he will have to put in plenty of time, prep and effort. He is clearly capable. It is just a matter of where it falls in his priorities.

I hope he does succeed. While it won't get the same type of attention as a Heisman run, it would be as important to the football program and to the school. Castonzo already represents so many things we want BC to be, that it would be nice to have the world recognize that too.


  1. Myron Rolle was an"exercise science" major . Cstonzo a biochem major. An exercise major is the first Rhodes scolar D1 athlete since billl Bradley! I'm liking Castonzo's chances already.

    Castonzo: what an impressive guy and what credit to BC to have such a student athlete

  2. mod, I'm pretty sure Rolle was using "sports exercise" to pursue neurology - no small task. It's nice to see Castonzo succeeding on and off the field.

  3. Actually he might not be competing against kids from the Northeast. Rhodes scholar regions are either where you go to school or where you are from. Maybe Illinois will be easier.

  4. The scholarship tried to diversify after being a thing for mostly Ivy kids. Back in the day you needed to be an athlete but obviously they expanded the criteria, which made it possible for Pres. Clinton.
    I was affiliated with an institution where a young woman did belly dancing as her activity.
    Myron Rolle is a super impressive individual and "private school" types forget that huge state schools are full of extremely bright kids. Oklahoma has more national merit scholars than any school in the nation.

    I know BC has made a concerted effort to attain more prestigious fellowships and has been pretty successful. I had plenty of help for the Fulbright that I got while at BC. Best of luck to Castonzo. No way I would get his grades if I were a varsity athlete. Proud to have such young men at BC.

  5. GA, you make a great point, and I completely agree about state school students, but I have to clarify the Oklahoma fact. I just moved to Oklahoma City and see an OU poster advertising that fact every time I fly in and out of OKC. There's a big asterix that says "per capita at a public university". I chuckle every time I see it.

    This is basically the result of generous out of state scholarships for National Merit Scholars. They get lots of very bright kids from Texas, Kansas, and Missouri to come nearly tuition-free.

    But in any case, I agree. Especially in the hard sciences, big state schools have a distinct advantage.

  6. Brettt Your hard science point is wrong. How did you come up with that one?

  7. I think Brett's point about "hard sciences" is legit. These classes are almost universally graded on a curve (I say almost, because we know schools like Harvard grade inflate, which is probably warranted, because if only a small percentage of Harvard students are allowed to get A's when they're the brightest from around the country is that fair? Regardless, they're starting to crack down on it.). With a curve, if you're being compared to a bunch of Ivy League or even BC students it's a lot harder to get high marks than it is if you're being graded against average state school students. The more relaxed admission criteria at large state schools means that you're competing against more "average" students, not just the elite.

    This is in no way meant to say that state schools don't have their share of really smart kids though, the percentage of them is just lower.

  8. My point was simply that in general, state schools have the resources to build facilities necessary to attract bright students in the hard sciences. For example, 20 public universities have an on-site nuclear reactor. Only 3 private schools do(MIT, Renssalaer, and Reed). Can you imagine BC buying a reactor?

    There's also a question of mission and priority. We don't even have an engineering program, but the philosophy department has more than 40 professors. I think that's great and want BC to be that way, but that means a genius kid who wants to be an aeronautical engineer goes elsewhere.

  9. Brett. Um maybe u should stick to sports.

  10. I am confused about Dustbowl's point - I think Brett is being very clear and logical on a post related to the Rhodes Scholarship. I admit I am not particularly concerned about it all - like Brett says we have our strengths, and I am happy with them - but I don't see where Dustbowl is disagreeing with him. He never says why, just that Brett is wrong or should stick to sports.

    Anyway, regardless of all this, or the reasons behind it, congrats to Castonzo. He has been a stud since he got to BC and has represented us well, and will continue our stellar O-Line reputation. I hope he gets this as well, quite an achievement, and another reason to be proud of BC

  11. Point: bc's chemistry and bio dept are excellent. Physics is decent. Bc science is better than state university science. You don't need nuclear accelerators to teach excellent chemistry.

    Engineering is applied science. It is not pure science and is a differnt discipline them chem bio or physics

    Before u sell out BC look into the facts. What is written here about BC science is just garbage.


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