BC Fan Resources

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Gene talks and other links

Gene had a sitdown interview with NESN and justified the firing with the need for change. I understand his point but forcing out good coaches again and again is a bad habit. Also, doesn't Gene realize his tenure is starting to mirror some of the coaches he has been critical of?

The Daily News is listing Donahue as a favorite. It also mentions Donahue needing an ace recruiter. Could that name be Pat Duquette?

Pat Dean had another solid start for the baseball team.


  1. As a politician, GDF is about as good as they come.

    As a person, I want to slap him in the face.

  2. poor soccer coaches. it's coming.

  3. Yeah, soccer coaches are definitely marked. I wonder which will fall first.

  4. Pat Duquette is hardly an ace recruiter.

  5. I can't stomach the idea of talking about the flipper - it's time to change AD's - he's as stale as Skinner. Yes, Gene has done some nice things, but he's a Peter Principle example for sure.

    With the talk of the Big Ten (Eleven) going hunting for Notre Dame and 4 Big East Teams to create a 16 team super conference - I'd like to see the ACC move first. The ACC should take Syracuse, UConn, and Rutgers - and then figure out the best fit from Pittsburgh, or South Florida - or, how about this - South Carolina (a certain faction of their fans would love to get back to the ACC)? Let the Big 10, 11, 16 have Notre Dame, Louisville, Cincinnati, West Virginia and Pittsburgh or ?

    I have been tinkering with this idea for several years. I didn't think of a 16 team Super Conference, but I was thinking about a formal, strategic alignment between the Big East and ACC to lock it up from New England and New York to Miami.

    Virginia Tech
    NC State
    Wake Forest
    South Carolina
    Georgia Tech
    Florida State

    Not a bad Eastern - Atlantic Coast Conference, eh?

  6. The Big Ten will have to rename itself. The ACC would not have to do that. If it felt the need to do so, it could rename itself the Big Atlantic Coast Conference.

  7. atl, had to laugh when i read your comment. GDF has been here for a while. i think hes taken us as far as he possibly can. hes done well, but i think we need to bring in some new blood.

  8. John, I like your thinking!

  9. UConn & Rutgers in the ACC? Wow...Syracuse I can see, with a maybe...but the other two? What greatness do they bring to the ACC? Zeeeeeroooooo. It's like we'd be backing into the old Big Least again. You Eastcoasters just can't let that thing go, can ya? BC is a national face now. Duke, a team we BC lost to in the final 20 seconds this year, is in the NCAA Bball 'ship. Where's Rutgers and UConn?
    How does beating them in football make BC better respected?

    On the other note--GDF bothers some of us because he's such a phony. I know the job demands some acting ability, but that doesn't mean jive melodrama. You fire a guy like Al, you just say, "Hey--we're going in another direction. It was a command decision. We wanted to win big at a higher level and Al helped us evolve to a certain place and now we need a booster rocket to take us higher and faster." Bam. Said and done. Instead we get this soppy, false sentimentality that is nauseating to watch. Plus, moaning about his media treatment. ATL--I think you're right--the media was thinkin' "There goes Gene again--P.O.'d by a coach and lookin' to unload him." And the burning question might be, "Who are the hot AD's out there who can take BC to a more professionally respected, less messy place?

  10. interesting tidbit on Mooney's NYET (from Globe):

    "The buzz about BC yesterday was that Richmond coach Chris Mooney had taken himself out of the mix by signing a contract extension with the Spiders. Mooney had interviewed at BC Thursday and felt it went well, but he also saw some things that caused him to have some questions. Primarily, it was the practice facility and the transportation situation (commercial flights in most cases, instead of charters)."

    Do most ACC teams have private charters? BC does not?

  11. I find it hard to believe most teams would charter a flight. Mostly only 737's are used for team charters, and after working in the travel industry, I can tell you it would be a terrible business move for a team to have a charter for 15-20 people..

  12. just that brief clip of GDF makes me feel the need to take a shower. the dude is so incredibly slimy

  13. Anonymous10:08 PM


    If you want to understand where the ACC and BC really stands, take a look at the database.

  14. Hey I heard our hockey team is in like the Frozen Four or something this weekend? Is this true?!


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