BC Fan Resources

Thursday, April 15, 2010

More hoops comings and goings and Jags update

Andy Katz is adding to the Sanders news by reporting that Rakim is likely to join former BC assistant Ed Cooley's team at Fairfield.

The other news is that new assistant John Gallagher will never actually coach a game at the Heights. He's reportedly been hired as the new head coach at Hartford.

Finally Jags will return to the sidelines as Head Coach of the UFL's expansion franchise in Omaha. Not particularly glamorous but it gets him back in the game and if he wins, it gets him back on track to being a head coach in the NFL or college.


  1. Nice to see my Hawks get a new coach. I hope Gallagher does great things there!

  2. UFL as a stepping stone to college/pro head coach job, really? I mean there are only 5 teams, I'd think the Arena League would give him a better shot.

    Not a Jags hater, but this really surprised me. Could he not get a position coach job in college or the pros? Or was he demanding a head coach position?

  3. The Arena League folded last year. Agreed though, this seems like a step in the wrong direction.

  4. Definitely not an obvious enough joke, but that's what I was getting at with the arena league comment.

    Anybody have thoughts on why he's had such a tough time getting a job? Was he really that much of a disaster at OC in Tampa?

    I wouldn't have thought the BC departure would reflect negatively on him as most people can understand taking the chance to interview for NFL head coaching gig.

  5. Dalton -- the Arena Football League (version 2.0) still exists. In fact, our BC man Chris Crane was dumped from the AFL Spokane Shock a few weeks ago (poor sap)

  6. There are a couple of openings on the Providence Team - go for it, Rakim.

    What kind of advice is this young man getting? It's a stupid move in my opinion, but we all have to learn by our mistakes - myself included.

    Maybe he was having some academic problems - hopefully nothing bad, whatever it was.

    Seems to me with only one year to go you stick it out.

  7. He was a train wreck in Tampa.

  8. Rumor has it that Brady Heslip has asked for his release as well.

  9. globe reports heslip is leaving....to boise state??

    sounds like he and sanders were pushed out....let's trust donahue know what he wnats and knows what he does not want

  10. We got to start recruiting thugs from Florida, Georgia and California and stop recruiting clowns from Canada who swear they are badass

  11. per goodman on fox

    "Boston College freshman guard Brady Heslip told FOXSports.com he got his release yesterday and will visit Boise State this weekend"

    sound like we got rid of a punk. addition by substraction

  12. i'm interested in seeing where heslip goes...hard to imagine that boise state would be a step up in any way.

  13. boise is not a step up, it a soft landing for player pushed out

  14. Forgive the ignorance - what evidence was there that Heslip was a punk? Certainly seemed a bit of a tool on his twitter account, but...

  15. And most 18 year olds are tools on their twitter accounts.

  16. More pot shots at BC from the Boston Globe.

  17. Agreed, I'm having trouble buying that he's a punk unless kids on campus that met him thought so.

    That said I hope we've stopped giving this kid tutoring to help him with his Boston College classes/finals or access to our sports medicine facilities if he is leaving us. That money can be better spent on real BC students.

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  19. Sorry to see Heslip leave, must say I don't really buy that he was pushed out. Given the limited number of underclassmen we have and the fact that the 2011 recruiting season is essentially closed, what would be the thought process there. I liked that he arrived early, I would think that shows pretty good commitment, not that he's "a punk."

    Also, re McGrory's column, doesn't BU own A LOT more property and have a much much larger administration in Boston than BC? Not sure where the former church land is, but the vast majority of BC's campus is located in Newton, not Boston. Probably would have helped McGrory's credibility if he had provided the % of taxes BC is saving vs BU/Harvard/NU.

    Also, didn't Silber purchase some businesses back in the day run through BU, wonder if those are included in these calcs.

  20. McGrory's column is a joke - what is it with the BC haters? They are liked spurned lovers, BC is the pretty girl that refused to go on a date so you hate her for it. He or his kids must have been rejected or something. It's one thing to criticize but to attack the credibility of the education and the alumni is a little pathological

  21. I guess if there's anything surprising about that ridiculous piece of drivel from the Globe, it's that someone other than Bob Hohler wrote it.

    It's nice to see some pro-BC remarks in the reader comments section, but I suspect that the Globe is going to jump on the realization that such articles generate a ton of interest. Their campaign will only escalate.

  22. McGrory article is a giant turd. He's a Bates '84 Alum so he spent his college years listening to all the Flutie hype and still hasn't gotten over being asked about it at every family function for 10 years.

    I think as BC supporters, everyone on this board should make a concerted effort to post positive comments on BC articles, specifically sports. As it stands, their articles get more negative comments than positive so they know posting crap like this is an advertising slam dunk.

    We always bitch about the lack of local suport/ coverage, but if a BC football article only gets 3 comments 2 of which are negative vs. 150 positive for a Sox article why should they give us more press?

  23. EagleinBrighton --

    I checked out your link to the Globe article. Good link. thanks. It is such a hate piece against BC.

    The writer, Brian McGrory, is the Globe's deputy managing editor, who grew up in Boston and graduated from Bates. (talk about a school devoted to alcohol abuse and unending proclaimations about being "just as good" as the Ivies). Blist I think you got a good guess going about the source of the MCGrory rage.

    But what's the source of the BC hate in general? Never seen similar venom directed toward BU, NE, MIT, UMass, Tufts, Brandeis, Holy Cross, etc.. Harvard of course is a big target for lots of rage.

    Is the rage a veiled attack on catholicism? Is it based on jealousy? weird.

    I also think that the BC rage is largely a Boston area phenomena. I've not experienceed much if any BC rage in the many years i lived in NY/NJ area. But there is a lot of rage against BC in Boston.

    guess lot of angy mAss****.

  24. Heslip: Jumped or Pushed??

    Rob -- see what the "Soaring to Glory" BC blogger says (on BCI)"

    "Heslip was pushed out from what I hear (from his dad, who is definitely not a fan of my blog)."

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  26. I think Heslip was pushed out. The following message was posted to his twitter from a Tom Heslip (maybe a brother or some other relative?):

    tomhheslip: @bradyheslip4 you're a bif fat pig who can't play defence, it's known around the world! (or at least by that new crackerjack coaching staff)

  27. Heslip could've stayed if he wanted (at least for school, if not for bball) - they can't take your scholarship away, right?

  28. blist -- good points about the RedSox. 50% of RedSox fans really are just Yankee haters. really ugly fan base. There is all sorts of rage up here, especailly a LOT of road rage.

    and you are right it might have some root in inferiority and maybe some class envy. It is an old Irish catholic tradition to cast a mean eye to the few in the group who bettered themselves and rose above their roots. "Do you think you are better than us MR BC!" It is something of an Irish plague and its something I've seen for a long time in the Irish catholic boston working class types who often despise BC (not sure why many of the Boston dandies also hate BC). a little more bad arm chair psychology/sociology to add to the stew.

  29. Wow. The Globe article is so full of venom against BC. I won't rehash others' comments about what motivated this article or why it is full of holes but the schools that he compares us to are 100% based within city limits while only a relative small part of BC's acreage is within city limits. Of course he left this part out. You used to have at least some of the top Globe editors who were BC alumni who would have never printed such vitriol. There must have been a change at the top ranks of the Globe. No wonder the Times was unable to sell the Globe-with articles like this!

  30. Personally, I find the animosity baffling.

    I'd argue BC academically has advanced itself in the past 25-30 years as much as any school in the nation (from what was a local, even commuter school for some) to a top 40 school in the nation. And this ascension makes locals (who may have strong memories of the pre-"great leap" BC) anxious because they feel it calls into question their own standing and the value of their degree/alma mater.

    Granted, this fear is an unnecessary one, but if you couple that with a class-based aversion to a widely Catholic/affluent student body/alumni base, you get the seeds of popular (Bostonian) unrest.

    Regardless of justification, writers like Mcgr. and the views he represent ring hallow and bitter. It's a shame more people don't realize the school and the DI athletic program is something to regionally be proud of and embrace, rather than vilify.

  31. How can you even pretend to be offended that people (supposedly) think they're "better" than you and then write such utter malarkey? McGrory should be dismissed for this kind of vitriolic blog comment masquerading as an article.

  32. For what it's worth, Globe feedback can be directed here.

  33. Thanks EIB - I've written them (I'm a subscriber too)
    I actually removed my earlier comment about Red Sox fans, b/c it seemed a little unfair to paint so broadly (my wife's a Sox fan, so there are plenty of good ones too). I'm not sure it's an Irish thing - I'm NY Irish and ambition, like BC's, is prized.
    But some people just don't like to see others succeed.

  34. Thanks, feedback submitted.

  35. And somehow I managed to post my feedback without using the words douchey idiot, dum dum or useless waste of air.

  36. If McGrory ever posts a response to the feedback and someone on this board sees it, please post the link. Would love to hear his follow up.

  37. blist, athletic scholarships are awarded yearly...but it's rare that a scholarship would not be extended unless there were some significant cause.

  38. blist-
    ry is right that athletic scholarships are on a year to year basis, and can only be revoked mid-year for glaring violations of the contract. In terms of renewal, coaches usually renew players that have showed dedication to the program and to save face because they obviously recruited that player. But when new coaches come in, no one is safe. (See Kentucky & John calipari). There is no legal obligation for the schools to honor scholarships from year to year- and there is no such thing as a four year scholarship.

  39. I'm not too impressed with the Holy Cross hire: Milan Brown from Mount St Marys.

    During the last three years at Mount St. Mary's, Brown led the Mountaineers to three straight winning seasons and a pair of postseason appearances. His teams posted a 54-44 record (.551) during those three years, including a 35-19 mark (.648) in Northeast Conference play.


  40. I've been trying to wrap my head around this hate thing for years. As a local double eagle alum (BCH + BC), I've experienced this a lot, so I asked friends and relatives if they had any insight. Seems to me that from their responses a lot of locals are upset about the overall growth of the school (which can be interpreted from McG's comments about how people from NY and NJ started going to BC). BC used to be a local school full of local kids (men mostly). Seems to me like people are pissed that so many out-of-towners get into BC over locals instead of local kids.

    Now, with that said, BU and Harvard also have out of state students there, so I don't get their beef, but that is what was told to me. In addition, people around here don't like change all that much. Some Sox fans were mad when they won it all on 04 because now they had to share their team with bandwagon "pink hat" fans.

    I, for one, am glad to have out of towners at The Heights. It only means there are more proud BC alums to share our maroon and gold love with! (This also pisses off locals. Apparently you can't be proud of your school.) Its tough being at the top, folks!

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  42. I'm a college lax fan, and since BC doesnt have a team, I throw my support behind Duke or Umass. I think this phenomenon is common with sports fans, the adopting of a local team or a high profile team when you yourself lacks an immediate connection.

    At the end of the day, I could care less if older Bostonians carry this subtle anti-BC animus, but what's frustrating to me is the inability for football to attract these younger, casual, local fans.

    That's more offputting (and an issue more under our control), than whether a washed-up Bates grad feels like spouting off about the Flutie effect.

  43. Why hasn't anyone gotten a comment from Gene D or Steve D on the departures? Maybe they won't comment, but I haven't seen a BC has no comment on any of the articles.

    Am I missing something?

  44. What are the chances that BC gets a 5 Star basketball recruit in the next 10 years?

  45. 10% chance; however, I do think we could routinely pull 4* kids.


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