BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

BC and the World Cup and other links

Tough news on the Charlie Davies comeback front. While he continues to progress, he is not far enough along to make the US World Cup team for South Africa and was left off the 30 man roster. The lone silver lining though is that another Eagle Alejandro Bedoya made the 30 man roster. Bedoya plays in Sweden and getting on the field during the WC would be a huge boost to his career. The final 23 man roster will be decided after the Team USA minicamp.

Here is more on BC commit Brian Mihalic. I like that Spaz is building up the class with big, line prospects. I also appreciate that we are a factor in the Cleveland area again. Given our sales pitch and success with Cleveland guys, we should do well in northeast Ohio.

HD lists Max Holloway as a potential breakout player.

1 comment:

  1. Davies has come a long way, but it just wasn't soon enough. He's still a young guy, so I'd expect him to be a part of the WC qualifiers in 2012/2013 and probably a part of the team that goes to Brazil in 2014.


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