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Saturday, October 09, 2010

In-game comments post: NC State

Two years ago in Raleigh, Chris Crane put together the one of the best single game QB performances in BC history. Can Carter-Finley provide the same sort of redemption for Dave Shinskie? I hope so. There is also part of me that thinks we will see Chase Rettig play a series or two. Whatever happens and whoever is under center, BC needs the win today. I am sure the game will be eventful. You can leave your thoughts and comments below.

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  1. Game Day!

    Let's put the womena nd children to bed and go looking for dinner!

  2. Go Eagles! Surprise me.

  3. is there an online stream anywhere? i cant find one on justin.tv, and espn3/espn player doesnt work for me in chile...

  4. I do not have a good feeling about this. When are we gonna make a stop?

  5. We made the stop, just too close to the end zone. P.S. Just discovered that if the game isn't streaming on Espn 3 due to black out, you can stream it live via raycom.

  6. Wow. Stellar offensive series, guys.

    Is this coaching staff interested in winning? Sometimes I doubt it.

  7. Oh, and double digit deficit? Game over. Only took seven minutes.

  8. It's so ugly that I don't even feed the game from my computer to the Flat Screen, at least that way my family doesn't have to suffer, too.

    This was in my prediction, that we would lose this one, I just thought that we might beat VT or ND, but now we will also lose to Clemson and FSU.

    7-5 is the best case, but UVA does not look as bad as we do, neither does Maryland.

  9. Who are you throwing to, Dave?

  10. This team sucks balls. Holy crap.

  11. shinskie clearly craps his pants every time he's under pressure. 3 poor throws that drive with defenders in his face. do they need go under pressure throws in practice? does this team practice??

  12. Wow. A competent offensive play. I am actually shocked. Didn't last long, though.

  13. our D is beyond serviceable. albright is an above-average end, the LBs are great. if only the O could give them a breather every now and then. come on shinskie.

  14. I find that if I watch it on the PIP view in my computer, it's not as painful to watch as in full screen.

  15. And there it goes. Another terrible third-down throw. Lucky that wasn't a pick. And I have better things to do with my afternoon than get depressed watching this team. Enjoy the rest of the game, guys.

    And a missed field goal? Does anyone coach this team?

  16. OMG the coaches are talking to shinskie!!! evidence of coaching actually seen!

    these guys are not that good. and we all know TOB won't go for the kill. come on Eagles

  17. Shinskie is getting pressured every time. Where is the blocking?

  18. Herzlich with one hand is better than most of our offense.

  19. Nice one, Herzy, but now the O will get 0 points off it.

  20. This is it. If we dont score here, we lose this game.

  21. The team did not seem this bad under Dan Henning because they had an offense and slack D. With the reverse situation, it looks much worse.

  22. Our offense looks so bad even when plays are made they look like mistakes. We need a offensive overhaul this offseason. Good job Herzy with the pick

  23. 1st and goal. Two bad passes from Shinskie. 3 points.

    I think the football team from Glee could beat us.

  24. The next, if any, BC TD will be scored by our D.

  25. just when things are looking better, the D collapses.

  26. Who would have guessed that our talented RB would be a good option to use because he's talented. Certainly not Tranquil.

  27. shinskie has to be the least efficient QB in football

  28. thank god montel is a stud or this team would be absolutely hopeless.

    shinskie with two woeful throws this drive. if rettig is able to play, why isn't he?

    shinskie is 4 for 16 so far.

    we've run 8 times for 4.6 per carry. lets just run it down their throats.

    here's a prediction: marsocvetra will come in at some point, pass on all 3 downs, and then get pulled.

  29. nice job on the INT

  30. I'm not sure I'm ready to blame our OC for anything yet... he has mixed some easy passes in with some runs here, and Shinskie can't even make easy throws.

    Are you suggesting that we abandon the pass and just give it to Montel? Not going to work. Are you suggesting that the pass plays get easier? Not possible.

    Nice INT there.... this D is a pleasure to watch most of the time

  31. I'm suggesting that I miss the days of the predictable handoff on 1st down. No, dont abandon the pass entirely, but we should allow the closest thing we have to a playmaker to make plays.

  32. PULL HIM HE SUCKS!!!!!!

  33. Shinskie is the worst QB in the history of Boston College. Time for Marsco.

  34. Why Shinskie? Why?

  35. this is something else.

    we have one good player on offense: montel. yet he stays back to block most downs.

    shinskie overthrow for an INT. to be fair, he gets crushed pretty much every play. i thought we had the biggest and baddest O line in the ACC? i'm officially done watching this game.

    (Here's a wrinkle, given that this team is headed to 2-3 and doesn't have a QB: just run the wildcat with montel for majority of the next game. what is there to lose? phifer is a good backup, mccluskey's a solid FB. just run run run and make the D stop you).

  36. Man, I wish we had Wilson. This is pitiful.

    I feel bad for the Defense. They get no rest ever because our offense is averaging a 3 and out.

    So pitiful...

  37. I agree the D is gassed because they cant break for more than 5 mins

  38. we might actually lose every game left on our schedule. we dont want to play. god this is awful.

  39. This is 4 down territory. If spaz kicks, he does not want to win.

  40. Agreed...we need a TD!

  41. Defense not good

  42. I don't blame the defense all that much. They're on the field all the time. Their margin for error is zilch. And Wilson is pretty darn good.

    This offense continues to be incompetent. Shinskie simply isn't accurate. He missed on the slant in the endzone. And Momah didn't help him by looking like a plant on the 2nd slant, when we settled for the first FG. That Larmond injury was crippling. None of the WRs threaten anyone.

    No playmakers.

    To be fair, I think Tranquill did a good job in the 1st half.

    I'm not even confident we can get 6 wins this year. Then again, whoever thought this team would compete for the ACCCG with Shinskie at QB....

    Other than that, things are looking up...

  43. Just think we only have to wait 1,191 days for our new head coach - January 13, 2014.

  44. Shinskie: Please leave team immediately.

  45. another nice read by shinskie.

  46. Shitskie!!!!!!!! How do we go from Matt Ryan to this? I blame Jags. not one of his qb's is still in the program.

    You can't blame Spaz for a terrible junior and senior class recruited by Jagodipski

  47. Wow. That INT was one of Shinskie's most incredible. A real work of art.

    Just "manage" the game, right?

  48. Marsco. .... Can't be worse

  49. 3 and out Marsco. That-a-boy

  50. A hobbled Rettig can't be worse, right?

  51. i can and will blame spaz for not preparing the team adequately for the last three games. 0 points to va tech. we gave up 21 points in the first quarter to our rival on national television before scoring a point. and now, against his former boss, he lays a dud like this. i will blame spaz until he gets this team competitive each week. this is not fun to watch.

  52. Where are all you guys that have been defending Shinskie? I heard the following this week...."at least he's proven he can win"...."he's got a D-1 arm"...."he's way better than Marsco" (really?).

    Shinskie should never be on the field. I've seen at least 11 games of incompetence. I'd rather Marsco "s" the bed if Rettig can't go.

    Where are all the Shinskie supporters?

  53. Quigley for Team MVP at postseason awards ceremony.

  54. I know Spaz (and everyone else) doesn't trust the offense at all, but punting from NC State territory down by 24? Kind of seems like giving up on this game.

  55. "For whatever reason, Marscovetra panics and runs."

  56. I'm almost to the point where I say give Boeck or Flutie a shot. But they must be absolutely horrible to get beat out by these guys.

  57. How could any of the players have even a tiny bit of confidence in the
    coaching staff? This staff has totally mismanaged the quarterback situation. The team is clearing getting worse with each passing game. Just think we could have had Mark Whipple. Thanks Gene.

  58. GDF needs to take immediate action. On Monday, he should start firing people and issue an apology to the BC community. This is the most disgusting display of BC football I've ever seen.

  59. I think I'm gonna start saving time by skipping the second half. We don't score in the second half ever.

  60. I'm looking forward to the "we still control our own destiny...kind of..." posts that are inevitable.

    We just need to win our next six conference games and hope NCSU loses once.


    The "we should win vs." are my favorites.

  61. Eagle 1, you must not remember the Henning years. That was rock bottom for BC football. Fortunately, he got the hook very quickly.

  62. Bring in border, the string bean!!

  63. This is the most embarrassing team I have seen in 15 BC years. Aside from the rank ineptitude on offense, it is so discouraging as a viewer to know there will never be a trick play, a special teams TD, or any chance that we will have a coach that goes for it on 4th down.

    Spaz should be let go at the end of the season and GDF should be next.

    GDF blew his bold Jags hire, then did not stick to his guns and hire outside the school. He was "loyal" to Spaz who obviously does not have the requisite skill set for a head job.

    Great D coordinator, probably a solid guy, but really if you have never been hired for a top job in 30 years there is a reason.

  64. I'm not pissed, yelling, frestrated, etc.

    It's just sad -how far BC has fallen in only 2 years under Spaz

  65. Well, TOB is taking out 3 years of frustration against BC. It was only a matter of time that he would have our number. I always wonder how he would have done with Matt Ryan in Ryan's final 2 years. Would he have led them to the ACCCG as Jags did? TOB was the king of the WTF games, but Jags had his share of WTF's too (Maryland, Fla State and UNC). It's an interesting debate.

  66. Jags only had Ryan for 1 year.

    He was able to take a dogsh*t offense to the CG in 08

  67. Hi Michael! I was a Shinskie supporter going into this week, as were at least 90% of BC fans. How's your boy Marsco doing? Shitting his pants? Strange.

    The quest for a new staff starts now...I hope we go 2-10

  68. What is really sad is that BC has moved from a 12-year success sustaining program to now what will most likely be a 2-3 rebuilding project. I think the young players have promise, but the qb touches the ball on nearly every offensive play so we need to get that shored up first. Jags was an exciting riverboat gambler, but he was a horrific recruiter and he shares some of the blame for this mess.

  69. Wow, TOB attempting to run up the score. Where was this guy at BC?

  70. At 2:44 PM, eagleboston said...
    "Well, TOB is taking out 3 years of frustration against BC. It was only a matter of time that he would have our number."

    He doesn't have our number. We gave it away to all of D1 football.

  71. Please watch the Georgia-Tennessee game and see for yourself how exciting Georgia's offense is due to Mark Richts diverse play calls. Mark Richt to BC anyone??

  72. That is an absolute horseshit call. The ball was not only out of the runner's hands, but it hit the outside of the pylon.

  73. Let's be clear. I said Rettig is the only QB to have any hope about. Marsco's no good either but Shinskie has had more than enough chances. Shinskie should never play again

  74. Will marsco get us a score??? Sadly he is worse than Shinskie.

  75. I'll give Richt a shot at BC faster than Shinskie can turn the ball over

  76. And faster than Marsco can go 3 and out

  77. I agree with Eagle 1. GDP needs to apologize to all season ticket holders. I never, never expected this kind of season. So depressing.

  78. 3 and out marsco

  79. Forget Richt. Seriously Gene is not not going to fire Spaz only two years into his contract. We will have to put up with this for another two years minimum.

  80. Richt doesn't call the plays. Bobo does. And if you lived in Atlanta, you'd know exactly how high the tree should be to hang the rope for those two. Richt has never been accused of being creative.

    The next few yrs are all dependent on Rettig. Kinda scary.

  81. This program is embarasing.

    I say take the kickoff (Fox return for 15 yds to the 25)

    1st down: Dive left
    2nd Down: Take a knee
    3rd Down: Punt (just in case of a miffed snap)

  82. CT, you obviously dont follow Georgia football because if you did, then you would know that Mark Richt has more heat on him than a Shinskie fastball..

  83. Whoops, I forgot to factor in a holding penalty...

  84. We also need to get rid of Fox as a kick returner. He is slow and aims for the defenders. Say what you will about Gause, but his returns have some electricity to them.

  85. Whoa I take back everything I said! Marz is the FUTURE

  86. OMG, they scored!

  87. You can't fire Spaz yet. A) BC does not have the money to fire one coach, pay his buyout and pay a decent salary to attract a new coach and B)the guy does not even have his own players in the system yet. He managed to guide this team to 8 wins last year despite the fact he lost he best player to cancer and had no qb's. Further, other than Fla State and Clemson, BC should, I repeat should win their remaining games, although none will be easy.

    No question, there are concerns about Spaz. He is overly cautious and his teams have come out flat too many times for my liking but I feel he needs to get his players in the system before we can throw him out.

  88. That was my point, Bob. Read better.

    Richt has a ton of heat from a delusional fanbase with outrageously out-of-proportion expectations. I live in Atlanta. UGA owns Atlanta.

    He annually competes for the most number of arrests with Fla. and Tenn. I believe the SEC winner gets a trophy for that. He recruits a Top 5 football state in Ga and has his pick. He gets paid a lot of money.

    What exactly makes you think that's a fit at BC? Because he prays a lot? Because he wants a pay cut? Because he'll actually have to talk to the Admissions Dept at BC to clear athletes?

    That's called a "step down." Coaching in the SEC vs. coaching at half-filled Alumni? Hmm....

  89. I was debating on whether to drive up to BC for another couple of home games. Spaz has saved me from having to make that decision. Praying for Rettig to heal quickly.

  90. LOL. Echoing CT's comments, there's no way Richt is here next season. Its just not happening.

    Anybody who says that 6-6 is the "worst case" scenario is completely delusional. We are 2-3 going into an away game in Tallahassee. If Rettig plays, its his first career away game in front of 90,000+ fans. If he doesn't, we're doomed.

    2-4. Going into 2 home games (Maryland, Clemson), @ Wake, @ Duke, UVA, then @ Cuse. Given the current state of affairs, going 4-2 is absolutely the best case scenario. 4-8 is likely, and 6-6 is best case. Worst case scenario for this team is 3-9.

    I don't want to be Debbie Downer, I think this is an objective take on the team. Kuechly is a stud. 20 tackles today and I think the announcers said 14 straight games with double-digit tackles. The guy is a menace, all over the field. The rest of the D is OK, though clearly are hurt when they are on the field after every 3 & out.

    Harris is a stud. Phifer looked good today. What happened to the offensive line is anybody guess, they are awful. Shinskie, as horrible as he is, was constantly under pressure and took a # of big hits. Swigert has looked good. He had a nice TD in the ND game, and he had two nice catches today.

    The SRs on this team are not very good and we can blame Jags for sleeping at the wheel, practicing for his Jets interview instead of recruiting. That is on GDF. If Tranquill isn't fired on Monday, that is on Spaziani and Gene. The QB and O-Line situation is a mess, there is no other way to describe it. The offense is just a complete joke. To have the huge line that we have AND two competent running backs and to NOT be able to move the ball is unacceptable. Tranquill must go.

  91. Maybe Gene is getting ready to jump the ACC for the MAC...because this team cannot compete with the ACC. Rail against TOB for all the reasons we do...he did have the audacity to get us ready to COMPETE. This group of kids was not put in a position in which they could compete, and that is a Coaching Issue. Yes, we have no QB, but that has ben a problem for a few years now, since Matt left. If we have the talent, why are they not being placed in a situation in which they can COMPETE?
    GP EAGLES! EVER TO EXCEL! Time for a Change...

  92. mmason,

    I'd say we haven't had a competent qb since Crane left. As much as he was no Matt Ryan, I'd take Crane a thousand times over, versus any qb currently on the roster.

    Man...I never thought I'd say the words, "I miss Chris Crane". What a state BC football suddenly finds itself in.

    Does missing Larmond and Gunnell really make the difference betw

  93. I honestly think we miss Tennant more than anything. Veteran leadership, calling out protections, etc.

    The OLine has been a joke this year.

  94. Listening to WEEI and Pete Cronin just said - "the season is not a lost cause." Talk about a homer. My daughter is a junior at BC and told me that all the kids messages on Facebook read: "Football season over, good news is that the puck drops tonight."

  95. ChiFire--you're right, because Chris actually improved until he was hurt. He started toget it, and he went down going for it on the ground. I admired his guts and his learning curve was on the up. In our present dilemma, and having/losing Rettig (almost simultaneously) highlighted the fact that we could sure use some talent, once having a glimmer of a glimpse with Chase of what talent can do. But it still come down to coaching. The preparation on the O-side is just not visible. Rettig got hurt being chased from the pocket...Hail O Line U.!
    Go Eagles! If we're so smart, let's start looking like it!

  96. can we still red shirt Rettig this year? Why waste him in a lost year.

  97. John, this is the perfect season to "waste" Rettig. His first year is going to be a learning experience, so why not let him learn when there is no pressure and nothing major on the line? Then, next season, he has game experience, he's taken a few lumps and he knows what to do.

  98. Good point. Maybe bring him back for Maryland. Hopefully healthy.


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