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Saturday, October 02, 2010

In-game comments post: Notre Dame

Another Notre Dame game. Another turning point for BC football. The Irish are struggling but so are we. Spaz needs this win to change the atmosphere around the program and to hopefully start Chase Rettig on a path to stardom. It could be a momentous night. Leave your thoughts and comments throughout the game.

You can also join the conversation on the Eagle Insider message boards.

During the game, I may have the occasional comment on Twitter.


  1. C'mon Eagles, try to score at least.

    Keep that streak of not being shut out twice in a row since 1965 going.

  2. Must win for both teams. Can't imagine Notre Dame falling to 1-4, so we have to be prepared for a real battle tonight. Go Eagles!

    By the way, Miami did us a favor by beating Clemson. Now, we need the Hokies to defeat the Wolfpack.

  3. hokies delivered! NCSU has a loss now. But they look like a very tough team.

  4. CHESTNUT HILL – Boston College head coach Frank Spaziani has announced that true freshman Chase Rettig will be the starting quarterback for the Eagles tonight against Notre Dame.

    The official announcement ends a week-long speculation about who would replace sophomore Dave Shinskie, who lost the job after Boston College’s 19-0 loss to Virginia Tech.

    Spaziani also announced the junior defensive lineman Kaleb Ramsey has been suspended for tonight’s game against Notre Dame due to an undisclosed violation of team rules.

    Conor O’Neal will start in place of Ramsey.

  5. BC's only hope this year is that Chase Rettig turns out to be the future of the program.

    If Rettig crashes and burns tonight, then what?

    Spaz is pushing all-in with this move. I give him credit. I'm also drinking.

    Wouldn't it be great if Rettig showed promise...

  6. Let the Rettig era begin!!!

    Knock on wood

    Keep fingers crossed

    Throw salt over shoulder

    Wear rally cap

  7. I can't fricken believe it. ESPN 3 has blacked out the game in our area. It's not on TV anywhere. Man, I am beyond pissed right now.

  8. Herzy. Mohwak eye black oh yeah

  9. Omg 41 yds on kick off

  10. Oh boy. This is getting ugly

  11. Well that was quick.

  12. It was good seeing the bazooka. Too bad it didn't work

  13. well this isn't going well at all

  14. Anyone know which radio station is carrying the game? I can't find it on either WEEI or WRKO

  15. Where are you located EB?

  16. dillon quinn erra bigins to with penalty

  17. This whole running up the middle thing doesn't seem too be working...

  18. This could be very very ugly.

  19. Gause cost us too big plays. Let's hope he makes up for it with a int.

  20. I can't believe I am resorting to listening to this game on WZBC. The announcers actually are not half bad.

  21. Do we not watch tape on ND w/ the bubble screens?

  22. who is 78 on dl?

  23. We play minor league football.

  24. Wow, I guess I am glad I can't watch this game. I knew Kelly would run circles around Spaz, but I thought we could pick them off this year due to Kelly not having his own players.

    Not giving up yet but I would feel better about a comeback if we had an offense.

  25. Can know one catch on BC these days? Might as well watch the Stanford-Oregon game now. This is way over. Utter disgrace.

  26. The o-line needs to get their act together.

  27. Nice to see the offense going backwards. Negative yards total so far.

  28. This isn't just bad. It's embarrassing. Did we prep for this game?

  29. On the bright side, at least BC isn't playing as bad as Oregon yet.

  30. nd knows gause stinks

  31. Gause lining up against Floyd is not working.

  32. There's really no need to make any comments on this game--just recycle everything we've all been saying for the last two games.

    It's 14-0 Irish and we look slow, out of synch, and are back where we began -- a frosh QB and no blocking for Montel. Rettig has protection but he can't hit a moving target. He's going to throw a few pick-6's and Gary will keep calling the same crappy run plays up the middle to a stacked box. ND is just faster than BC and we're working to Big Least refs,. so don't expect any calls to go our way.

    This is going to get really ugly, really fast.

  33. There's really no need to make any comments on this game--just recycle everything we've all been saying for the last two games.

    It's 14-0 Irish and we look slow, out of synch, and are back where we began -- a frosh QB and no blocking for Montel. Rettig has protection but he can't hit a moving target. He's going to throw a few pick-6's and Gary will keep calling the same crappy run plays up the middle to a stacked box. ND is just faster than BC and we're working to Big Least refs,. so don't expect any calls to go our way.

    This is going to get really ugly, really fast.

  34. Who's gonna be BC's next HC? I'm hoping for maybe Cutcliffe(sp?) from Duke. Up and comer who's doing something with nothing down there.

  35. Welcome to the Spaz and Tranquill show.

    I say we recruit some speed soon.

  36. I'm hopping on the fire Spaz/Tranquil/DeFilippo bandwagon. Clean house! How can you not prepare for Va Tech in 2 weeks and ND the week after? No excuses whatsoever.

  37. Now Bobby Diaco is going to tee up and blitz the crap out of Rettig with the 21-0 lead.

  38. OK, we have some life. ND let up a bit and Rettig made them pay. Now we need the defense to step it up.

  39. Wow--Rettig did what every other good QB did to ND. Beat 'em deep. I'm shocked--we scored and with two plays that actually gained yardage.

  40. Imagine what happens when you open the damned playbook and take chances.

  41. Looks like we're going to need that vertical passing game to open up the running game... Hopefully Rettig can find a few more open receivers and maybe Montel will then be able to find a few running lanes.

  42. McGovern is getting outcoached.

  43. Imagine what happens when you take the playbook away from Gary and then take some chances...

  44. Liked the quick decision to take off there for the 1st.

  45. A play-action pass on first down would work wonders. Don't know why it's such a great idea to run up the middle every first down with 8 ND players in the box.

  46. Montel 7 carries for 5 yards. Ouch!

  47. Last time a BC kicker hit a 49 yarder?

  48. It's nice to see that BC has a kicker who can hit one from over 40 yards.

  49. Nice to finally have a field goal kicker to give you some options. Rettig gaining confidence. Still have a huge margin to make up, but if we can get a running game going, look out.

  50. rettig hurt???? shit

  51. My "Going to get Ugly" Meter has just been readjusted...but our D better show up for a full 3 qtrs to go,, and now Rettig has now been injured...just when we started to grow a pair. Where's our luck?

  52. Marsco is not the answer.

  53. Marsco looks God awful.

  54. bring back shinskie

  55. FUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BC RECOVERS!

  56. Jesus Tranquil. Nice playcalling.

  57. What is Rettig doing on the sideline? Shouldn't he be in the game or in the locker room?

  58. Tranquill is awful.

    But then again, so is Marscovetra. He has to throw earlier...he had Montel in the flat with the db's back turned, but he waited...

  59. Tranq has to go. I've defended Spaz from day 1. If weblog this game he's got to go. It is unforgivable ( unless wevein) to go down 21-0 to a mediocre big east (for all intents) team.

  60. We're making a comeback. let's keep rolling.

  61. These announcers love to trash our pathetic offense with comments about our woeful record on 3rd downs.
    Too bad the truth hurts so much.

    How could that be targeting with the helmet? Damn Big Least refs They'll give ND the game on a platter.

  62. Blame iPhone for my mispelling. To f*** this game so badly, this team has actually gotten worse from last yr. Unacceptable.

  63. Can't believe Rettig got hurt. Finally showing some life on offense. Ugh.

  64. shinskie shinskie shinskie

  65. Too bad Rettig is hurt. Doubt he will be back and he was really gaining confidence. We just have not had much luck the past 2 years.

    Why is the kick-off coverage so horrific? That cost them 3 critical points at the end of the half. And LeGrande's dumbass penalty did not help matters.

  66. We can only kickoff down to the 15 with a line drive?

    Kelley does a better job of getting their guys in space on offense. We suck at it.

  67. I officially hate Tranquill.

  68. Predictable: Run up the middle, run up the middle, piss poor pass by Marsco. Any and all momentum is officially gone.

  69. I can't believe I'm saying this, but if Rettig is out, put in Shinskie...

  70. Actually Legrande's penalty was BS...to call that spearing or targeting w/ helmet was just jive.

    Rettig is the answer, though. He's the BC future. Football smarts with a great arm and some huevos.

    Too bad we have to go to Marsco now...

    Turnovers are the only way we'll beat these guys.

  71. That was a poor coaching decision. Call the time out...

  72. 2 minutes left in the half and zero sense of urgency. I absolutely hate Spaz. He does the exact opposite of what it takes to win.

  73. And grow a pair of cajones Spaz.

  74. WTF is he doing calling a timeout so he can punt?!?!?!? We coulda just let the clock run out. Notre Dame was content to do the same!

  75. Amazing how well Rettig played versus Marscovetra. How did the coaching staff not see that this kid was BC's best option? I bet had Rettig played the full half, the score would be at least 24-20 instead of 24-13. At least we still have life but I really want us to win this game for Catholic pride.

  76. I am confounded by the decision to call the punt after a time out. Any one else? (PS I support Spaz relentlessly. Just not here...)

  77. I hate having a fucking moron for a head coach

  78. This guy is fucking clueless. Thanks for acknowledging you guys have no clue what you are doing. We are going to find out where to go from here? Meaning you didn't have a plan going into the game?

  79. Why call timeout and then punt? What. A. Moron.

    We look like Les Miles.

    Are all our coaches eunuchs?

    Marscovetra cannot win this game.

    We blew our best chance by settling for two FGs.

  80. This is a nationally televised game. Potential recruits are watching. Spaz and Tranquill are doing nothing to improve our chances of getting playmakers.

    It's like they coach in a vacuum.

    Can't wait to see the awesome adjustments our OC makes.

  81. Rettig actually looked half decent before getting injured. We can't win with Marsco, but even if we could we'd need to beat the refs and our own coaching staff too. Too bad our team has 3 opponents this time around

  82. BC has a whopping 64 yards in penalites versus 0 for Notre Dame. Are the Big East refs still mad at us?

  83. God Spaz's answers to her questions at the half were painful. Saying that the only adjustment the D made was for ND to turn it over. Why did we call timeout, b/c we had no idea what the hell we were doing.

    Seriously, try to talk with some confidence about your team.

  84. spaz is a doofus on camera.....and off

  85. rettig will not return too bad

  86. Does Marsco not know how to throw the damn ball out of bounds? Christ.

  87. Shinskie is better than Marscovetra...Marscovetra should never play college football at the Div 1 level.

  88. marsco 3 anmd forever

  89. Is Quigley the best player on this team? He is certainly the most effective.

  90. Hilariously poor attempt.

  91. We just don't have any decent receivers. It's killing us.

  92. I have never heard announcers rip players as much as they have ripped our receivers. Every series they talk about how bad they are. Ouch.

  93. Our WRs are being made fun of by the announcers. Hilarious. And deservedly so. Even Matt Millen is making fun of them. And he loved drafting WRs!

  94. will stuborn Spaz and Tranq watste teh whole 3Q before they realize that Marsco blows.

    put Shinskie in... he might inspire the Oline and others..

  95. I feel bad for Montel. The only stud on offense.

    Our Oline is overrated and our QBs are awful. This is a 1-3 ND team.

    Let's hear it for the polyannas.

  96. Get Marsco out of there now.

  97. I'll give some credit to Tranq for the flea flicker. If only we could execute...

  98. Spaz is a moron. He should never have been hired as the HC. He can't make an adjustment or a critical personnel decision at all.

  99. is all the air out of the enthusiasm balloon? I think so

  100. ND can put the game away here with a score...any kind of score.

  101. Yeah CT, some BC fans have no sense of college football reality. Some were talking about a natonal title in August. We have never won the ACC and they were talking national title. There are only about 10-12 teams that have a shot at winning a national title in this era. It's all about athletic budgets and our budget is not large enough to win at that elite level. But, I do think it is a valid goal to be competitive in the ACC and possibly win the darn thing once or twice a decade.

  102. i did not see any interference on the last play... these Big East refs must be on the take

  103. I laughed at all those who thought we would have a shot at the ACC title even in a down ACC year. We are never getting to the promised land with these clowns in charge. And with that TD, the game is officially over.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. Tranq said he'd open the playbook tonight. Really? To Page 2?

    Shinskie should've been the next QB in, not Marscovetra. I feel bad for the kid, but he's clearly not ready, nor is he helped by the OC, the OLine, or the WRs.

    That long ND drive is the killer. A spread option attack. Go figure.

    This team is clearly regressing.

  106. "I told you so dicks?" They clearly have a right to say what they want. You guys were bashing them earlier before the season started for what they said. Now that they have been proven correct, you get bent out of shape.

  107. Love it? I hate it worse than you and the blinders you wear. We play in a weak conference. We screwed up the QB situation. Montel just wasted a year. Herzlich, too. We have a HC and an OC who may not be competent. We haven't improved. Our playcalling is bad. We lack creativity.

    Other than that, Mod, we're everything you thought we were.

    Get a clue.

  108. u guys wallow is negativity...it is your comfort zone...no question about it...

  109. Btw, how the hell did ND get the ball again so quickly? I turn to the Stanford game during commercial and I come back and ND already has the ball. Let me guess, Tranquil struck?

  110. There's really nothing to be positive about when it comes to BC football these days mod.

  111. I don't want people to get the perception I'm bashing BC by saying they cannot win a national title. I would say the same thing about 90% of college teams. In fact, I think BC has a remarkable program considering we are a small, private school in the northeast with a budget much lower than the elite teams in America. We have the second most wins since joining the ACC. Only Va Tech has more. BC has a very good program but I think some BC fans, who probably don't know much about college football, make ridiculous predictions about BC winning national titles. Our goal should be to be competetive in the ACC and graduate our players. Period.

  112. 10 second half yards before that last sack. Yay! Tranquil sure as hell made some great halftime adjustments, just like last week.

  113. I just dont get this. Why not try Shinskie? They are basically giving up here to prove a point.

  114. Marsco has no idea what is going on when he drops back. He doesn't seem to see anything. Of course, doesn't help that when he does make a decent pass, our receivers can't hold on.

    So disappointing that Rettig got hurt.

  115. eagleoston -- NOBODY ever seriously said we could win the NC. So why do you pretend that that is the mindset of BC fans? ...you know the old strawman argument...

    and with our seemingly easy schedule, the ACC is STILL within reach (of course we had better improve in a hurry!)

  116. You don't need elite, Alabama-like talent to win the Orange Bowl.

    You think ND is going to drop its standards just b/c Kelley is coaching?

    But any program that has Bobby Swigert as a primary option at WR is never going to be anything other than a curiousity between commercials.

  117. Mod, we can definitely agree that this game, while potentially a major hurdle in determining bowl eligibility, has no bearing on the ACC. We have a very good shot at winning the Atlantic as I feel the winner will have 3 losses. However, we cannot play around as we already have 1 loss and some very, very tough games still to play.

  118. sign of the times --

    2010 ND game: ~ 150 in-game comments

    2009 ND game : 350 in-game comments

    evidence of the lack of buzz and excitement on the BC gridiron???...

  119. And I thought I was drunk.

    Win the Atlantic with this team?

    You guys are delusional.

  120. "If you like punts, BC is the place to be.." - Commentator
    Wow, it is so embarrassing to be a BC fan right now. I am glad this game is only on gameplan on the west coast, so I don't have to hear shit from all my friends. This is rough. Marsco sucks. I feel so bad for Montell and Rettig.

  121. Tonight should not be such a great surprise to anyone who really watched ND play some quality teams. They have some pop and passion--on both sides of the ball.
    Their coach is a hot tempered little screamer who won't live long if he keeps up his endless gametime rants, but atleast he gives a damn. There's some passion there that's probably contagious.

    Spaz, in contrast, is like some pissed off stoic and he doesn't have a gambler's heart--he worked hard to get here and he's happy with that--and it shows in the lack of imagination in this scheme he's got going. He'll settle for less. Does he have enough ambition to take BC very far? No. Is Rettig the New Hope, the Real Deal? Yeah. Will Tranquil make the right moves with him? Doubt it.

    That INT we just gave up was a real rally killer...bummer.
    Is it wrong to have faith in BC's football future? No.
    We should Always Believe in BC...We'll be back. I'd rather be us than ND any time.

    Watch Little Napoleon Kelly flip out on that INT. What an idiot. Take a valium, dude.

  122. I think the unpleasant surprise tonight is not that Marsco sucks, or that Tranq and Spaz are not great motivators or in-game coaches. We knew all that.

    No the real surprise here is to see how bad our defense looks. They are just so inconsistent.

    I also like that Matt MIllen essentially said our meaty O-Line is a bunch of pussies. They are the disappointment of the year.

    But, yes CT, things for BC could turn around...ND is 1-3, but played high quality opponents and are better than record suggests.

  123. mmason -- good point contrasting the mustachioed one with the red-faced ranter! It makes a difference.

  124. We're getting crushed at home. We haven't played a road game yet.

    Oh, and we have NO QB....

    I'll give you credit. You're still unbelievably naive when it comes to college football. But, hey, go Sox, right?

  125. I will take the little Napoleon Kelly over Spaz any day. Cause like you said, at least he gives a damn. Exit question: when do we start clamoring for the days when TOB roamed the sidelines?

  126. Mod, I can't believe it, but I have to agree with you yet again. This is 1 game. I cannot recall a single BC season in recent memory where they did not lay an egg at least once. Even in Matt Ryan's senior season they lost to a mediocre Florida State team and then lost to Maryland. I know things look bad, but I feel we have hit rock bottom and we can only go up from here. Further, Rettig looks promising. Hopefully, he will only be out for a few days and he can give this anemic offense a little spark. It's a long season, we are 2-2, not 0-4, and we are still very much in the Atlantic hunt.

  127. CT -- can you please give us the lecture about the SEC and real football again. PLEASE. Especially about the "overall speed of the game" Ha!

    To paraphrase Dean Wormer, CT, being a drunk football cynic is no way to go through life. Cheers and cheerfulness to you.

    I guess my playing and watching football for many decades is for nought compared to someone who lives near an SEC stadium

  128. If you live on the West Coast, as I do--you already have been hearing about how much BC sucks--unless you live in a vacuum. (pun intended) We do suck this year--and that's too bad, 'cuz Herzy and Keuchly and a bunch of these BC kids are really good. But we've sucked before...and ND sucked for several years--and we'll kick their butts when we stop all this delusional dreaming about winning National or Conference titles when we're in building modes with weak coaches and playing with rookie QB's.

    We need to know what we have and get real. We lost key people and have an OC who lacks imagination. Our HC is a nice guy with no vision.Our fan base travels badly and our team lacks discipline. The ACC will not be a pushover, and the other teams' fans show up for games. What alums need to do is be loyal and vocal about we want to see from our programs. And we all need to take off the rose colored glasses...And Mat Millen was right--our O Line are a bunch of pussies...but atleast this time they protected the QBs. Wait 'til next year. Out.

  129. Mod, I wouldn't waste a serious football conversation on you, so don't worry.

    I said I was drinking. Not drunk.

    And I'm right. You're not. But that's okay. You're like most BC alums.

    I don't care how long you've played/watched/dreamt or thought about football. It seems to me you're in need of an education on the topic.

  130. That fucking sucked. Couldn't even stay through Alma Mater. With that said...

    ...Anyone who even mentions (sarcastically or not) pining for TOB needs to take 20 seconds and think about how incredibly angry he made everyone. There is basically nothing that Spaz can do to make me more frustrated than TOB made me after the 06 Miami game.

  131. But CT, what about the overall team speed of SEC teams Mr genius! yuk, yuk

    its just a blog CT .... chill...

  132. Chuck--Oh I'm not nearly at that point yet. However, if BC keeps putting up these poor performances, and if the coaches keep coming in game after game with unprepared teams and terrible game plans, things could change. Just wanted to know how much more of this crap we could put up with before the TOB days look good.

  133. 3 Steps for BC to improve in the upcoming years...

    1. Fire Tranquil and Spaz and hopefully bring in someone like Mark Richt and have them bring their own OC
    2. Start recruiting some more athletes and playmakers from Florida, Georgia, and Texas
    3. Teach the Oline how to grow a pair and stop being women
    4. Get some exciting plays on offense (ala Oregon or Boise State)

  134. mmason:

    What a delusional d-bag. BC will NEVER beat ND again now that they have a marginally decent coach. Their recruiting is far superior to the regional BC catch. In fact, with the exception of hockey, ND is far superior to BC in every men's and women's sport. Oh yeah, in academics as well!! Ever to excel my ass.


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