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Saturday, March 19, 2011

In-game comments post: NIT, WNIT and Hockey East Championship

Big day on the Heights and at the Garden. It marks another step for the men and women in their respective NITs and a chance for the Hockey team win another Hockey East title. Let's make it 3-0.

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  1. NIT - will be there

    Womens - won't

    Hockey - have to hit a birthday party but hope it is on the tv.

  2. Alright, I don't know how many current students read this blog but I'm gonna have to call you guys out on today's attendance. I know the NIT isn't anyone's dream but an 11am tourney game on campus and we can't muster more than 5 students? Northwestern has a louder section. Jesus.

    And can someone find Cahill a smaller t-shirt?

  3. Dan -

    Apparently the team didn't bother to show up either, so can you blame the students?

  4. Is there a new major in predicting the future that I'm not aware of 1331? Because frankly I don't think anyone saw this beating coming. If the students did, kudos to them but I'm pretty sure it was just plain apathy. I don't think a packed house would've won the game but a little energy wouldn't have hurt.

    Hopefully that was the last Skinner era game we will have to watch. From here on out it's gonna be mostly Donahue players.

    Curious if this debacle will inspire Reggie to come back or push him to leave.

    Over under on timeframe for Bravesbill to come on and talk about how we got outclassed?

  5. When I was a student in the late 80's our team was not that good but we filled the stands. I don't know what is wrong with the students of today. Of course, we did not have the distractions of cell phones and the Internet. To have fun, we actually had to leave our cocoons and do things.

    I was upset that BC did not make the NCAA tourney, but today's performance showed that the committee made the right choice. Love Coach D though, and I feel brighter days are ahead.

  6. Joe showed up. Reggie, biko, and raji didn't. Defense was poor. We could have gone inside all day on them but managed to miss that chance.

    I hope Reggie stays but I don't know why he ever would if someone projects him 1st rd. Already 1st team ACC with a good reputation.
    Being on a losing team next year probably wouldn't help his wallet.

  7. do you know what you are talking about Dan? there were a bunch of students there, and in fact BC was turning some students away at 11:10 because they ran out of tickets. Explain to me please how that is there fault if they couldn't get into the game because BC dropped the ball. I'm sure the football and hockey crowds were so much better in the 80s too because those were the glory days. Since that year you graduated, everything has gone downhill. Stop being a bitter old man.

  8. I haven't heard anything about students being turned away, but that would be terrible on BC's part.

    I was there in the student section, and it was (unfortunately) what I expected in terms of turnout. After going to essentially every football, basketball, and hockey game during my four years here, it was pretty predictable that a NIT 11 am game would not have the best turnout (although I really want to here more about students getting turned away because maybe a bunch of students did try to get in).

    I just really wanted to go to more basketball games...

  9. I graduated last year, 2010. When I was a freshman, we had a lottery for basketball AND hockey tickets. Plenty of students were unable to go to games because the demand was so high and they were turned away in the lottery. Having a campus with great sports and school spirit is one of the major reasons why I, and many of my friends, came to BC. By the time I was a senior, seems like nobody cared about either team. Yes, the basketball product has declined a fair amount since then, but the hockey product has not. I have no idea what has been the cause of this apathy (it's certainly not because of the internet, eagleboston) but Gene has to do something about it...unfortunately it seems like he's been doing his best James Dolan impression lately. No one is going to want to go to games as alumni if they didn't even go as students.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm not going to stick up for the student body, but those of us that do come to the games do what we can.

    Today, though, I know for a fact that students were turned away right at 11 or so because they had run out of printed tickets. Seems silly when they were free anyway.

    Student turnout at hockey games has been great all year. Not an issue.

  12. Hockey East champions!

  13. Keep crying Dan. Your incoherent are hilarious. Why would I mention that BC got outclasses? Number 1, it's the NIT. Number 2, can't say I didn't see this coming.

  14. i completed the trifecta this weekend hockey-hoops-hockey. tonight at the garden was awesome despite being in a different section as last night, i STILL had to sit behind an unbelievably obnoxious BU fan who showed up for the sole purpose of cheering against BC both nights.

    This is a great hockey team to watch. it's too bad we are going to pay for UNH's sucking by most likely having to head out west (St. Louis) for the NCAA regionals. Details from USCHO.com:

    "The Eagles (30–7–1) will have to wait for the NCAA tournament committee to sort out an interesting dilemma. New Hampshire, host of the Northeast regional in Manchester, N.H., fell to 13th in the final PairWise on Saturday. BC has locked up a number one seed, but can’t play New Hampshire in the opening round according to the NCAA’s procedures. With Yale, the number one overall seed, hosting the East Regional in Bridgeport, it appears as if the Eagles will be headed to either the Green Bay or St. Louis regionals."

  15. If anyone is surprised by our NIT performance then they haven't watched this year's Eagles roundball team--c'mon--check the record and move on; let's look to a greater future with next year's freshmen and a gut-check for Reggie as a senior.

    Let's be PROUD of our Eagle Hockey Team. Big comeback against a great Merrimack team who had stuffed them twice this year. Atkinson is money, and Muse was superb. This is what Champions do...win with consistent play and tough defense. Beanpot, season champs and Hockey East #1!
    True Champs, team players--Execution and no excuses. That's the ticket. Go Eagles!!!

  16. I'm a little stunned that BC hockey didn't get more respect by the committee, which could have put them in NH and bumped UNH up to a 3 seed. To punish a 1 seed for the convenience of a 4 seed is confounding logic. In the grand scheme of results, it won't matter--they should end up holding a trophy in the Twin Cities either way. But it is disrespect.

    BC hoops' glory days were in the late 80s? I was there then. I don't remember that. What I remember were 1-15 Big East records and a diminuitive hallmate walking right on to the team because they'd take anyone who could dribble a basketball without tripping over it.

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