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Monday, August 29, 2011

Depth chart released and other links

BC released its depth chart today. All the injuries and roster shakeups made this somewhat predictable. Of note, BC is listing 3 WRs as the base offense. Spinney will start at LG. He and his replacement at Center Andy Gallick will be watched closely. If the line doesn't perform well, moving Spinney back to Center will be suggested frequently. Connor Wujciak also made the two deep which means he is probably not scheduled to redshirt. Al Louis-Jean has long been expected to play as a true freshman.

Jason Swepson is leaning on TOB as he begins his career as a head coach. Depending on how he performs and when Spaz retires, Swepson will probably get a look or at least an interview for the BC head job.

Southcoasttoday.com checked in with Sean Sylvia and one time BC recruit Arthur Lynch.

SI's Stewart Mandel predicts we will be in Sun Bowl Military Bowl. [FIXED]

Men's Soccer defeated Fairfield 2-1. This complimented a nice article on BC's latest soccer transfer Steve Rose.

The Colts cut Josh Beekman. I am sure he will try to catch on with someone this season.

Former Eagle Josh Haden is MIA at Toledo.


  1. It looks like Mandel has us in the Military Bowl(ACC No. 8) vs. Navy.

  2. I see Mandel having us in the Military bowl.

  3. Some quick thoughts on the depth chart:

    We don't need any additional injuries;

    We have an O-line that will be one of the lightest in the league - we can't say we have the biggest linemen for sure 303, 282, 284, 288, 300;

    We are moving toward an all-Massachusetts defensive backfield - not necessarily a bad thing, just interesting.

    We have a pretty young team;

    Spaziani likes his own players;

    Kimble must be pretty good - Is Deuce Finch healthy?

    The holders are not QBs.

    What else do we see?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Does Mandel have us in the Military bowl??

    LOL. A pair of parallel posts proximately pasted by pleasantly persnickety proofreaders

  6. Let's get this excitement factor going.

    I'm going to date myself, but here's the scene (when I became a diehard BC fan):

    A few seconds left in the game, score tied, the Eagles with the ball somewhere near mid-field - the moral victory secured; the QB drops back and throws a wobbly "Hail Mary" and 2 or 3 cocky defenders position themselves for the interception or knockdown - but wait! Our tight end backtracks and grabs the pass one-handed (left hand fully extended)on the full gallop about the 15 yard line and streaks into the end zone for the winning TD!.

    That was my first game as a BC student - along with Lenny and maybe some other posters on here.

    BC shocks recent National Champ Syracuse 21 to 14 - a team boasting Jim Nance and Floyd Little in the same backfield - September 19, 1964.

    The pass was thrown by Larry Marzetti (who went on to become a very successful attorney) and snatched out of the sky by the late Bill Cronin from Lawrence, MA - undoubtedly one of the most exciting plays I have ever seen in a college game - the play unfolded directly in front of me at Alumni Stadium.

    Lesson - don't ever count this team out. We were huge underdogs in that game.

    Eddie Foley (Glenn's Dad) came in for Marzetti the next week down 19 to 0 at West Point (when Army was good) - and nearly pulled off an unbelievable comeback, but the clock ran out - 19 to 13. The next week, BC travelled to Tennessee and outplayed the Volunteers but lost 16 to 14.

    I have been on a great ride of pride since then - sure, plenty of heartbreak and sorrow and some embarrassment - but much more joy.

    I support this team and live for the great moments these kids can produce from time to time.

    Let's go coaches - give the players a game plan TO WIN THE GAME.

    Go Eagles - beat Northwestern!

  7. Josh Haden is Exhibit A why recruiting ratings are not the end all be all. Haden came in the highly touted 4-star while Montel Harris was a barely recruited 2-star. Haden, rather than playing the loyal back-up, ditched BC and is no longer seen or heard from while Harris is one of the best rushers in ACC history.

  8. BJK,

    Great post! You're right, its preseason, let's get excited.

    Regarding your question regarding Kimble and Finch, Meter was hyping Kimble this summer and when Dinich interviewed Rettig and asked him about BC's injured RBs, his response was something like "BC fans should be really excited about Kimble"

    Chase clearly hasn't mastered the fine art of QBs lavishing praise on everyone, Tom Brady probably would have mentioned Javorski and Finch and anyone else on the roster, but I thought his response was telling.

    I haven't heard anything about Finch being hurt this year (though he is coming off mono and an ACL tear, can't remember which came first) and Finch got a load of carries in each scrimmage, so I'll hope this is more the case of Kimble impressing people enough in practice to get the shot, rather than Finch being hurt.

    Cannot wait until Saturday.

  9. Love what all that youth on the depth chart means for our future.

  10. BJK:

    Thanks for the memories...47 years of rooting for BC football, through it all, its been more than worth it.

    That day was also memorable for BC's first and last attempt at a student "card section" ala UCLA and USC. We frosh even practiced the night before; but really had problems with keeping our stacks of cards straight. What we spelled out was, thankfully, not recorded for posterity; but the fateful chant of "To the Circle" rang out for the first time as happy BC students assembled en masse and marched down Beacon Street to sit down in Cleveland Circle--except for those of us inside the Circle Pharmacy trying to bribe Larry to sell us underage beer.

    We poured out of the stands past Father Hanrahan, who learned better methods as years passed.

    Standard Disclaimer...none of the youngsters reading should try this on Saturday, someone would probably get killed. It was a simpler time.

    Go Eagles...beat the Wildcats!!

  11. Lenny - my cards went up to the heavens! I felt badly for the poor guy who was trying to collect them at the end of each row. :-)

    It sure is a different time - Given the same circumstances, I hope Coach Spaziani won't signal for the QB to take a knee!

    Go BC.

  12. Jack and Lenny... you guys are awesome, thanks for sharing.


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