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Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Blogpoll Week 2

I am not being honest or objective with this ballot. I watched a lot of football this weekend and , in my opinion, Boise State was the best team I saw. Yet I refuse to place them No. 1 because I really dislike them. I also think they will lose soon. But they deserve great for a good win. As for other teams, I moved they around based on wins and what I thought after glimpses of their games. I didn't vote for Northwestern nor BC.

Games I watched
BC-NU 100% (twice)
Notre Dame-USF 25%
Boise St-UGA 80%
LSU-Oregon 25%
Wake-Syracuse 25%
TCU-Baylor 50%
UCLA-Houston 25%
Maryland-Miami 75%
UNLV-Wisconsin 75%


  1. Oregon State lost to Sac St. and somehow moved up? I'm an Oregonian and I support both Oregon teams in your top 25 but I think this was a mistake.

  2. Any news on Kaleb Ramsey? We really need him!

  3. I winced watching last night's MD-MIA game. Danny O'Brien is a great QB. Throws a very nice ball. MIA's Morris throws well too.

    Both teams looked to be superior to BC presently.

    BC's secondary must get much better in a hurry or both the BC-MD and BC-MIA games are going to get ugly.

  4. I agree. Even though Miami lost, I think they have a bright future under the new HC.

    BTW, the fumble at the end of the first half probably cost them the game.

    I still hate the kneel down.

  5. I thought Maryland looked really tough, and they better if they're ever going to wear those unis again. Holy crap. I got vertigo everytime a player turned their head. They were right out of the Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland, and here we are complaining about "stained glass" on the helmet stripe.

  6. Those unis were the State of Maryland Flag - including the family coat of arms of "Lord Baltimore".

    Under Armour is wacked.

  7. I grew up in Md and have always thought it had the coolest state flag in the U.S., but as a uniform, not so much. It made the Boise St. thing (any Boise State thing) look sane.


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