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Saturday, September 10, 2011

In-game comments post: Central Florida

Bounce back time. As I've said, I don't understand why we are such big underdogs. I expect us to recover from last week and get our first win of the season. If we don't turn it around, then we start getting into "must win" territory in the coming weeks.

As always, leave your thoughts and comments below.

You can also follow me during the game on Twitter.


  1. Any chance Montel plays? I heard he was running again but don't know if there's any chance he plays tonight

  2. NCState loses to Wake! Guess that whole "We don't need Russell Wilson" thing is not working out so well.

  3. does anyone see the game streaming anywhere?

  4. several penalties to start the game. i hate that.

  5. Found a sports bar and asked the bartender who looks like a young Marisa Tomei to put the BC game on and she found it just in time. BC moved the ball very well on that first drive and I loved Freese getting out of hi slump.

  6. Please share if anyone has a stream of the game, on the road and eager to watch.

  7. Can someone please teach Rettig how to throw the ball away?

  8. justin.tv for streaming

  9. Time of possession is an overrated stat but I'm concerned about our defense tiring out in this humidity.

  10. Why was BC running the ball with less than 2 minutes to go in the half?

  11. and of course spaz goes conservative before half and we (A) get no points out of it, (B) give the ball back to UCF so they can score some more before half, and (C) display our inability to manage a football game.

  12. When I saw Spaz had gone back to his towel, I thought we were going to be okay.

    The draws and counters looked good for one series and then UCF adjusted. Mostly BC didn't have the ball.

    If we don' t get going on offense on this first possession of the second half, it will be a very bad night.

  13. Colin,
    Thanks for the tip. I am now watching online. Not that this is really worth watching so far.

  14. At what point is Spaz's job in jeopardy?

  15. Every time a BC starter gets injured, Spaz buys himself some time. Pretty hard to win when half your team cannot play.

  16. Can't catch a break either. From the No-Call on the pass interference to the really bad spot on Pantale's catch that caused the turnover on downs, we've got a lot to overcome in this game.

  17. Is it possible that our offense is actually worse than last year?

  18. Dare we give Shinskie a shot?

  19. This is difficult to watch.

    When will it be time to discuss coaching? Preparation? Stopping a mobile quarterback?

    Executing on offense? Protecting quarterback?

    We are going to have a very long season.

    UCF has made big plays. BC has not.

    This is getting ugly as we lose to a Con- USA team.

  20. BC Football 2011: It's Spaz-tastic!

  21. Actually, playing Shinskie isn't a bad idea. It assures Rettig won't get injured. We're going 3-and-out either way.

  22. And Notre Dame is crushing Michigan. Can the night get any worse? For you younger folks, this is what the '95 season was like. It aint fun.

  23. Shinskie? Hell no! When you get manhandled on the LOS, you can't win. If you can't get their O off the field, you can't win. If you go 1 for 14 on 3rd down or whatever we are, you can't win.

    And if you play Shinskie, you definitely can't win. We already know this.

  24. Rettig is not our answer at qb. You either have it or you don't. Ryan had it. Peterson had it. Rettig doesn't. Rettig is two games into his second season as a starter, and against mid-level competition, has shown little ability to make plays. Give someone else a shot and see what they can do.

  25. 27 days until BC hockey season

  26. Well on the positive side, we are still undefeated in the ACC!

  27. Happy to give someone a shot. Not Shinskie. He had 15 starts and is the worst QB, I've ever seen. I'm 39. I've seen a few. Ryan was one of a kind. This kids has tools. He's got no blocking.

  28. Jampino, we've seen some terrible QBs in the post-ryan era. Shinski was not strong, but I think the closest comparison to Rettig is Porter. A high recruit with the right tools and size, but never put it together on the field. I'm seeing other troubling things that remind me of Porter,such as bad body language and chewing at the refs. Remember it was all Porter's pedigree and tools which kept Ryan on the bench sophmore year. Can't hurt to try someone new before ACC play.

  29. I actually think Rettig will be great by the time he is a senior. He just does not have it tonight. I asked about Shinskie just to see what he could do and make sure Rettig does not get hurt in a game out of reach.

  30. "And the show has reached a new low."

  31. Even Matty wouldn't look good behind this line. Rettig has been running for his life all night. Our o-line is a disgrace.

    I'm not even mad at losing now, just disappointed. I can't believe we're going to waste St. Luke's career with teams like this. Such a shame for that kid. As my buddy Blockparty said, he deserves better.

  32. Completely agree Foodie. I never understood why Ryan couldn't break through the starting lineup when all he did was make plays. That was clear as day to most everyone. With this team, we may be looking at Porter 2.0, but I don't know of anyone on the roster that is better or even close. Shinskie is that bad. So if we're hiding someone that's one thing. In the meantime, we've got to get this kid in situations he can be successful.

    Don't get me started on Spaz.

  33. This team is just pathetic. The only silver lining is that Montel will be back next week and our two losses are non conference games.

  34. Even Spaz knows he can't go to Shinskie. Marsco's in. And no, he shouldn't get a serious look either.

    Rettig is our guy. We need to support him and we need coach. Let's not forget, the players need to perform. Blocking is about desire and skill. We're lacking in both.

  35. This final score is going to be deceiving....the game was 9-3 towards the end of the third quarter, the defense made some big stops in the third quarter and the offense just couldn't do anything with it. I give the defense a B+....did a pretty decent job against a very shifty quarterback (until the fourth quarter but what do you expect when they've been on the field all game and don't have much depth). Offense gets an F...complete failure. Special teams were alright....C grade. Overall D.

  36. You also have to factor in injuries. I know that every team has injuries, but BC had been depleted with their best receiver and running back out, along with key injuries on the D-line. It's pretty hard to win when your best players are out. The radio guys are speculating the BC may switch to a 3-4 defense.

  37. Agree WI, the D is doing everything it can but you can't ask for miracles at this point. (insert long sigh here)

  38. i dont know who would want to watch this dog squeeze team and this dog squeeze preparation. i watch bc because i love the school, but why would i want to drive hours to boston to sit through a crappy pregame experience to watch us lay an egg against each team we play this year. that was a directional florida school that just killed us, 30-3. 3 points. i have much love for the players and place no blame on them. coach spaz/GDF, get your acts together or get out of my alma mater.

  39. I agree with all comments towards our Defense. They kept the game close as long as possible. We forget how many game-saving turnovers we relied upon over the past several seasons. Our offense needs a fix. I don't know if its a return on vanilla TOB style offense with interior runs and TEs to run the clock, but a change needs to be made as we enter ACC play. A frustrating game, and frustrating start of the season.

  40. UCF is actually a very good team. Well coached with talented players. They are better than BC this season and there is no reason to deride them by referring to them as a "directional" school.

  41. Too late to change qb's, too late to risk destroying Montel, too, really. He'll have to block for himself again like last year and look what happened to him. Too late all around.

    The Central Fla. guys were truly shocked that they didn't cream us, actually. 9-3 at the half and O'Leary knew he could score and we wouldn't. One thing sure: Our schedule is going to be a sad chapter. Put a helmet on that "worse case scenario" cuz the sequels will be ugly.

    Rettig could be great, but all who said he's no Peterson or Ryan (or Hasselbeck, either) are only partly right. The O-Line is just not anywhere near what we became accustomed to in past decades with those great QB's who had time and coaching. It's just too late to even ponder the obvious. Go Eagles! Ever to Excel!

  42. Wow, this Michigan - Notre Dame game is one of the best games I have ever seen!

  43. Who will be Notre Dame's new head coach? Back to BC though, this is the sorriest team I've seen in a while. There's no way you should lose to a directional CUSA school by 27 points. This team isn't even enjoyable to watch. Someone on the offense needs to show a little heart. Rettig still cannot throw the ball away to avoid a sack. BC needs to win its next 2 games or it might not even reach ATL's worst case scenario for the year.

  44. Two years and two games into the Spaziani regime, I do not see improvement. In fact, we seem on a downward spiral. One wonders if it will take another 1978 to get GDF to admit his mistake(s)?

    Oh, how we suffered that year, especially with the humiliation of having been invited to the Japan Bowl. 0-11 and each weekend was such a bummer.

    0-2 here we go.

    Who knows how many more of these years any of us has...certainly none to waste. Time to start looking for new coach...new system...new philosophy...new faces...new attitude..."agile, mobile & hostile"--not "bend, don't break".

    We need to hear from some who attended in person to confirm if the performance was as bad as it looked on TV.

  45. I'm just mad I watched this game instead of watching the entire Michigan game.

  46. I was there - it was a terrible performance - just as bad as you thought watching it on TV.

    Too tired to get into it now.


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