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Saturday, September 03, 2011

In-game comments post: Northwestern

It's Christmas Day for BC fans! Here's the latest: Persa's out for them and Fletcher is out for us. Given the positions, it is a bigger loss for them. I obviously feel better about our chances, but either way this will be a good test. I am not sure if I will be online during the game (but I will probably tweet). Leave your comments below.

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  1. The best player from each team is out (Persa an Harris). We're even. Let's get this baby rolling!

  2. I meant "and.". I hate typing on the IPhone.

  3. is there going to be a live stream of the game? i don't get ESPNU and i would prefer to stream rather than going to a bar. thanks.

  4. You can usually find espnu streaming on Justin.tv

  5. I have ESPNUHD and I am planning on enjoying the heck out of watching this game.

    Will probably chime in every now and then.

  6. Let's go eagles!!! Looking for the line to prove me wrong and a big win today. Wish I was still in Boston.

  7. About to bust waiting for the game to start on ESPNU. If this damn tropical storm knocks out my satellite tv I will be beyond crazy.

  8. Why is BC not wearing the three striped helmet with the stained glass effect they supposedly went to?

  9. Stands pretty empty at kickoff time - what's new?

    Eagles will receive - Rettig wearing short pants.

  10. Williams would have scored with one block - 69 yards first play.

  11. What a run by williams, Td would have been nice there, still, great start

  12. Good start - but wish it was 7.

  13. If Rettig can get some accuracy going, our receivers will be open.

  14. Defense looks soft so far.

  15. Good pressure from the D to force a field goal. Going to take them a little while to warm against this funky offense, wish Holloway had held on to that pick, would have been a nice lift for the D.

  16. Our defense is terrible so far.

    Lucky for the holding call - TD off the board.

  17. BC's defense looks awful. This RB turned QB is tearing BC's defense apart.

  18. Has BC ever played a running QB well?

    At least if we get behind, you have some confidence that our offense may be able to score again.

  19. The sad thing is that this QB has not been running much. He's been picking BC's secondary apart. Way too much cushion between BC's DBs and NU's WRs.

  20. Hasn't translated to points yet, but i can already see the difference now that tranquil is gone.

  21. Completely outcoached on this drive - should have called timeout.

  22. This damn 20 yard cushion is idiotic. Just giving Northwestern 10 yards on every throw.

  23. Couple poor missed tackles didn't help, but yes, the scheme seems lousy.

  24. Spaz finally calls t.o.; but it's too late.

    We need one assistant assigned to nothing but game management.

  25. Looks like the BC defense fell asleep on this drive. Nw can score in bunches

  26. Looks like the DC fell asleep this drive. Prevent defense always sucks. Colter is not going to beat BC deep.

  27. You could see that QB run coming from a mile away.

  28. Let's go coaches - step it up.

  29. Who is #56? he let the QB run right by him on the TD play

  30. I missed most of the first half watching my son's team lose 47-0. It sounds like the positives were Luke continuing to be a tackle machine and Andre Williams. How has Rettig performed?

  31. Retting has looked pretty good. Had one bad mistake which led to his INT, but other than that his passing and decision making have been good. BC is passing a lot more than last year thankfully. It's the defense, esp. the defensive schemes, that need a ton of work.

  32. Frank "Take a knee" Spaziani - he makes me so proud to be a college football fan.

    Game management - clock management is still a big mystery for this bunch. McGovern very unimpressive so far.

    Spaz has his visor on slightly sideways, and unfortunately it makes him look old and confused on the sideline.

    Let's go coaches - give the players a chance to win with a 19 year old QB and all-new defensive backfield. You have to COACH the players, or get out of the way. They would have called their own timeout or two timeouts on that last NW drive.

  33. Keep playing not to lose and you will……lose.
    Lets see, they have all year to get the uniforms right. Well, the name lettering on the backs of the uniforms looks way too small.

  34. We need to blitz more off the corners and make this QB make a real decision. Anybody can throw to WR's with DB's 10 yards off


  35. New team new look old story.Gotta tackle people and coaches need to do their jobs. Defense looks hapless too often. Keuchly can't do it alone. Chase will improve on each series--but where's the blocking for our backs? Time to run the ball. Get super physical and pop these guys. We've had possession for twice the time N has--Go Eagles!(Hey, Spaz--wake-up!Every down is a shot at a TD!)

  36. On a positive note, it looks like Quigley has gained significant leg strength this past offseason. That's at least twice that he's kicked it through the end zone.

  37. This is flat out ridiculous. Great job Spaz/McGovern.

  38. We're in deep trouble. Not used to seeing BC get smash mouthed

  39. We are in big trouble without Kaleb Ramsey.

    Our DL is not as good as year's past - what will the coaches do to compensate?

    We look slow against NW and they look stronger as well.

    Appiah and Quinn are not getting it done today.

    I said we'd need to score to win this game.

  40. Thank God Persa is out or we would be down by 3 touchdowns by now.

  41. The last two drives for TD our Bc defense looks totally unprepared for this hurtful spread-type offense.

    Let's see if BC can adjust on D?

  42. I'm not sure ive seen such a bad defensive series by BC in a while. Maybe against UNC a few years ago, but this is bad.

  43. My iPhone's autocomplete changed "hurry up" to "hurtful". Better commentary than ESPNU.

  44. Rettig needs to make quicker decisions. If nothing is open in 3 seconds, he needs to throw the ball away.

  45. A change in the defensive scheme would do wonders. Instead of playing this passive conservative crap, how about being a little more aggressive. It's not good when the announcers can diagnose a problem and find solutions quicker than your head coach/defensive coordinator.

  46. Wow - we are out-played and out-coached so far.

    It's obvious that we have way too many holes.

    If NW pushes us down the field for another score it's deep kimchee time.

  47. Momah is the only one having a game on offense.

  48. Momah for the win!

  49. The D looks like dog squeeze. As far as I can recall, we've always had a problem with mobile QBs.

    I still just don't get the 10-15 yd cushion we always give their WRs. For as long as I've been a BC fan, we've always done this. It drives me freaking bonkers.

    On the plus side, although there have been some bogus three and outs, you can see glimmers of hope in that offense. The O-line is getting dominated, however.

  50. NW owns both sides of the line.

    Nice punt.

  51. All the anticipation from the summer for the team. We still suck. This is depressing and just not enjoyable to watch. We seem the same on offense.

  52. Rettig is running for his life every play. We are seeing the effects of losing 3 starters to graduation and Richman being injured.

  53. Finally playing with some passion. Nice D series. 40 yards. Come on TD

  54. Rogers - we don't need another Tranquill - cut the crap!!!!

  55. What's up with all the outside running? It has not worked at all since the first play of the game. NU is too fast on the outside for that (or BC's linemen could just be too slow).

  56. I don't know which is worse. Our offensive line or these Dr. Pepper commercials.

  57. Really, really need a score here.

  58. Ok here is what I would have done on that 3rd down: put Momah in the play have home run to the marker and throw it up high where only he can get it. Instead BC throws in front of the marker and settles for a field goal errr duck kick

  59. Oh Boy - The Spaziani watch has begun.

    This is what we demand as fans - coaches - give the players a chance to win.

  60. What the hell was that? Worse FG attempt ever.

  61. Well this game's over. Time to fire Spaz now. Have a good afternoon all.

  62. Il know everyone is going to bitch about Spaz, but I have been posting all summer how good Northwestern is, especially on offense. I was practically laughed out of this blog. They have a dynamic spread offense and we just don't match up well. Plus, new offense for BC, very, very young football team. 7 wins is going to be a challenge for BC this year. The good news is that young teams can improve dramatically over the course of a season.

  63. We'll find out about Rogers now.

    If he runs it up the middle on first down - behind 24 to 10, I'm done with this coaching staff.

  64. We are seeing the result of a 21st Century offensive college football scheme versus a 20th Century mindset.

    I fear we are in for a long season.

    My autocomplete must be channeling the football gods. I type in "Spaz" and it changes it to "Spazzing".

  65. There is no way a converted RB should be able to pick apart BC's defense. A high school freshman could hit receivers who have a 10 yard cushion. Playing a passive conservative defense is not going to get it done. Even the announcers were ripping BC's scheme. Bad schemes, plus poor clock management equals another BC loss. Fun times.

  66. "BC not exactly an offense built to come from behind." Quote of the day from the broadcast booth.

  67. Do not like the running call at the line when you can jump pass it to Momah. That play cost us a precious timeout.

  68. that timeout may come back to haunt us

  69. The way today has gone would have bet my life on a false start.

    Come on DDDDDD

  70. C'mon D! We need you now more than ever!

  71. We don't use timeouts in the first half and waste them in the fourth quarter.

    Should have scored TDs instead of 1 FG and i miss in the first half and missed FG in 2nd half.

  72. Why on earth is Momah on kick-off coverage?

  73. You have to kick this.

  74. Spaz overcompensating with a stupid call

  75. It least Spaz went for it on 4th down. That's a change from last year.

  76. He went for it sure but it was a stupid call. Hence, the overcompensating part.

  77. Most important questions: nature and extent of injury to Rettig on last play?

    I fear collarbone or shoulder from way he was driven into ground.

    Bad to worse....

  78. My question is this: why was the clock running after the injury timeout? Shouldn't have that been a charged timeout so the clock would not have started running and the false start would not have docked 10 seconds? Further, if that is not the case, shouldn't the coaching staff have known that and had Rettig spike the ball to kill the clock instead of wasting 4 seconds to snap the ball?

  79. Anyone know what channel the post game is on? Both RKO and WEEI did not even carry the game. BC needs to fire their media partner.

  80. Christmas DAy and all I got was coal.

  81. Disappointing, really should have won that game despite our sloppy play. Easily left 10 points on the field with 2 FG misses and not converting on 1st and goal on the 4 after the first play of the game.


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