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Thursday, September 08, 2011

OLine shuffle and other links

The biggest news of the day was that Richman is going to start at LG, Spinney will move back to Center and Wetzel will go solo at LT. I hope this was the missing element with the line last week.

All the eyes are on Coleman to fill the Momah void. I hope he breaks out but expect Amidon to be the biggest beneficiary.

The BC guys from Florida are excited to play near home.

BC still has redzone issues.

Here is a Q&A with former Eagle and new Cowboy Alex Albright.

Even the Orlando media is getting behind the Red Bandanna movement.

The Field Hockey team moved into the Top 10.


  1. I'm sick of hearing about our defense being caught off guard by the pace of NW or "we prepared for Persa not Colter" talk. Are you kidding me? All of us donkeys on BC blogs and message boards have known since the winter that Persa was struggling to come back from a big injury. I'm sure the team knew this and I'm sure they prepared for multiple QBs they could face, so why is this excuse being thrown around in interviews?

  2. I'm shocked that they haven't announced any injury to Rettig. I mean, I believe he is healthy... but after that embarrassing display at the end of the game you'd think they'd have to come up with something just to save face. I'm not sure if they showed this on TV, but Rettig rolled around on the ground for about five minutes after that last sack. If he wasn't hurt, then it was an embarrassing temper tantrum.

  3. Jeff, on that drive he looked like he was fighting off a cramp the entire time. He just refused to go down before the game was over. If he had been cramping for the last 5 minutes and not treating it, rolling on the ground for 5 minutes with no injury announcement makes sense.

  4. I read it was the wind knocked out of him. He's not injured.

  5. Rettig appears to be one tough SOB and totally undeserving of knee-jerk speculation like that, Jeff. His body language on the ground was pretty consistent with getting the wind knocked out of you, which clearly wouldn't show up on an injury report.

  6. I watched closely the repeats of the hit on Rettig. It was a helmet on helmet from behind. He was not hit in the lower body. It may have been a head injury. The way that he was rolling on the ground, there may have been a spinal injury as well. I also read the Cincinnati interview of Alex Albright. He signed a three year rookie contract which probably means very low pay. He is humble and talks of his parents and his high school coach. The Cowboys didn't even tell him that he made the squad. He found out when he didn't see his name on the waiver list. He stayed up till about Midnight and no one called. Not very classy on the part of the C-boys. Also, he has a senior brother on St. X who is going to Miami. This could tell a lot about recruiting at BC.

  7. re: albright. the giants didn't call herzy either. and from the sound of it, the way teams explain it is that no news is good news. if you don't hear something, you are still on the team.

    as far as albright's bro going to miami, all this tells me is that he probably isn't ACC caliber or he would be going to a school like that. if he wound up at Penn State, then we could say that our recruiting may have slacked.


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