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Monday, September 05, 2011

The post where I try to down play the loss of Momah

BC's senior captain, WR Ifeanyi Momah is out for the year. Unless the NCAA grants him a sixth year, his college career is over too. This sucks on many levels, but mostly it sucks for Ifeanyi. I actually think BC will be okay without him. Rettig has shown the ability to distribute the ball to multiple targets. The beneficiary of the extra passes and snaps will be guys like Pantale, Coleman, and potentially even Spiffy Evans. We lose a big target, but there are enough pieces in place to fill the hole left by his absence.

All BC fans should be giving thanks to Momah though and hope that he gets a sixth year. His career has all been about potential and doing what's asked, and now that it finally came together in a career best day, that career is over. Let's remember that he was taken on the flyer late in Jags's first partial recruiting class. He played as a true freshman but mostly on special teams. As a sophomore he improved even though he was still extremely raw. He sat out his true junior year with a knee issues and used that time to convert to defensive end. When he returned and BC needed him back on O, he didn't object over the wasted time or opportunities. In fact, he played both ways when given the chance. This year -- with his full focus finally on WR -- he showed up slimmed down, strong and ready to go. A break out game gave hope for a break out season. Now it is all for naught.

I don't know if he even wants a another year. Football is huge grind and is often more fun for us watching than those guys playing. If the knee will keep him from playing at the next level, Momah might just get his degree and get on with his life. But whatever he does, Momah will at least know that he did what was asked and showed real leadership throughout.

I hope he comes back...


  1. I am reposting this because it is appropriate. Now that i know he is gone for the season the play he got hurt on (I am assuming it was kick return) reminds of the hit Mathias took from the Virginia O-Lineman several years back. A home game against a decent school where the refs didn't make a call. Friggin ridiculous.

    Boston College lost the game. Our kicker missed two field goals. Our new offensive coordinator threw the ball 44 times. The refs did not call an obvious pass interference late in the 4th quarter or holding call on a kick return late in the 4th quarter.

    The kicker should have made the kicks. They were within his range.

    Boston College has not thrown the ball 44 times consistently in 15 years. The offense needs to be balanced. It doesn't need to move 180 degrees from a focus on the run. The BC offensive line is most effective run blocking. More running plays tire out the oppossing defense. Given the weather and size discrepancy of the two lines more runs would have lead to at least 3 more points. Assuming N.Freese goes 2/4.

    The refs were terrible in the 4th quarter, when it matters most. There was an obvious pass interference when the NW DB warded off the BC WR on the NW 30 yard line. The non-call cost the team alot of field position and another 3 points. There was a mugging of I. Mohmah on mid field during a punt which would have shifted field position which also hurt the teams chances.

    NW went for it on 4th down and didn't get it which cost them a chance for three. BC couldn't get it done in the last minute of the 4th quarter.

    BC really should have won this game. As is typical though the coaching was a little weak and refs cannot seam to call a clean game when BC plays at home.

  2. What amazes me is everyone jumped on Spaz for taking a knee to close out the half when 90% of winning coaches would have done the exact same thing while no one questioned Spaz putting Momah on kick-off coverage. Now our best receiver is out for the season and I have to respectfully disagree with ATL, this is a big deal. I had moderate expectations for this season due to the youth of the team and brutal schedule, so I am not freaking out, but if we continue to lose great players to injury and lose to UCF, playing in a bowl may not be possible this season.

  3. Knucklehead,

    I could be wrong but I do believe the pass-run ratio was more balanced until BC got behind by 2 touchdowns. Most teams down by multiple scores go to the passing game as it preserves clock and you typically average more yards per play.

  4. eagleboston -- I think you're right about the run/pass ratio, but I'll add another consideration: the number of times Williams was stuffed for a loss after taking a hand-off and basically walking to the line of scrimmage waiting for a hole to open up. I know I was screaming for them to throw the ball more.

  5. 16 rushes in the first half. 14 in the second.

    The play calling was terrible. They need to use 2 TD or 2 RB at the same time. Shift the formations, move the backs and then reset them. Something new is better than what they are doing.

    Coughlin was the master of this by the way. Maybe someone should go vack and look at the fim of the 92, 93 seasons. They will learn something.

    Or even better how about someone give Coughlin a call and ask for some offensive and game management pointers. Wellington Mara isn't going to object. Half his grandkids went to BC.

  6. I meant TE's by the way. 2 TD's would have been great. That is what you call a Freudian slip.

    Freud would have a field day with me after this game.

    At least the QB lined up under center.

  7. Take away Momah's 157 yards and some great catches and the Rettig pass yardage doesn't look so hot. Momah was the new hope, the new look WR who could dominate with size and great hands. A big time Weapon. It was weird science to have him on special teams and lose his primetime status as a result--another FUBAR move that is definitely a bigger deal than ATL's take on this (w/all due respect, Bill)--the Momah moments were highlites in an often dismal day at Chestnut Hill. And yes--the Coaches all do need to do their jobs. Go Eagles!

  8. Did a quick youtube search but couldn't find any footage of the play where Momah got mugged by 2 NW players. Can anyone find a clip of that? I'm pretty sure that was the play he got hurt on, right? It was an extremely dirty play and a cheap shot. As you mentioned, reminiscent of the UVA cheap shot on Kiwi years ago.


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