BC Fan Resources

Friday, October 21, 2011

I want to win

I want to clarify a few things based on recent feedback. I haven't picked BC to win because I am now at the point where I really don't believe it is possible. I am not rooting against BC. I want BC to win every game. Spaz could run the table and you wouldn't find anyone happier than me. I am not rooting against Spaz. I don't need to. He has already made his bed. But I am rooting for the players. They've been dealt a bad hand and for the most part are playing hard. I almost always root for and side with the players. They will be part of BC and members of our community long after anyone from the staff or administration is gone.

The only way to end the apathy is with winning or change. I don't think Spaz and his staff have any idea how to fix the winning part, so it is up to BC to make the change. Until then, I will keep cheering for BC and hoping that I am wrong about the current situation.


  1. From a die hard BC Football Fan and season ticket holder -- Eagle, your comments mirror my sentiments exactly!

    GO BC but Spaz must go.

  2. exactly. if you are writing game predictions, what can you predict with this bunch? the same old fraidy cat nonsense from spaz. a punt on 3rd down wouldn't surprise me with spaz, he's coaching has devolved to cowardice.

    #GO BC but Spaz must go

  3. Right there with you. IN talking to season ticket holders in our area, it seems a lot of people are considering not renewing if Spaz comes back. Wonder if Gene realizes that?

  4. Reality is the great equalizer! The truth is supposed to "make you free"!

  5. Pointing out that Gene and Spaz could not run a lemonade stand does not mean that you're rooting against the team. And you should not apologize, ever, for identifying the rank incompetence that is ruining our football program.

    It's not the player's fault,we're agreed there. Quite frankly, I'm sure they're more frustrated than we are. But Claiborne showed them last year what happens when you voice that furstration.

  6. patrick, you said, "But Claiborne showed them last year what happens when you voice that furstration"

    but did oyu mean

    "But they showed Claiborne last year what happens when you voice that furstration"

  7. What I meant --- and may have inelegantly stated --- is that Spaz ruined Claiborne's college career when Claiborne dared to challenge Spaz's bumbling ways.

  8. Here comes Syracuse - all they needed was a new coach and a new attitude.

    Go BC - let's do the right thing. If not, we risk being down as long as Syracuse was.

  9. regardless of records, and some are bad, at least most teams look like they are having fun and pulling for one another.........we don't. I blame the coaches.

  10. I had no doubt about your stance. It's hard to fight off the growing apathy this season... but then again, the apathy was setting in last season after the Maryland loss and then we went on a five game winnning streak out of nowhere. Hopeless though it seems, our loyalties never waver. Go eagles!

  11. People who get upset when the obvious is stated - Spaz is incompetent and needs to go - always puzzle me when they equate that to "rooting against BC." I root for the players who are playing with their hands cuffed behind their backs.

  12. The dynasty starts today.

  13. Jane makes a good point. I think we are rooting for BC by hoping that Spaz goes. That said, I still scream, curse and drink heavily as we lose each week - it ruins my day. I want us to win out.


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