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Saturday, November 19, 2011

In-game comments post: Notre Dame

Spaz can talk up how great this three loss Notre Dame team is. Vegas can have us as huge underdogs. In the end it doesn't matter. What I hope is that our players follow the example of past Eagles and play their hearts out.

And if Spaz plays not to lose, then it means we are one game closer to the end of his regime.

I will also be on twitter throughout the game.


  1. Just saw the opening of College Gameday with the locker room speech by ISU coach Paul Rhoades. Gave me goose bumps. He has the passion and aggressiveness of Jags without the nuttiness. That is the type of coach BC needs.

    C'mon Eagles, let's end the losing streak against ND and show them we are a long way from Fredo!

  2. God help us... a lot! Go Eagles!

  3. Actually, ND is "Fredo",...if you know your Puzo. Their 1842 start makes them an older brother, surely. Georgetown, 1792, is more a "Sonny". We're more a "Michael" in at 1863, the younger, smarter little brother who outlives 'em all...with an Archangel Michael on campus to prove it. Unless, ND sees themselves as "Sonny",
    hubris driven, cocky and hot-tempered and shot to pieces in a toll booth. (Don't think that's their self-image, however ironic it might seem.)

    As for the Game--which will be difficult to watch without a manual entitled, "How to Survive a Football Massacre on National TV",and the elixir of choice that helps the medicine go down, I suggest a moratorium on "woe is us" whining--that means no more talk about GDF or Spaz getting fired for the next 24 hours. Otherwise we'll sound like little sister Connie in the Godfather--drunk, blameful and damn boring. It's time to cheer on Keuchly, hope our kids pop the Domers when they can and go down in defeat, if so be it, with class, guts and tenacious, fiery resolve. The rest is silence.
    Let's Go Eagles! St.Michael, Give em Hell!

  4. "Today we take care of all family business."

    Beat ND



  5. Pull out all of the plays you have been holding back all year, Coach Spaziani. Show some pride and respect for your employer.

    We don't want Prevent Offense today.

    Go BC.

  6. ND has always made me barf.

    I view them like a cousin who you suspect might have a touch of asperger's syndrome.

    You try to be nice, try to introduce him to friends, try to be social. But try as you might, the weird cousin (ND) lacks that social link, lacks social grace. He just does not know how to act or , how to behave, and keeps saying and doing embarrassing things.

    The ND arrogance is always present. Never even a thimble full of humility. Humility simply does not exist in the ND mind

    To paraphrase Michael Savage "ND Arrogance is a mental disorder"

    Go BC. Stand proud and give it your all for 60 minutes

  7. Mmason - well said

    "I suggest a moratorium on "woe is us" whining--that means no more talk about GDF or Spaz getting fired for the next 24 hours."

  8. I'm already gagging about the announcer's praise for Michael Floyd....everyone knows the only reason he is good is that ND puts a Bud Light and car keys in the endzone for him.

  9. That Fletcher penalty looked like bullshit

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. That was an absolute asinine penalty by Fletcher. You cannot give this team 15 free yards. The lack of discipline pisses me off to no end.

  12. Well, shit that was easy

  13. GO EAGLES! We are BC.

  14. I hate losing to these pseudo-leprechauns.

  15. Fire up the blender mmason, I'll need some margaritas to survive this NBC sponsored ND slurp-fest.

  16. rettig lets get this rolling. come on kid.

  17. Shoot, I don't think Swigert caught that but hopefully it is not enough to overturn the call.

  18. What was that defense on Floyd?

  19. How in the hell was Floyd that wide open?

  20. I love Kuechly, thank god for him

  21. who is #37? the safety? hes so gd slowwww!

  22. Oh, man Fletcher, we needed that INT.

  23. Oh Fletcher, make that catch! We could really use ND turnovers

  24. 37 is Hampton Hughes, converted from wide receiver due to Spaz chasing all of the safeties off the team.

  25. We're not getting any real pressure on the QB, but Ricci is pushing his man forward at least

  26. January 13th, 2009....a day that will live in infamy.

  27. What happened to Finch? Is he hurt now?

  28. Ok Kimble, not bad. Anyone see the huge grin on Louis Nix's picture for the Notre Dame defense? hahaha

  29. Nice defensive stand. Great job Eagles!

  30. I love Peggy! Great customer service rep.

  31. Especially when Peggy makes Lou Holtz look like a fool.

  32. This is not a good move - Bordner is a deer in the headlights. Terrible throw.

  33. "a college quarterback at this level needs to make that throw."

    chase hasnt been making that throw all year.

  34. Well Kimble has been running right through the ND defense so what does BC do in its last 5 plays: not give it to Kimble. 3 pass plays, 1 attempted pass play, and 1 QB draw. The coaching ineptitude is infuriating.

  35. "A college quarterback at this level has to make that throw."

    That is an understatement. This offense is horrific.

  36. Rettig is on schedule for that kind of inaccurate, alley-oop pass to the Jolly Green Giant. WTW?

    I need a BC 1st down for the first ceremonial Slicing of the Limes ritual. Must Happen. Let's Go Eagles!

  37. Bordner isn't ready for this stage yet and the HC is putting him in a bad position is all I mean.

    When he was on the sideline before the game, his eyes were twice as wide as normal.

  38. What a great place for a BC Takeaway...

  39. BC offense = pathetic

    Will we score 10 points by the end of this thing?

  40. Jonas averages 7 yards per carry. If I were an ND fan, I would wonder why he doesn't get the rock more.

  41. if we want to be in this game, we NEED to intercept these passes! Two dropped INTs already!

  42. Where the hell is Kimble???

  43. where the hell is Kimble's blocker?

  44. 0-4 on 3rd downs. If we were not under a moratorium, I would call for Spaz's head for that offensive ineptitude alone.

  45. How is their most effective offensive player this game not playing in the last 2 offensive series?

  46. robbed on that challenge. no way in hell that was a catch.

  47. Can someone explain to me what the difference was between Swigert's incomplete and Toma's reception?

  48. Robbed on the BC goal at the end of the 2nd period last night as well.

  49. 3rd down, no rush, and still someone is open?

  50. d playing well enough, c'mon chase move the ball. lets get some points.

  51. Why did he put Bordner in after the 1st down?

  52. Moving the ball! There we go Eagles!!

    Chase making the throws on that drive, let's keep rolling!

  53. Don't look now, but we are in this game.

  54. Bordner can run, BJK. It's a BC TD!!!

  55. Go BC - score!

    I meant Bordner back at the 30 yard line.

    Good calls on the pass to Pantale and the Bordner score .

  56. GDF is on the sideline with pen and paper, making way toward Spaz to sign another extension.

  57. These 15-yard asinine mental-error penalties are killing us!

  58. Spaz better not take a damn knee.

  59. Frustrating. Well, I'm sure Spaz will take a knee here. Maybe they will squib kick it to us.

  60. Another mental error. Why didn;t Evans let that kickoff go out of bounds?

  61. run out the clock with the moral victory of being down 6 at half!!

  62. I hate Spaz. What a &%^$&!

  63. Ron out the clock. Yeah Spaz!!

  64. coward.

    spaz has no creativity.

    andre williams has been a total dud this year.

    moral victory.

  65. That's what I like - the old college try.

    Now for the half time pep talk.

  66. The stupid penalties, the mental mistakes, the moronic playcalling, and the overall offensive ineptitude don't piss me off as much as Spaz being a damned coward. I haven't cursed this much the entire game until that guy ran the clock down.

  67. I'm surprised Spaz didn't say that Michael Floyd would probably be the hero of the 2nd half. He's great!!

  68. Guys are really playing hard - I'm proud.

    Clemson down big to NC State.

    I have to go to a dinner party deal - best of luck in the 2nd half all.

    We get the ball and I can only hope the coaches give the players a chance.

    Go BC - beat ND.

  69. OK--Spaz sux, blah, blah, blah. Whatever. Now, what would ND try to do to put more points up against BC's somewhat tenacious, occasionally wing-nut Defense? They're alittle bummed out right now. They expected an instant massacre (and so did I...sorry to say) and it didn't happen. Yeah, Spaz folds up the tent early, but our guys get the ball to start the next frame. So does ND blitz or what? We're down 6 and ND wants to make a statement. Kelly's having a cardiac right now in the Locker room, super pissed, yelling and screaming...Yeah, Spaz is doing what? Let me see...he's telling our guys to suck less, a totally negative pep talk...What next??
    Will the Eagles surprise and shock the world?? Whaddya think, BC Nation? (No talk about contracts, Harrow.)

  70. I am so tired of Spaz's loser mentality. What a lousy excuse for a head coach he is.


  72. Hiw in the heck does TOB lose to BC, but crush Clemson? He is the all-time king of WTF.

  73. ND's pass defense looks ripe for the picking

  74. i like the use of the TEs. they have been under-utilized all year. lets keep moving the ball!

  75. Is Vardaro really the only option BC has? He has killed BC all season.

  76. I love all the playaction and runs with Kimble. That's the only time the offense clicks. BC is finally playing to some of Rettig's strengths.

  77. Oh yeahhhh Halloway! Almost just spit up my meatball!

  78. Kimble is so much better than BC's other backs, including Finch.

  79. OK, Eagles! Now its time to roll on these guys--TE's and WR's need to make some catches and the blockers need to rock the ND front. Kimble is the man right now.

  80. Nice 3 and out, but we need to start thinking about icing the clock!

  81. Rettig throws a crappy ball...consistently inconsistent.
    Throws into traffic and low, overthrows people by a mile...damn, we are so close to pulling this out...

  82. BC fails to capitalize constantly. It cannot make a big play on offense. Thank God the defense is keeping them in the game.

  83. WE NEED A BC TD! C'mon Eagles!!!

  84. It won't be long until the Irish fans start rooting for BC, and then after we win, Keeks (draped in an American flag) makes an emotional "if I can change, and you can change" speech.

  85. Rettig is a freaking disgrace. BC might be better off running Kimble every play for the rest of the game.

  86. we need to pass on first down! like we were doing on the TD-scoring drive late in the 2nd quarter!

  87. Rees looks worse than Rettig

  88. we have 2nd and 5 everytime, you can't ask for more and we can't get it done. If they keep on passing watch for a pick.

  89. Rees throws a ball that his guys can catch...Rettig throws a ball that's low and outside or in the dirt. Good baseball, bad football.

  90. although if they score, game is basically over as we can't move the ball at all.

  91. this bordener crap is ridicujous

  92. I'm failing to comprehend why BC doesn't run the ball on second down. If they can gain 5-8 yards on first down, why the hell wouldn't you run it again?

  93. Nice timeout Spaz. We won't need those.

  94. Run the damn ball!!!!!!!!!

  95. We should go with the Costanza philosophy. Do everything which is against Spaz's instincts on offense and see what happens.

  96. penalty after a timeout. at least the fumble didnt count. rettig got rocked there.

  97. Lucky as hell with that penalty

  98. Anyone else loving these Volkswagon commercials? LOL.

  99. Who is worse: Spaz or Rettig?

  100. amidon is worthless.

  101. Rettig has the yips, ok. The Yips. The friggen Yips. He throws on 3rd down like I putt for $100 on the 18th.
    Where are the Eagle Cajones?? We can win this thing...but will piss it away with stupid offensive ineptitude.

  102. if they get a fg here it is over, we can't get 10 pts in 10 mins. our field position outstanding all day and nothing happens. now we will play prevent d the rest of the game, lol.

  103. nd gave us so many chances it is sick. we are inept on offense due to coaching, end of story.

  104. Harrow--you are dreaming. Rettig has had three TD plays that were right there and he blew the throws. Coaching didn't do that. We could have scored or converted several times and didn't because our QB can't handle the heat. He's got no Ice...he's had chances all day. Rees didn't fold. Rettig choked.

  105. Rettig and Spaz can share the blame. Rettig cannot throw whatsoever but the playcalling has been atrocious as well. If Rettig can't throw, then why the hell is BC passing 2 downs each possession? Why is Kimble (the most effective offensive player on the field for BC this game) riding pine most of the first half?

  106. announcers are spot on with rettig, talking about his footwork. terrible footwork, it shows his youth. he's had time this game to set and he doesnt. do we punt if we dont make the first down here?

  107. yes we should be throwing short screens to kimble.

  108. It is time to bring in Shitskie. Rettig hasn't even been close this half. Good night, don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

  109. What goes on during halftime that transforms Rettig from a competent QB into a Pop Warner second stringer in the second half every game?

  110. rettig has missed passes but he has someone in his face all day long. thus they should be rolling him out of the pocket, throwing screens, running kimble more. he has made mistakes, but the coaching staff is not making the right calls. when he has time like on the touchdown drive he can make a few plays. well at least it was entertaining, we can still hope spaz is gone now with another loss. we can't even get 200 yds of offense. we started on avg around the nd 40 and we get 7 points. the offense has no rhyme or reason. just clean house and get people in with some heart on the coaching side. that being said, nd is not that great either.

  111. Game over. You can't win college football games when you only score 7 points.

    I despise Spaz. I cannot stand the man. He is a terrible leader and should never have been promoted. He took a consistent bowl team and destroyed it in 3 years flat. 0-3 versus Notre Dame! 0 and fricken 3. That alone should be grounds for termination. Even TOB understood how important this game is to alumni and made sure he rarely lost this game.

  112. spaz is now a friend of nd at this point, he will help them with colck management, and sitting off wr's

  113. Uncle Dave will be too late to resurrect this fiasco. We had our chances to win this thing atleast 3 times. Now we have to listen all the damn ND homer BS for the next five minutes until our collective heads explode. McGovern was a genius today...Rettig was a mediocre sophomore in a big time Div. 1 classic who saw the headlights and FROZE.

    Now they'll score on us and so it goes...

  114. rettig has been dogshit this second half. he doesnt set his feet. i do not understand why we havent been running kimble all 2nd half. screens?! those get blown up every single time.

  115. By the way, I listened to Meter and Cronin at half and Cronan said, "Let's see what adjustments are made at halftime. BC has not been good with adjustments all season." Cronan is liable to get fired for speaking ill of the Spaz regime.

  116. If I remember correctly, Uncle Shinebox had a pretty decent game against ND 2 years ago*. Put him in!

    *aside from the 4 INTs, but those were freshman mistakes!!

  117. get the ball in kimble's hand whether a screen, dump off etc. if they blow it up so be it, we can't even set one up because we are inept at anything offensive. screens and dumpoffs work in college football, especially if you give it to your best offensive player. we probably would not have been able to execute it anyway so it is pointless talking about it. now we will just run the ball up the middle when we get it back.

  118. Watch, if BC scores here, BC will elect not to do an onside kick.

  119. Ha, you were right on that one

  120. I don't believe what I'm seeing

  121. god i hate these ND homers.


  122. Undisciplined--once again on Spaz

  123. and of course, a false start penalty.

    incredibly disciplined team.

  124. 55 yards in penalties. Ouch.

    BC has to kick a field goal if they get to 4th down.

  125. they run the same play after the offsides, when they showed before what they were doing, lol

  126. great throw for td

  127. OK, I'm pretty sure Spaz will kick the onside. Statistically, not a very good play but it is our only chance.

  128. Nice drive. And Spaz saves his job!!!

  129. Why didn't you go for the onside kick/

    Spaz: Well our defense played well all game and we thought we could stop them.

    There wasn't enough time though for that option and you had one timeout.

    Spaz: Time, Schime.

  130. Sure could have used some points before halftime....

  131. So close--we are so close. Go Eagles!

  132. Yeah, but Iowa State has a real coach.

  133. Ya, if only they tried before the half

  134. what an attempt! They probably don't even pratice that.

  135. What in the ever living hell was that?

  136. That was the worst onside kick I have ever seen...

  137. Well, we scored more touchdowns than they did.

  138. BC could use that TO Spaz wasted earlier in the quarter.

  139. so we get the ball with what, 20 seconds.

  140. can we pull off a michigan?

  141. Take a knee Spaz. Don't want to risk an INT.

  142. Give the defense credit. They kept us in the game. Not many teams have limited ND to 1 TD.

    Hey, let's get Dayne Crist.

  143. Well BC did just enough unfortunately to keep Spaz's job for another year.

  144. Just enough? He's 0-3 against Notre Dame when the prior two coaches dominated the pseudo-leprechauns. He needs to go. We have to lance the boil and bring in a new, fresh face that knows something about offense. Hell, fire everyone but keep McGovern. The guy is a pretty darn good D coach.

  145. The Defense was magnificent. Played the pass coverage so tight, knowing Rees couldn't run--but our offense just didn't (ONCE AGAIN) produce with a dozen chances to turn this into a classic upset. WouldaShouldaCoulda...Spaz blah blah blah...Let's face it--Rettig needs to throw a better ball and we need to score 30 plus points a game or mail it in, cuz we got NO Offense. Horses matter.
    Go Eagles!--Miami is next and we can finish with a win...Booyah, Vegas! Cover this!

  146. Mike Mayock (announcer from BC)pointed out that Rettig threw some good balls on the last drive. I believe that he needs a coach. He can't plant his right leg for some reason. His left leg is in a brace. Look at closeups of his legs. He has legs like Babe Ruth (piano legs). There is no calf and leg development on many of the BC off & def backfield players.

  147. Mmason - you deserve whatever margarita you are drinking.

    Thoughts on the game:
    - Rettig showed why he could be a great quarterback and why he needs a coach badly. I can't tell if receivers were running bad routes, or if he over/under threw them.
    -Bordner wasn't all that effective. Killed some momentum.
    - Outside of the first Irish drive, our D was great. I think McGovern was hampered by injuries earlier on, and has slowly been able to bring the D up to snuff.
    - Holloway will have a break out year next year. He's been good this year, with several mistakes. With a more experienced line, and having Ramsey back, our d-line will be brutal.
    - O-line was better tonight. They weren't good, but weren't bad. With as much pressure as ND was bringing, I was surprised with how much time they gave Rettig.
    - Should not have started Williams. Finch and Kimble are much better backs, with better vision. Williams is definitely a bruiser, but K and F are better backs.
    - I will admit that this a young team. For any other coach, that might be valid reason for returning. But Spaz showed why, even with all of his excuses, he should not be HC next year. With a minute, twelve left in the first half, he knelt that ball. There is no excuse for that. A field goal, (hypothetically) and the game is ours. There is no apparent will to win. There is talent with this team, very competitive talent, but there is no proper development. With the right coach, this team will be deadly next year. Even if Spaz is back, we need to have the right OC (and possible successor). This game proved that the D is coming back.
    - We need a proper offensive staff.

  148. EB--Spaz did just enough in GDF's pathetic eyes to stay another year. Of course he has to go though.

    Benjamin--BC had 2 TOs left as well. That's an eternity!

  149. Oh, also, sorry for my harshness today. I have an inflamed hemorrhoid

  150. Bravesbill - You're right. I forgot to mention that, which makes it even worse. With our last score, around a 1:30 was all that was necessary. Clearly, our guys can do it. Why the staff won't execute is the reason for the dismissal.

  151. Hmm the man pretending to be me must be a Spaz family member, or maybe it's the idiotic man himself!

  152. BC Nation, bros & babes, we were picked to lose to ND today at a catastrophic massacre level...but managed to lose to the Irish by a mere 2 pts. because we gave them the game on a platter of youthful ineptitude. We messed up the Vegas line by a ton, and forced the ND homer Domer announcers to admit that we "hung in" there with their vaunted, over-hyped football team. Then TOB beats Clemson after losing
    to BC? Spaz looks like an old grizzled wizard to the media guys. He took an injury riddled team to "almost glory" over ND. We're the victims of our age. BS rules in a BCS world. Here's to the Eagles of BC...A team of its time. No harm, no foul. See ya next time...

  153. Rettig had 35 or so passes.

    We were running well on first down and not following it up with runs on 2nd and 3rd.

    Seem like we could have worn them down more on D.

    The irony of NBC the Notre Dame network is that ALL of their on air talent graduated from BC . . . Flutie and Mayock.

    I also found it funny that Notre Dame plays the Dropkick Murphys between downs considering they are a Boston, Irish, puck band that uses the BC Fight song to open their concerts . . .


    It always circles back to Boston College

    Also the BC Sucks chants in the second quarter were great. I love the hate.

  154. Also check out m y blog. Almost predicted the game to a T.



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