BC Fan Resources

Thursday, December 01, 2011

BC bloggers stepping up and other links

One of the best things you'll read this week is BCI's Q&A with the New York Times Paul Myerberg. What I find interesting and refreshing is that Myerberg still thinks BC is a desirable job. It is a reminder that there is still hope.

Athough his twitter account has worried some BC fans, Spiffy Evans' interview with BC Draft shows that he is still committed to the Eagles. We just need the him to develop as a playmaker and run a kick off back too.
BC picked up its first recruit for the 2013 class in CT Tight End Andrew Isaacs.


  1. Hopefully Spiffy has figured out by now that (a) BC is a great school and (b) he will outlast this coaching regime and get to play under a better one.

  2. Spiffy Evans is a huge Ninja Turtles fan, I recently found out.

  3. There have already been warnings on this website that "several" significant players are going to "jump ship".

  4. Just Be Quiet.....or show some proof. :~)

  5. What was Spiffy tweeting? I can't find him anywhere on twitter. Believe it or not though, it looks like there's ANOTHER Spiffy Evans out there! Either that, or our Spiffy has atrocious grammar...yeah that makes more sense.

    UPDATE: Maybe it IS him. Here's all I saw about football - "Man even tho da coaches played me 2 the left this yr, ima make we do rite by dese seniors & go get it 4 em, it was an honor to play w/ them".

    Now I'm not sure what that means, but at least he used an ampersand correctly. Regardless of whether this is the real Spiffy, this guy just gained 1 new loyal follower.

    Also, if it is the real Spff, at least he's not Clyde Lee III. ("Can't wait till practice is over so I can roast a bone!")

  6. Peanut, over on EO there was a rumor that he tweeted something about him enjoying his time but wondering if it wasn't time to move on.

  7. Spiffy's tweets are protected, restricted to approved followers. But if you're wondering what his twitter account name is, try looking at who Chase Rettig follows.

  8. Oh, OK. Maybe he has two twitter accounts. Although the Spiffy Evans that I'm following works at Publix.

  9. I hear the Spiffy Evans at Publix has some of the better insights into BC football, so I'd keep following him.

  10. Publix has excellent made-to-order subs, so you guys should all follow Spiffy Evans.


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