BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

More recruiting defections

Following on the decommitment of Sam Grant, running back Akeel Lynch announced that he will not be attending BC. With Jaxon Hood taking other visits and Steven Daniels rumored to be having NCAA admissions issues, Spaz finds himself with multiple holes in his already small recruiting class. I have never been one to get worked up about recruiting rankings. I do get concerned about roster management. I also think this raises questions about Spaz and his staff's approaching to recruiting. Spaz has two weeks to fill these holes and prove that he can still sell BC to waivering recruits.

This is Spaz's fourth recruiting class. His defenders have been pointing towards it for two years. They said that a smaller class would allow Spaz to focus on quality. They also said he would use the extra time to really hone in on players who fit at BC. Now it looks like that time was wasted. While I am sure the losing season hurt his message, a good salesman would use the losses as a chance for players to make an immediate impact.

Finally the question needs to be asked: if Spaz isn't winning on the field and isn't closing on recruits, how can Gene keep saying he doing a great job? It doesn't look like many members of this recruiting class will help Spaz this season, but if he doesn't recruit well it makes the rebuilding job post-Spaz that much harder.


  1. Let's not kid ourselves. BC will win 5 or 6 games this year and the message from Spaz/GDF will "Look how we improved over last year. We're on the right track." If we're lucky, maybe in a few years we'll be back to winning 8-9 games per year (something everyone took for granted under TOB)... if we're lucky.

  2. BC is not investing enough money and effort into football, and it shows. This bad recruiting class is not a surprise to anyone. Being "Spazzed" means having your expectations reduced!

    Spaz is the lowest paid ACC head coach and one of the lowest paid HC among BCS teams. (and, NO, I am not suggesting BC pay Spaz more!). BC also cheaped out - it seems - by recently getting AstroTurf.

    Ps. Did I read somewhere that GDF wants to name the field at Alumni (not stadium). "DeFilippo Field"?

  3. The rats are deserting the sinking ship before they've even boarded. These kids recognize the current loser mentality, and I can't say I blame them for bailing. I get angrier by the day.

  4. While it is not surprising that a recruit would change his mind, this is not trending well for Boston College Football - when 2, 3 or more change their minds.

    Maybe it will work out for Grant and Lynch, but now that they're gone - who cares about them personally? We do care about our recruiting process.

    We could certainly use a player like Jaxon Hood, but anytime we go after a warm weather guy, I get uneasy.

    Hopefully they can work out the Daniels issues.

    I have been waiting and reserving judgment, etc., but it's becoming more and more obvious that we need an infusion of new energy and leadership in the Athletic Department and Football program.

    I'm afraid that we are witnessing exactly what we feared would happen, although in my heart I want to believe otherwise. Spaz has complained about how thin his roster has been, but it looks as though that will be a constant - through his very own fault.

    Still, I will always support the team and the players. Very disappointed that BC has allowed this to happen. Coupled with the game day experience situation, it's tough to see this crew working our way out of it.

  5. Recruiting as BC is always you can make an immediate impact, let's not kid ourselves.

    The perceptions of Spaz from the season are bleeding into the off season, it's not surprising.

    I can hardly have imagined any result that would have had people, especially BC's online fanbase, going, "Yeah, Frank Spaziani, he really has it figured it out now and I feel confident for the upcoming season."

    This is both because our fanbase is incredibly negative no matter what and because it's hard, and borderline silly, to read much into recruiting.

  6. Looking forward to the signing day article from Blauds calling this class underrated and full of diamonds in the rough, despite the fact that it is at the bottom of the ACC

    hopefully some of the recent additions to the staff could help close a few targets down the stretch

  7. The offensiveline men on the recruiting board seem to be the real deal. Stizak and Joy will develop into good BC linebackers in the next couple years.

    We are losing Grant and Lynch to schools that pay. BC cannot compete with Michigan or Arkansas etc. If we were losing these players to Maryland or Syracuse I would be concerned.

    Not having a staff in place until early January has been a negative in the recruiting process. Spaz' attitude probably doesn't help in closing the deal. TOB could close the deal because he would tell the kids parents that their son wouldn't run amok and was getting the opportunity to earn a BC degree

  8. The offensiveline men on the recruiting board seem to be the real deal. Stizak and Joy will develop into good BC linebackers in the next couple years.

    We are losing Grant and Lynch to schools that pay. BC cannot compete with Michigan or Arkansas etc. If we were losing these players to Maryland or Syracuse I would be concerned.

    Not having a staff in place until early January has been a negative in the recruiting process. Spaz' attitude probably doesn't help in closing the deal. TOB could close the deal because he would tell the kids parents that their son wouldn't run amok and was getting the opportunity to earn a BC degree

  9. Let's be realistic about the recruiting process. Just whom do you think is recruited? It is not the son, it is the mother. As Big Jack Krack said, several were evidently bought off. However, it was obvious from the beginning that Jags didn't need to get a ladder to get the "kitten down from the tree". I was saddened when he went. He was a charmer and he became bored with the recruiting process. You could take a look at all of his charming kids and know that he led a charming life. Spaz is challenged in this area. He has to bring out a hook and ladder and by the way he never used that in a game.

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