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Friday, January 06, 2012

More staff changes as Spaz brings on new OL coach

BC's offense has been barely functional under Spaz. There were numerous reasons and issues, but I always felt it started with the offensive line. Without solid protection up front all of other other issues were magnified. For a school that prided itself on its offensive line tradition, this was unacceptable. Finally Spaz made a change. He hired former Ohio State Offensive Coordinator and Offensive Line coach Jim Bollman to be offensive line coach/running game coordinator.

Bollman comes with a wealth of college and professional experience. Almost as importantly he overlapped with Spaz one year at UVA and was Tranq's OLine coach at Michigan State (so there is more familiarity with Spaz than say Kevin Rogers had). He's available because Urban Meyer decided to bring in most of his own folks at Ohio State. They gave him the running game coordinator title, but I wouldn't read too much into that. Martin is still going to call plays. I assume that Martin and Bollman have a some familiarity given the Ohio connection between the two.

Ohio State fans are mocking us, but I am not too concerned. If Bollman can just get our guys to be more consistent and less confused on plays, he will have done his job.

I'll have more on Bollman as I learn more. For now I am optimistic. We needed a teacher and a veteran who has seen it all and can instill fundamentals back into our offensive line. On paper Bollman is that guy.

Sean Devine will remain on staff as the Tight Ends coach...and that is a good thing. He's been one of our hardest working recruiters. I know OLine U fell apart under his watch, but I think it was probably a bad fit from the start (I'll explain why in another post). Now he can redeem himself by helping us close out strong on the recruiting front.


  1. What is Brock's status? There does not seem to be any room for him on the offensive coaching side any longer. maybe WR coach?

    What about Ryan Day - the present WR "coach"? Is he still trying to join Meyer's staff? Chip Kelly's staff? I think he should follow Dawson's lead and find another line of work, maybe join GDF's sports propaganda operations?

    Maybe swap Ryan Day for Billy Flutie who could be the new receivers coach and new asst.. trainer too?

  2. Interesting point from an OSU blog:

    "Buckeye fans have already begun warning Boston College followers through Twitter, but I think the melodrama is severely overplayed. Yes, Bollman was horrid as a playcaller and gameplan-designer, but he won't be asked to do either of those things with the Eagles. Bollman, as an offensive line coach, has consistently received praise from former players and colleagues, including Alabama head coach Nick Saban who invited him to lead a clinic on the offensive line in 2009, and is a qualified candidate for the job. At Boston College, Bollman can focus on teaching the position."

  3. Not sure if he is totally out of football, but he has not been coaching for a few years and he is the man who started "O-Line U". Mike Maser would have been the solution to the O-Line before it even became a problem.


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