BC Fan Resources

Friday, April 27, 2012

Spaz becoming his caricature

Multiple people have sent this or commented on it, so I thought it deserved its own post. This is from the Globe's article on Luke Kuechly.

The choice by the Panthers drew praise from BC coach Frank Spaziani. “A great choice,’’ he said. “He will be perfect for them. And it was the perfect pick for me as well since it came two minutes before my bedtime.’’

Spaz should stop trying to be funny. His quips fall flat. He also shouldn't joke about things that other coaches are saying about him. Once Spaz wins the ACC I will hire a drummer to follow him around hitting rimshots after every joke. Until then focus on football and not being funny.

(For those wondering, Kuechly was drafted at approximately 8:55 PM.)


  1. We get that no one really likes Spaz. That doesn't mean every little thing he does needs to be attacked. This was innocent and humorous.

  2. I shut the TV off right after the Kueckly announcement and I was already in bed after a long week of 12 hour days Mon-Wed - and a 3 1/2 hour drive from Raleigh after putting in 8 hours on Thursday.

    I thought it was funny, actually. But then again, I'm one of those old guys like Spaz himself.

    I am quite excited that Luke will be playing 90 miles up Route 77 from Columbia.

    Do we want Matt to complete the pass, or Luke to pick it off?

    1. We want Matt to complete a beauty and then have Kuechly force a fumble. I have trouble rooting against Matt Ryan. I want him to become upper echelon.

  3. Good solution, Galvin.

    At this point, I'd still want Atlanta to win the game.

  4. We seriously are going to do blog posts now on innocent jokes by Spaz?? I mean come on. This is getting ridiculous. Question his decisions on the field, and recruiting, but not a joke.

  5. I get up around 5:30 every morning, so yeah, I go to bed early too.

    This blog was a lot better before it became one extended rant against Spaz.

  6. I get up around 5:30 every morning, so yeah, I go to bed early too.

    This blog was a lot better before it became one extended rant against Spaz.

  7. One, I cringed when I saw the quote. In my head, "Really Spaz? Really???"

    Two, the quality of this blog has not dropped off. There may be anti-Spaz every now and then, but doesn't mean it's a bad blog.


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