BC Fan Resources

Monday, May 21, 2012

Will Class of 2012's graduation change our mojo?

It used to be fun to cheer for Boston College. Yet we all know things changed. Our once lovable overachieving teams became boring. We lost our free spirit, go for broke attitude. Games became a chore. Some blame Gene D. I've forgiven him and moved on to a new group to blame: the BC class of 2012!

It might not seem fair to blame new college grads for the plight of our sports, but who said life was fair? This is what I know: our teams were fun until they got here. When these kids were applying for college BC was the No. 2 team in the country. We won bowl games annually. Once the '12ers arrived, things seemed normal. We made the ACC Championship again. But we lost the big game again. And then saw our bowl streak end. We also saw our teams miss the NCAA basketball tournament and saw more coaching turnover than anyone could have predicted.

Defenders of the class of 2012 will claim that BC hockey's never been better. Multiple National Championships and a trophy case of Beanpot and Hockey East titles are nice, but are we really going to give them credit for it? I just think Jerry York's super powers include deflecting 2012's evil spirits!

Speeches today will pat the class of 2012 on their back for their accomplishments. Speakers will tell them to go out and change the world. You won't hear that from me. I want them to apologize.

I hope the incoming freshmen bring a new vibe to BC sports. I would suggest a punishment for the new grads, but being a BC fan provides enough punishment as is.


  1. Agreed.

    Dump these kids and go with a Superfan throwback slogan for the 2016 class.

    Eagles on the Warpath!!

  2. This is terrible. Done reading blog.

  3. Chill, Brett. Ever heard of tongue-in-cheek?

  4. Brett, the truth hurts. Worst achieving class in BC athletics since the mid-90's. And my era (late 80's) was just as bad.

    However, we have much worse problems than a bad class. The ACC is imploding and BC is going to be one of the odd-men-out unless we can attach to ND and join the Big Ten.

  5. You're an ass. Ha!

  6. A Bob Knight quote, from the class of 2012, to ATL:

    When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass.

  7. I read this expecting for at least a "no, really, congrats though" at the end, but it never came. One little sentence was all it needed but instead it comes off as a selfish 'good riddance'. My classmates contributed a whole hell of a lot of good to this university and left it in tears today, and there's crap like this being written about us. Some my fondest BC memories came in, and several grades suffered a bit because of, the Superfan yellow, but whatever. Tongue in cheek or not, this post is the end of my patience with this blog. Not like BCI doesn't beat you to the punch on everything anyway (except OC Ryan Day of course)

  8. Matt,

    Read the labels for the post.

    "You're officially Eagles now."

    Man some kids are such whiners.

  9. Kind of embarrassed that some people took this post so seriously. I thought it was pretty funny and it is a sad state of affairs when sarcasm is no longer permissible. Bill, how many kids called their mommies on you? I wonder what Observer College's thoughts are...

  10. Sorry the humor was lost on the class of 2012. Part of it was obviously my execution.

  11. This was obviously a joke post. Read the tags at the end of the post. And if you've read this blog for more than 5 minutes, you'd know that ATL would never write this kind of thing seriously. Good grief.

  12. If the obvious tongue-in-cheek humor was lost on the class of 2012, it really does make me think that there has been a sea-change in the type of students BC is seeking, and not always in a good way.

    Lighten up, people!


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