BC Fan Resources

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rich Thompson will cover BC football this Fall for the Herald

There is some news on the BC media front. The Herald assigned Rich Thompson to the BC beat for this Fall's football season. Rich has covered BC on occasion over the years, but mostly on the basketball side. Thompson is a welcome addition, as the Herald's focus has been spotty since Steve Conroy started splitting his time on hockey. Hopefully a new voice on the BC scene will also spark Blauds to improve his work.

For many years, BC fans' main source of news was Mike (Vega at the Globe) and Mike (Shalin at the Herald). We complained about their identical features and soft touch on the BC coaches. Little did we know how good things were. Since Vega's move in 2007, we've been left with a beat writer who seems to loathe his job and also makes excuses for our Head Coach. Blauds also rarely writes or tweets during the college offseason. That sort of editorial decision may have been fine 20 years ago, but now college sports is a year round news cycle. When you look at all the work produced by college beat writers around the country, it makes the Boston media look lazy or oblivious.

Thompson also plans to tweet regularly once the season starts. I hope he makes the most of this opportunity. It is a shame to see the beat neglected like it is across town.


  1. Newspapers??? Are those still read?? I think your blog has a greater circulation than the Globe!

    1. Globe circulation: 225,000
      Herald circulation: 108,000

      How many read the sports pages? How many care about college sports? Maybe you have a combined readership in those areas of day 10%. : 33,000

      Note Mass population: 6,600,000

  2. It's no wonder we can't fill the stadium.

    Hopefully a strong start will do it.

    Go BC - beat Miami.


    My golf club was closed Saturday night for a member's private party.

    It was Steve Spurrier and his wife hosting their annual "New Year's Eve" Party for football staff and high rollers, etc.

    They expect to be someplace else at that time of year.

    Let's go BC - let's find that attitude.

  3. The Globe and the Herald are important because they employ the only full-time people dedicated to covering BC sports. All the blogs and websites are only part time and none of us have the access the papers get.

  4. I hope Rick does a good job.

  5. At least the Herald put the BC hockey championship as front page news.

  6. In general, the Boston papers do a horrific job of covering college sports, which makes no sense as Boston is home to more colleges than any city in the U.S. You would think coverage of college sports would get premium real estate in the sports' section.

  7. "Since Vega's move in 2007, we've been left with a beat writer who seems to loathe his job and also makes excuses for our Head Coach. Blauds also rarely writes or tweets during the college offseason."

    LOL. it is those sort of gems that make ATLeagle worth checking every day.

    hey, i'll take as much BC coverage as i can get -- maybe the globe and herald would increase circulation (or at least web page impressions) if it covered stuff people cared about.


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