BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Camp begins and Globe still without coverage

The Globe and BC both assured me that the paper would have a dedicated BC beat reporter this year. Well that person has yet to be announced and the paper did not cover the first day of practice. Nothing particularly newsworthy happened, but you would hope that they will begin coverage soon. Fortunately the Herald was there. They reported the most newsy event of the day -- the new captains. Metrowest's Eric Avidon also made an appearance at practice and emphasized the new attitude

I trust that the Globe will cover the team. I just hope they don't miss the opportunity that the preseason presents. Once the season begins, the beat falls into a fairly structured pattern. Now is the time for the new person to make a mark.


  1. I have already written up an article entitled "Speedy Recovery for BC Offense". The Globe is more than welcome to run it, as it's really theirs.

    The article I wrote is plagiarized from an August 1996 piece by Michael Vega. Vega talks about how BC's defense should improve greatly with the installation of Phil Elmassian as Defensive Coordinator--with select quotes about the excitement that is building.

    I simply took out all the "Defense" and "Phil Elmassian" references, and replace them with "Offense" and "Doug Martin". As this was originally intended for Mr. Blaudschun's use, I went ahead and used the same quotes from 1996--just subbing in 2012 players like Chris Pantale for 1996 players such as Brian Maye.

    No reporter should have to ruin summer vacation so as to cover BC football. Thus, I am happy to repurpose Mr. Vega's work for the reality as it exists today, taking care of excisions of all unpersons such as Messrs. Rogers and Harris.

    So Globe writer to-be-named-later, enjoy the rest of your summer with your family and friends. Just be sure to have your intern swing by the YAC by COB Friday August 24 to pick up your bylined pieces for the Miami game week.


  2. Good job Observer. Let us hope that 2012 is substantially better than 1996. 2. The ACC is a lost cause with Swafford and the basketball firsters running the show. The conference exists only at the sufferance of ND. If ND combined with NBC, FOX or CBS and started their own league with a much larger TV payout almost every member of the ACC would be seeking admittance.

  3. Globe is a joke, always has been


  4. I think our captains will each have a good year. I hope that they have no injuries - especially Kaleb.

    Let's go BC - beat Miami.

    I'm at the PGA Championship at Kiawah Island - talk about a tough place for fans to navigate.

    A BC Tailgate is easy compared to this. I have no clue why we golf fans put up with this kind of stuff - the Ocean Course is a terrible venue for spectators.

    In comparison - although a different sport - I'm really looking forward to the pre-game activities at BC, believe me.

    It's time to start getting into this season and its possibilities.

  5. is that kid austin tedesco still at BC? i think that was his name. he had some great coverage for the Heights last year. why doesn't he just cover the Eagles for the Heights and that can be our "boston" sports coverage


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