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Saturday, September 08, 2012

In-game comments post: Maine

BC gets its chance to bounce back from last week's loss and Maine gets a chance to make national headlines. Let's hope it is a boring game (in a good way) and BC controls. Leave your thoughts and comments below.

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  1. I'll be heading over to Alumni within the hour.

    Coach Cosgrove of Maine said that "They've got to be licking themselves in terms of the (Miami) game. I thought they were the far superior team. It was really baffling how BC didn't get that one."

    We'll find some anwers today, eh?

    Let's go BC. Come out smoking and don't let up. Beat Maine!

    Triple Echo!!!

  2. Oh boy - It was a typo. I meant "kicking" themselves.

    Triple Echo = emotion, energy and enthusiasm.

  3. Attendance looks bad. We should always play FCS teams on Parents Weekend.

  4. Is anyone else's feed real pixelated?

  5. ATL,

    Yes, the feed is a bit shaky for me.

    My brother is at Alumni and says their are only 20k there.

  6. That was a great run but also a terrible mistake. You've got to be more careful.

  7. The Spaz black cloud continues.

    This is like the 3rd time in the Spaz era a player has fumbled trying to reach for the goal line. Just fricken tell them to go down and we will get them on the next play.

  8. Boy Paul McGuire sure has fallen. He has gone from covering NFL games to doing BC versus Maine. I do like his color commentary though.

  9. 10 yard BC cushion on 3rd and 3 results in a first down conversion.

  10. Spaz must not realize that 3rd down is a crucial down and that people only try to get to the sticks. Cushions like that only belong in Greek orgies.

  11. Scoreboard watching, Miami getting throttled 24-3. BC is worse than we thought.

  12. Cripes, put in Javorsky. He never fumbles in the Spring Game.

    I hope McGuire is right and they overturn it.

  13. Can we just pass it from here on out?

  14. BC is now trailing Maine. Who can Spaz blame this on?

  15. We need to just start throwing the ball. This is a complete waste.

  16. I find it hard to believe that the team that was picking apart Miami's secondary is having trouble with Maine's secondary. Unleash the hounds, Spaz.

  17. Rettig just needs to light up the field. No more running.

  18. why not run the flanker pass with Bordner?

  19. That was a nice drive. Now just do that four more times.

  20. Rettig looks great. Nice TD pass!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. ATL, too predictable. You line a QB up like that, everyone will expect the 2nd pass. Of course, running the same play in the first 2 games of the season, people will now expect it anyways.

    However, Coleman shouldn't be the guy throwing the ball. It should be Amidon, Evans, or eventually Swigert. Coleman could be better used as a blocker (if we just play it as a bubble screen) or receiver.

  23. This offense, even when struggling to score points, is so much more fun to watch than the prior 3 years. Of course it helps to have a veteran QB. And keep in mind, Swigert and Pantale have yet to play!

  24. Its about time an opponent gives us a freebie

  25. Nice catch by Coleman there.

  26. Well, that's more like it.

  27. I say we keep throwing until they stop us. Granted, we shouldn't be fearing the mighty Maine defense in the first place, but Rettig deserves to have his numbers boosted. Plus, he's throwing TD's left and right.

  28. That was a crap 3 and out. They just don't know how to put teams away.

  29. worst camera coverage ever!

  30. Gene is speaking at Halftime. Must see TV...er internet feed.

  31. I love taking 10 seconds to call the no-brainer time out to preserve clock. I guess Spaz wanted less time to run out, while still maintaining the appearance of a smart coach.

  32. Come on, guys. Score again before halftime.

  33. Don't like running on first down when you need to run your 2-minute offense.

    Also, how is Cole unblocked on the sack?

  34. Rettig has accumulated a lot of incomplete passes the past couple drives.

  35. That was not a good half. We are much better than this score indicates.

  36. Even with the field goal, Spaz cannot be happy with the play of his team. 2 fumbles, only 3-8 on third down, Rettig at 50% going 12-24.

    Positives: the defense is playing much better, Freese is still perfect, Gene is retiring.

  37. Man, the stadium is empty. This is a big reason we have trouble with recruiting. Big time players want to play in big time environments.

  38. I guess Amy Poehler was too busy getting divorced to wish BC a happy birthday.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. GDF on what he'll look back on upon retiring:

    "It not the victories you remember".

    We know Gene, we know

  41. Crowd looks ok for FCS opponent. Probably 36,000

  42. Bc looks bad

    Rettig has regressed

    Miami is getting blasted by KState, showing Miami sucks and our loss was actually a bad loss to a terrible team

  43. Thanks to Gene, I can watch virtually every single BC game from 1,000 miles away. Great, great move getting BC to the ACC and away from the Big Least.

  44. Duke Johnson just had a 76 yard kick-off return. He us for real.

  45. That wasn't the start off the half I wanted. Maine should've scored on that drive.

  46. The offense looks like absolute shit now.

    Freese still perfect.

  47. Ugh, really should be scoring a TD there. Ugly play calling.

  48. Where is the player energy this week? So much buzz, excitement last week. This week not so much. Meh

  49. Spiffy! 83 yard punt return.

  50. Spiffy!!! When is the last time BC had a punt return for a TD? Has to be years ago.

  51. Eagleboston,
    I think it was Rich Gunnel

  52. Nice play by Asprilla there.

  53. That is how you follow up on a Turnover.

  54. SweetnRettig pass to Amidon

  55. There's the rout we expected.

    Time to put in Bordner and the scrubs.

  56. Wow, another foot injury. When do we start demanding compensation from Astro Turf?

  57. I think you are right Benjamin. That was not too long ago.

    WTF, Sinkovec with a foot injury. Another one! Get these players some better shoes!

  58. Danny, I blame under armour's shoes. You don't see Maine and Miami players breaking bones on our turf.

  59. ATL, while I definitely agree that UA provides a lot of sub-par products to our guys, they didn't seem like an issue last year.

    Are the Terps suffering from the same type of injuries?

  60. Rettig's stats are going to be bad for this game, but I think his play has been decent.

  61. Danny:

    South Carolina players have been complaining about the shoes.


  62. My gosh, BC is only 4-12 on 3rd downs. Against Maine! What the heck are we going to do against Northwestern if we can't convert 3rd downs.

  63. Thanks, ATL. I've always thought of UA as an appearance over substance company.

    The equipment supplier for the team can make all the difference. I remember when Nike supplied for the Hockey team, all the basketball guys would be doing all sorts of favors for them in hopes to get some Nike swag.

    The Reebok reps would always have fits when they walked in on practices and saw the whole team wearing Nikes instead of their supplied shoes.


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