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Saturday, September 01, 2012

In-game comments post: Miami

It's time! BC football is back. Hope is here. We have actually games to talk about instead of just speculate. And we finally have a chance to put 2011 behind us. I think we'll have a good start to the season and hopefully it will lead to a fun and surprising year. Enjoy the game and leave your comments and thoughts below.

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  1. Let's go Eagles 2012!

    Hopefully, we will get some decent karma from the new UPS logistics ad breaking down the Flutie pass. Young Eagles, this was the greatest moment in BC football history just slightly ahead of Gordon's kick to knock off #1 ND.

  2. I tweeted this but for those who don't know, this is BC's own Bob Wischusen on the call. He probably won't show bias, but he is probably more familiar than most play-by-play guys.

  3. Does anyone know the deal with the sledgehammer.

  4. Great use of Spaz's first time out.

  5. Still stuck watching the Syracuse-N'western game down here. INTERMINABLE!

  6. That was a nice start to the season.

  7. Dixie:

    Have you tried ESPN3?

  8. Touchdown!!! First drive of the Martin era. Me like!

    I missed the first minute. Did I hear right that BC already used up a timeout?

  9. Not loading.... I am going to scream.

    Just 1:30 left in the other stupid game.

  10. Dixie Eagle,

    I found the game on WatchESPN

  11. Ball is bouncing our way so far this season.

  12. Rositano fumble and the tipped completed pass are two plays where we've lucked out. I'll take it.

  13. At the game. He must have lost the ball in the Sun. It is wicked sunny today.

  14. They look GREAT. This is Awesome.

  15. BTW the new field looks great on TV.

  16. Amidon is killing me. Rettig looks fantastic though

  17. Thanks, eagleboston; Won't load for some reason..blacked out, maybe. Just 26 seconds left now...

  18. Sinkovec is the secret weapon!

  19. I see that BC's kick coverage problems haven't been corrected yet.

  20. Kick-off return coverage is still a problem.

  21. This is the type of BC football we all love.

  22. Scoreboard watching: Future BC opponent Northwestern comes back to defeat Syracuse on the road. At least this year, it appears we have an offense that can keep up with their high-scoring squad.

  23. More fun in the last 10 minutes than the entire last season.

  24. Defense needs to tighten-up. 14 points is not a huge lead.

  25. Knucklehead:

    How full is Alumni? Looks pretty good on TV.

  26. BC's defense is so slow. If any Miami player gets the ball in space, it's an easy 10 yards.

  27. This no-huddle is killing BC. Defense not looking in sync. It seems like with BC, either the offense is stellar or the defense, but never both at the same time. Frustrating.

  28. We need to get more pressure on Morris.

  29. OK, Rettig and Company know they have to boost the young defense. I would like to see them go back to the run like the first drive. Wear the defense down, bilk some time, keep the Miami offense off the field.

  30. 10 yard cushion off receivers continues to hurt us.

  31. that was bad. Rettig waited too long and they just read his eyes.

  32. Well, they should have listened to me. Run the flipping football down their throats!!!!

  33. Quick question ... where is Appiah? He's not on depth chart and haven't seen him play.

  34. Well that was fun while it lasted.

  35. at least BC is still being aggressive after the turnover.

  36. Well, hell, don't listen to me. Rettig is hitting his marks this drive.

  37. MMason, where are you?

    This one is gonna be another nail-biter. Time to dust off the blender.

  38. We need a defensive stop here. C'mon Eagles!

  39. Stunning factoid - BC has not won a conference opener since '07. Has it really been that long?

  40. that's a rough holding call. was a nice strip and takedown of Morris.

  41. Lot of missed tackles on Johnson's TD run.

  42. The defense is absolutely pathetic. Can't tackle and are way too slow.

  43. Well, now we will see if BC can play from behind. Spaz better not take a knee if we have over a minute to go in the half. I will have a coronary.

  44. That is because we have MAC talent now besides a few players. miami speed makes BC look like they are in cement. Miami has made adjustments, lets see if we do or is it same old spaz.

  45. Can't blame the offense. Nearly 300 yards in the first half!!! Who would have thunk?

  46. If anything, I'm having fun. Go BC!

  47. It's real clear where the weak link is and it's not the O coordinator this year.

  48. Amidon the star of the offense so far.

  49. Alex Amidon is going to be exhausted after this game.

  50. I love that playaction call on 3rd and 1. That never would have happened the last few years.

  51. It is fun though, great play calling, our receivers need work.

  52. Damn receivers!! 4 easy drops. We really miss Swigert and Pantale

  53. Consider that the defense is absolutely putrid, BC is going to need to finish these drives. These bonehead mistakes are killing them.

  54. We have now scored in one half, what the offense of the past few years averaged in an entire game. Amazing.

    Now the defense absolutely cannot allow Miami to score before half.

  55. What is the story with Larmond? Not a lot of run today

  56. Hold on wha? BC called a timeout to try to get the ball back? Has Spaz been abducted by aliens?

  57. Too bad Spazoo burned that timeout early. We could have used it to preserve some time for our offense.

  58. You gotta have a better defense play call than that if you're going to call a timeout.

  59. Get some flipping pressure on the QB!!!

  60. Prevent defense sucks

  61. Looks like BC needs to emphasize fumbling drills this week in practice.

  62. And there it is, the kneel.

  63. What the hell play call was that? Either pass the ball or take a damn knee.

  64. Spaz wasts timeouts and takes a knee at half. Those are the types of things that will hurt regardless of who the OC is.

  65. And by the way, what the hell is up with this word verification nonsense? Half the time you can't make out the letters and if you can, the numbers are faded and fuzzy. If I get another words don't match message, I'm gonna break something.

  66. Bravesbill:

    I have no idea about the word verification. It's a google thing.

  67. Yeah I know. It gets frustrating sometimes. I have a mini celebration each time I can get the verification right on the first try.

  68. What do people think? Down 1 at half, wish we were up. Offense, if you take out the Rettig mistake was excellent. Pass protection the best in years. Great holes for the runners. Rettig looks great, too many drops by the receivers. Defense really struggling, although if you take out the Rettig INT, its BC 20- Miami 14. Too many costly penalties by both units.

    I think this game is coming down to a Rettig 2-minute drill or the converse, Miami driving for the win against our defense. Already on the edge of my seat for the second half.

  69. Can't criticize Spaz for taking a knee with 20 seconds left and 50 yards away from the redzone. Stoops, Myer, Saban all would have done the same thing. I can somewhat question question running on first down instead of going to the air.

  70. Even with the INT, that's Rettig's best half at BC. Without the drops, we are ahead.

    Defense needs work and bring more pressure.

  71. sledgehammer replaced the bat from last year , of "protecting the house"

  72. we are missing Pantale & Swigert..But our O line may be the best i've seen in 4+ years. Ageinst we well thought of D Line
    Need a little help on D ( we sure miss Luke)

  73. 293 yards in the first half!

  74. Rettig is making NFL type throws. Threading the needle.

  75. I didn't like the result, but good play call on 2nd and 4 by going deep. That will set-up the run later.

  76. Coleman's never even played football. When did he learn to throw?

  77. Need the 3 points here. Good decision.

  78. Unfortunately, one thing that hasn't changed from last year is too many field goals in the redzone instead of TD's. Still, that's being a tad picky. This offense is much, much improved from the past 3 seasons. Same players, much different result. Hats off to Martin and Bollman.

  79. dropping 8 in coverage doesn't seem to bother Morris.

  80. Way too much time...send damn pressure esp. in 3rd and long situations.

  81. BC needs to ditch the 3-man rush. It's killing them. McGovern, gotta dial up some pressure.

  82. back to back losing our starting DB's?

  83. Already enjoying watching this team WAY more than last year. Its exciting offense, it was extremely painful and boring last year

  84. Devitto has made some nice tackles out in the flats.

  85. that was a big stop on the 3rd down screen.

  86. Did Parsons step out of bounds? I would like to see a replay of that.

  87. Well, it's unusual to score every time you have the ball on offense, but one gets the feeling that we need to score just to keep up with the Miami offense going against our depleted defense.

  88. Well good night, the party's over.

  89. The difference between this year and last year is that we are not out of a game down 8 with 1 quarter to go. Unfortunately, another difference is that our defense cannot stop the opposing offense.

  90. That was another bad series and another drop.

  91. So depressing, so depressing. So unbelievably deflating.

  92. The difference this game has been that Miami has made adjustments on defense and BC has not.

  93. Bravesbill, the only obvious adjustment I see is to eliminate the 3-man rush (of course, we all want the 10 yard corner cushion gone, but that is not going to happen). The fact that 3 starters are out is a critical issue and you really cannot adjust for that.

  94. that's the game. glad we kept running!

  95. What the f*&^ have we done to piss off the football gods????

  96. Those are the two glaring adjustments that need to be made but have not. It doesn't matter who the DBs are. They have no chance when Morris has forever to throw.

    In speaking of which, look what happens when you do send pressure.

  97. Now we need to go back to hurry up. Someone tell Spaz we need two scores.

  98. We aren't any good we don't have the players. The offense is much better and it is finally watchable, but we don't have the horses. Miami is very young but much more talented, they are taking it to us now. We have MAC level talent except for a few players. Unless we get some super innovative coach next year this is the future for the next 3 years until we get some talent, the last few recruiting classes were poor.

  99. As much as I despise Spaz, this game is not on him. Dropped passes, arm tackling, a tight end running out of bounds, fumbles, brutal penalties in key situations. The players are not executing tonight and it may cost us a conference game barring a Rettig miracle.

  100. Score should be BC 27 Miami 24

    Dropped Miller TD Pass - minus 4pts

    Rettig INT for TD - miuns 7 pts

    Williams TURNOVER - minus 3 pts.


    First down runs the last three drives????

  101. that being said we still have a chance in this game

  102. How many foot injuries do we have now with Coleman going down.

  103. I repeat my question, what have we done to anger the football gods??

  104. That's on Kimble. He was holding it was too carelessly.

  105. again, good teams don't do this, WE ARE NOT GOOD. 6 FUMBLES

  106. Well I'm done with this game. It's 2:50am out here. Good night to all.

  107. Harrow, good point. If we hold Miami to a field goal, we are down two TD's with aprox 8 minutes left. However, we will have to abandon the run.

  108. Jesus Christ.

    They just played isolation football on us the entire second half. Like watching an NBA game.

  109. It is like a Miami home game, embarassing.

  110. Every Columbian drug lord in the area seems to be at the game supporting THE U.

  111. That's the game. We're now in last place in the Atlantic. ATL's worst case scenario, to our utter horror, is now in play.

    The only hope is that we get Swigert and Pantale back to bolster the offense, but where is the hope with our defense?

  112. I know the game is over, but I will be livid if we don't come out in the hurry up. At least try to make it interesting, Spaz.

  113. I really wanted BC to win. I was shocked by the great play calling and play at the beginning of the game and it gave me hope. Howver, before this game, I thought we would lose by 20. Even with the great start, we are going to lose by about 20. Let's just face the facts, we don't have alot of good players. We are a middle of the pack MAC team at best. Ohio and Bowling Green would take us easy and they are well coached. As much as I want BC to win, its not happening until we get a new coach and a few seasons of recruits. Too many of us on these boards wear rose colored glasses. I am not this year that is why I am speaking the truth. The sooner we all realize the easier it will be, just don't expect BC to win this year and when we do win it will be that much sweeter.

  114. That was DIRTY.

    Touchdown. Onside kick. Touchdown.

  115. knucklehead nice racist comment, i was going to come to your defense the other day against bravesbill but i am glad i did not. you are what 34 years old and you are talking like a 19yo drunk. they beat us, they are better than us, we stink. i wish those fans were cheering for us, they our louder than are whole stadium.

  116. Offense has only managed 3 points this half. That is not getting it done. And we were so impressed in the first half.

  117. Ugh, I was just about to leave my office and they score. Might have to stick around a bit more. Looks like Rettig could surpass the 400 yard mark this game.

  118. I don't trust Spaz with these timeouts.

  119. Not racist. They just look like and sound like Columbian drug lords. Trust me they are all around me.

  120. I am not 34 and I am not acting like a drunk.

    Go Eagles. Beat the Columbian Neckties.

  121. There is chance here.

    Get the ball back with 4 to go.

    Score with 2 to go.

    Onside kick and get the ball back for a FG with 1 minute to go.

    They need to take the FG here though at least. Wonder if Spaz knows that.

  122. OK, that Flutie commercial is the magic we need.

  123. This play needs to be for more than 5 yards. If they run something to get just FIVE yards the entire staff ought to be fired after the game.

  124. Depressing, though, that since that Flutie pass, Miami has absolutely and thoroughly dominated BC.

  125. knucklehead if you are at the game, then I will take your word

  126. 10 drops? My God when can Swigert return?

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. Rettig closing in on 450 yards passing. Telling stat - BC is 5-13 on 3rd downs.

  129. We are going to get screwed on the review.

  130. Should have taken the three and not QB sneak.

    Evans was in. Rettig was not.

  131. another spaz screwup, just go for the fg, we had a chance. he just doesn't get it.

  132. Can't criticize him for going to the score. He was one flipping inch away from the TD. Also, if you get the field goal, you still have to obtain the on-side kick, score a TD, and then get the 2-point conversion. No guarantee with Freese on the filed goal either.

  133. spaz should resign tomorrow. we just got beat by a bunch of kids out of high school, TALENT rules, COACHING helps, we have neither.

  134. The Yale coach did something similar against Harvard 4-5 years ago. He went for TD when he need FG and TD. He was replaced after the season for blowing THE GAME.

  135. Spaz is gone very soon.

    The players are more the reason for the loss today though. 7-8 fumbles. No stops on third down. Dropped touchdown passes and drops in general.etc

  136. Well, I hate, hate, hate losing. But at least BC went down fighting, scored a lot of points, and played exciting football. They cannot allow 40 points by opponents. That must get corrected fast. But, 31 points by the offense, a new offense that is only going to get better and better with each week is cause for optimism.

    Finally, the players need to execute better if they wish to win ACC games. Hang on to the football, grasp the perfectly thrown passes, stop arm tackling.

    The 0-1 hole is depressing, but there was enough here to hold out hope. Spaz is red hot on the hot seat.

  137. This sounds like a joke but I am serious. We need to have our footwear evaluated. Too many foot and ankle injuries. Pierre Louis and Coleman today alone. Somemthing is going on there.

  138. knuckle, it is under armour crap i believe. they just throw their name on a pair of junk shoes and people buy them. you would think one would stay with an established shoe company and their track record. we sold out for money.

  139. 17 points off turnovers: the pick 6, fumble led to TD, fumble led to FG.
    But it WAS the most fun BC football in a long time!


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