BC Fan Resources

Friday, October 05, 2012

ICYMI: links from the past week

Two great pieces from Austin Tedesco this week. The first is on the basketball's trip to Spain. The second is on Alex Amidon and features friend of this blog, his dad Stephen.

Soaring to Glory's continued their hockey preview. The season is right around the corner.

The trip to West Point brings back memories for WR coach Aaron Smith.

The Globe published a rare feature on a BC female athlete, hockey's Alex Carpenter.

Paul Gaughan is adjusting to Center.

This is not BC-related, but you should check out Yahoo's profile of LSUFreak. You've probably seen his work, but what is great about him and his rise is how the college football community embraced and celebrated his work.

Here is an article on Peter Frates from last week.

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