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Thursday, November 08, 2012

BC-Notre Dame preview

I've written thousands of words on BC's unique relationship with Notre Dame. In most posts I tried to respect the passion of the rivalry, but remind readers that in the whole scheme of things, BC had many more important rivals. I feel a little differently now. I really want to see BC win this game. I am not looking for revenge or the glee that comes from upsetting the Irish. I want BC to win because the program is starved for a "moment." Since Herzlich's return, there hasn't been much to inspire our fans or remind us why we invest so much emotion into watching these teams. And the "moment" would also mean a lot to the current players. I know some of them are embarrassed by BC's decline. They came to BC with dreams of bowls and winning big ACC games and now will have to look back at loses to Army and a series of blowouts. Beating an undefeated Notre Dame team won't turn this season around, but it will provide a highlight to everyone who has suffered and struggled through the past two seasons.

Hot Seat Thermometer
I've read a few things calling this a must win for Spaz to save his job. Spaz could win this game and run the table and he still wouldn't be back. He's done. But the good news is that he and the staff have supposedly focused on this game for weeks. Maybe they will have something special that will change the dynamic of the game.
Temperature: a hot towel on an airplane

Overlooked Storyline: Even without wining, BC can ruin Notre Dame's season
There are multiple unbeaten teams still left in the National Championship hunt and college football is still in the no playoff limbo. Human polls will make a difference but computer rankings are an important factor. If Notre Dame beats BC and we finish out the season 2-10, their strength of schedule takes a hit. That one factor could be the difference between Alabama vs Oregon instead of Alabama vs Notre Dame.

Three Simple Keys
1. Gallik has to play the game of his life. He's been one of the weak links on our weak offensive line. Notre Dame has some of the best DTs in college football. He needs to play very well and not allow easy sacks.
2. Confuse Golson. Although he's been solid of late, Golson will still force some bad throws. BC needs to capitalize.
3. Get a big return from Spiffy. If you are going to pull off a big upset, you need a big special teams play. One big play from Spiffy could set up an easy BC score.

Gambling Notes
-- Spaz is 2-1 against the spread when playing Notre Dame
-- Notre Dame is 3-4 in Alumni Stadium
-- Notre Dame has not won two straight at BC since the 1990s
The current line is BC+18.5

This is probably Spaz's last shot at beating Notre Dame. If he lose, he will join Joe Yukica and Jack Bicknell as the only BC coaches who have played Notre Dame but never recorded a win over the Irish while at BC.

Scoreboard Watching
I will follow Wake Forest vs NC State. I don't know what to make of TOB's NC State team. It seemed like they were on the verge of finally having a breakthrough season but things have fallen apart the past two weeks. Can they bounce back against Wake? What will he be like against us? It is possible his final regular season game as a college coach will be against BC. 

I hope to see...
Duece Finch play and play well. Finch is finally out of Spaz's doghouse. I hope he makes the most of his chance to play. He was unfairly scapegoated for our early season troubles.

BC is in trouble if...
We get behind by more than a touchdown early. That seems obvious since we've never comeback from any significant deficit under Spaz, but it is even more apparent this weekend. The only games where the Irish have been scared have been lower scoring affairs. If Notre Dame starts to roll, we won't catch up.

Bottom Line
I don't trust Spaz. I don't think this team is very good. I think Notre Dame is very good. But even with all of those factors, I still have a funny feeling about this game. I'm probably projecting my hopes where they don't belong, but I think things come together this weekend. I've been saying all year we will steal one game. This is it. Rettig plays well and gets us a late score to go ahead. The Irish make enough mistakes and history is made again.
Finale Score: BC 21, Notre Dame 20


  1. Our offensive line is going to get crushed. Our defensive line lacks almost everything needed to make plays. We've been transformed into a middling MAC team.

    Big supporter of the kids on the team, but unlike ATL, I think there just isn't enough talent. It's been that way for three years now. This is an atrocious conference and we're the worst of it.

    Who knows, maybe ND will turn the ball over five times. Maybe our priests pray harder than theirs. Maybe their cheerleaders's cheers stink. Maybe their girls are ugly. Wait, no, that one's in the bank. Maybe Kelly invites a student intern to call plays. Maybe that wouldn't matter. Maybe Chuck Pagano gives our pregame speech.

    Maybe maybe maybe means "I'll take Charlie Strong" and a new recruiting class to be named later.

    I'm to the point where I hope it's enertaining for a half. That's depressing. All I want for Xmas is about five studs to rebuild both lines.

    Having said that, go BC.

  2. Didn't really want to go to this game, but have felt a sense of obligation to go and cheer on our players. It's going to be a Domer-heavy crowd, and they'll need all home team encouragement they can get.

    My fear has been a nationally televised blowout. My expectation has been a bad loss that's never close. My hope has been on par with CT's, sadly, for just an entertaining half...Until now.

    ATL, as ever, you have managed to bring a spark to the smoldering embers of hope for this team.

    Anything can happen on any given Saturday. Our guys will play up for this. Spaz & Co. have nothing to lose by opening up the playbook and letting the kids play. And as hard as Kelly will be trying to get his squad to not overlook this game, you know they will be doing just that. 22 college kids on the field at any given time, and any one of them can do something spectacular to turn the game when least expected - - as long has they have hope and believe that it's possible. If we're lucky someone in the locker room before the game will make sure they do.

    Do I fear a blowout? Yes.
    Do I expect a win? No.

    But I do have hope, and I'll be bringin' it to Alumni on Saturday night.

    Thanks ATL.

  3. Albany,

    You make a good point about the fan make up of the game. Any perceived homefield advantage is certainly gone. Be prepared for Notre Dame Stadium East.

    No way BC is competitive in this game. Toss this one on the smoldering heap that is BC football in the Spaziani era.

  4. i love ATLEagle. now i'm fired up.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Like my friend Red used to say, before he escaped from prison, hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.

  7. Red didn't escape, he walked out the front door. But I undestand the sentiment.

  8. Beautiful Shawshank reference.

    To take it even further, the past few years have felt much like army-crawling through human waste.
    But hope is what allows us to persevere until we can rejoice once we escape this Spazdom.

  9. ATL, has the limo Vegas no doubt will send to your house after reading this arrived yet?

  10. It will be worse than the year before the big field goal from David Gordon. Things were so bad in those days that it was always a 2 for 1 home field contract. BC has built up to a home and home contract with the Irish. That could very well be destroyed by the ineptness created after the stubborn firing of Jags. When the left footed Jewish kid put one into the arms of Touchdown Jesus in South Bend, the students rushed the field and tore down the goal posts in Chestnut Hill. Keep that warm fuzzy filed away for a long winter that will keep away the feeling after Lou Holtz crushed and ran up the score on an undefeated BC squad.

  11. Look, I hope you're right ATL...I have been adamant about going to this game to support BC and JUST IN CASE I MISSED THE MOST EPIC UPSET OF MY LIFE AS A BC FAN!

    Yet I look at the stock market the last two days and am reminded what "hope" has become.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think people really overlook that BC is now a battle-tested program and we are used to appearing in big games on TV.

    Look at our nationally televised game vs Clemson. err. hmmm wait. We gave up 45 points and 576 yards.

    Ok, well look at our big time game against FSU. err, hmm. wait. We gave up 51 points and 649 yards.

    Ok, well maybe those are bad examples. So let's look at the stats from CFB:

    ND Rush O (#29) vs BC Rush D (#123)

    BC Rush O (#122) v ND Rush D (#11)

    ND Total O (#56) vs BC Total D (#121)
    BC Total O (#89) vs ND Total D (#9)

    And we can add in Spaz vs Kelley.

    And this is going to be ugly.

    And CT, I am tired of your exaggerations. BC is not a "middling MAC team." We would be at the bottom of the MAC fighting with UMass for the worst.

  14. "Gallik has to play the game of his life. He's been one of the weak links on our weak offensive line. Notre Dame has some of the best DTs in college football. He needs to play very well and not allow easy sacks."

    Oh My.

    ND's nose tackle is Louis Nix. 6-3 326 lbs. Gallik will not be able to handle him or the LBs blowing in. Basically this is Gallick vs BJ Raji #2. Good news is the Nix had the flu this week and did not practice. So he might be a tad off.

    Cleary is on Stephon Tuitt. 6-6 303. 4.8 40 time. #2 DE on draft board. Better than Justin Tuck. #5 in the nation in sacks. He will be blowing past Cleary all day.

    I hope BC uses CJ Parsons as a back for extra blocking.

    Manti Te'o is hyped (Geez, I hate listening to the announcers talk about him), but still one of the best.

    Short of it is that Rettig is not going to have any time to pass and BC will have no ability to run.

    Yet, I hold onto the faintest twinkle of hope ... just a wee bit.

  15. how can i get a ticket?

  16. Yikes, apologies for botching that major Shawshank detail.

    But like my other friend Andy Dufresne says: hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things.


  17. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I bleed maroon and gold, but this is going ND 40+ vs BC 10 at most. Spaz's full suckitude on display on national TV.

    Hey Spaz, get the fuxt out of my alma matter

  18. We lose. This is not 1993 or 2002. We are awful. In past years I would see an opportunity to make a bet on BC and add to the excitement. Most of the times I would win. The times I would lose was because I got caught up in "hope" This year there wasn't a single game, we could beat the spread, let alone win.

    I love this blog, but you guys are crazy.

  19. Believing BC has a chance to win is like believing Mitt Romney was going to win the election. It's gonna rip your heart out in the end.

  20. eagles 23- fighting irish 21.

    remember we're a fist!

  21. Remember this day friends!!!! WE ARE EAGLES AND WE WILL WIN!


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