BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

These guys won't be BC's new coach

Lots of names get floated during a search process. Some of it is speculation, some of it is a favor to an agent or coach and some of it is reporting. I've been guilty of doing all three.

Occasionally the decisionmakers float a name as a trail balloon or to distract. I don't know how Brad Bates operates yet, so I assume he won't be leaking any names as a power play this time around. But I do know enough about the process that a lot of the names being mentioned already are not real candidates. I assume their names are coming up as speculation or as a favor to the named coach. Here are four that have been floated that will not get the job:

Mark Whipple. Whipple told Gene to shove it six years ago when he realized keeping Spaz on as DC was the only way to get the head job. Hindsight shows he was right about that sort of working environment being untenable. But nothing he has done in the last six years shows that he is the right guy for the job now. He's bounced around the NFL and had a mediocre run as Miami's Offensive Coordinator. It has been ten years since he's been a head coach. His history with this particular job, his age and his record mean that Whipple will not be a factor this time around.

Sean McDonnell.  McDonnell himself is dismissing his candidacy. His record at UNH is nice but there is little to suggest he is the right guy to turn BC around. I think at this point BC is looking for a mix of experience and youthful energy. I don't think a long-time established New England FCS coach is going to come in and have that burning desire to make BC great again.

Tim Murphy. Tim Murphy has a lot of fans in the local media, local coaching community and even at BC. Chip Kelly is also a big advocate. But his record at Cincinnati is one red flag. The fact that BC is watching another Ivy League coach in a major sport struggle with his transition to the ACC/BC is another red flag. This is a recurring theme and makes me sound like an ageist, but Murphy is on the wrong side of 55. Can he go out and find every recruit BC needs? Is he going to adjust his staff and ways of operating to compete in the ACC?

Kevin Gilbride. I like Kevin Gilbride (and in full disclosure I went to high school with his daughter). He may be a favorite of some vocal Alumni, but he is not getting the job this time around. Age (he's 61), his losing record as a head coach, his long time away from the college game and his past history with this particular job all lead to him not being a real candidate this time around.

I've been wrong about these things before (see Ryan Day for OC), but I feel pretty confident these guys are not going to be coaching BC next year. If I had to hedge on any of them it would be Murphy. He is so well liked by so many that Bates may give him a shot, but that would only come after many, many other candidates fell through.


  1. Atl - doing his best Blauds stating the obvious...

  2. You can also count out Strayhand. He said he's happy where he is and can't see BC turning it around for several years and as a young guy those losing years will look bad on his record. Right now he's won 87% of his games. Too bad, he would have been a find.

  3. Mark Stoops off the list...not that he was ever on it. Heading to Kentucky. What about the other Stoops who used to be at Arizona? Wouldn't be my first choice, but not my last either...

  4. How about grabbing a hot Rutgers assistant? Rutgers is what BC used to be. Top 25, solid D, dominate recruiting in NJ...

  5. AH, are you a troll?

    Where are you from UConn?

  6. Rutgers is now the big ten's gimp, along with Maryland. At least BC can reasonably expect to win the ACC

  7. Welcome back "Rutgers Al" a/k/a "AA".

    We have missed you. Of course , the Rutgers assisitants were at BC before they jumped ship on Spaz.

  8. wow! i want to find this type of blog because very use full for the students and thanks for sharing the information.. college guys

  9. Still want to know who this Strayhand person is.

  10. Heh, it looks like the ACC is going to shaft UConn again and add Louisville instead. It's always fun to see jilted UConn fans.


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