BC Fan Resources

Friday, December 07, 2012

Infomercial: Classic BC Calendars

A few years ago the folks at Asgard Press reached out to the blog's readers about an opportunity to buy these classic Boston College Football calendars. The images and photos are mostly from old programs and posters and really look great. If you're stuck on gift ideas and know a BC fan, this might be the perfect solution for you. Even if people don't use the actual calendar, it is a perfect excuse to hang up cool BC pics in your home or office. If you follow the instructions below, you can receive a 10% on any Asgard product. [Full disclosure: I get a small referral fee.]

How to buy:

1.  Go to www.asgardpress.com, and use the promo code "atleagle12."


2.  Just click on the link below.

(A heads-up, the site doesn't calculate the 10% discount until the very end, so don't worry when you don't see the discount when you put the calendar in your shopping cart.)  

This offer is good now until February 1, 2013.


  1. I received one of these a couple years ago. It's pretty cool. The posters are detachable. I have four hanging in my office right now.

  2. I will co-sign the endorsement. My sister gave me this for Christmas a couple years back. Have a couple of posters up in the office, high quality, very cool gift.

    ATL, you ought to have a tip jar for all your free Boston College coverage.

  3. It's a nice calendar from viewing. Hoever, it's a sad commentary on the evolution of college football (Fordham, St. Mary's, Northeastern, Western Maryland) from quaint and a symptom of community togetherness to the "use of hired guns". The Southeastern Conference is a "monster" which generates billions and the players make a mockery of the educational system. This attitude killed every program in the calendar (even Fordham) and may end up killing the good intentions of Boston College.

  4. JBQ "buzz kill." I love these calendars - get it every year and for a couple of my BC friends.

  5. @Blist: The point is that this is well deserved nostalgia. It is just that the current state of affairs in the world of college football is putting great pressure on the idealism of Boston College. As a graduate of Saint Louis University, do some research on what happened to their vaunted football program. Also, look up what the "vultures" left for Debbie Yow to destroy as A.D.

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