BC Fan Resources

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Bubble trouble

As BCI first posted via @FaceOffKB5, the bubble over Alumni Stadium collapsed due to the blizzard. Mother Nature can wreak havoc on even the most sturdy of buildings, but this is not unexpected. Inflatable roofs don't do well under heavy snow. You only need to look at the issues the Silverdome and the Metrodome had with their inflatable roofs. I am sure the clean up will be relatively quick and I would hope BC has insurance for this sort of thing but it does raise the facilities question again. We need an permanent indoor practice facility. Patch working solutions is just going to lead to issues like this again.


  1. I love how you spendi and tax liberals think. Oh let's build a permanent facility with money we don't have on land we don't own! The future generation can figure out how to make it work.

    1. Billy you idiot. We have the land and money. Learn how to use this new thing called technology. Start with www.google.com

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Billy,a Republican presidential administration has not left the White House without adding to the deficit (that means "increasing the deficit" through wild spending and decreasing revenue) since Calvin Coolidge. Not one GOP president...can you name the Democratic presidents who actually left the next administration with a decreased deficit and even created a surplus since Coolidge? There are 3. Start with Facts. Not Mythical Neo-con Fantasy.

    Now, if we can only beat Duke and keep Odio on the bench as much as possible...

  4. Don't you normally deflate inflatable structures like that in anticipation of heavy snow? Its not like they weren't forecasting this for days.


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