BC Fan Resources

Friday, March 15, 2013

Over for now

BC lost to Miami to finish the season 16-17. The losing record means we are not going to the NIT and as Donahue made clear, we are not paying to play in the CIT or CBI. This is the end of this season, but perhaps the start of something bigger. I will have more in the coming days and weeks on the basketball team's progress and future, but this game was a pretty good microcosm for the season. BC started slow, played long stretches of great basketball but made enough mistakes to let the game slip away. Other thoughts:

-- Heckmann's offense. He was my whipping boy for most of the season, so credit should go where it is due. He finished the year strong. I like his willingness to beat his man off the dribble and he knocked down some big shots.
-- BC attacking the basket. Against a big team like Miami you wouldn't expect us to drive and cut so much, but it worked well in the first half.
-- Anderson's defensive work. He did a great job moving his feet and fronting Miami's bigs.

-- BC's inability to exploit the double. Miami doubled Hanlan with a big man and a guard and we didn't consistently convert. Hanlan will see more doubles next year so we need to work on this area of his game.
-- Missing FTs. A recurring issue in many of our losses.


  1. I hate seeing games slip away through mistakes and missed FTs, but I've got to say that this team has clearly come a long way. Looking forward to the next few years, particularly if we can get a good BIG man with skills.

  2. I am very proud of my BC Eagles hoop team. These guys not only played hard, they clearly practiced hard, because that level of improvement doesn't come without hard work. Somehow they never let the really bad days beat them, and they had some real stinkers.

    I'm really looking forward to next season with this crew. Congrats to the players and all the coaches.

  3. Bottom line is Ryan Anderson needs to work on his shooting.

  4. Any chance we grab an NIT bid with the late season charge? Looks like its not a pure requirement to have a .500 record anymore.

  5. i am glad we finished the season with 2 nice wins over Ga Tech and hope I am proven wrong next year - just not a big Donahue fan.


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