BC Fan Resources

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Memory Lane courtesy of BC Athletics Facebook page

The Athletic Department's Facebook page posted this picture Thursday. It is the front page of the Globe the morning after the Flutie Hail Mary. My family was living outside of Boston at the time and I vividly remember this edition of the paper. I thought it was so cool to have the two pictures split and the path of the ball in the air. 

I don't know when BC sports will be the top story on the Globe/Boston.com again. They just don't care. We would have to do something on the level of Flutie for them to lead with BC. I also don't know when the Globe would ever get that creative with anything related to BC sports. This probably sounds more like a grumpy fan whining about the media than I want it to. I guess I long for the days when a newspaper or new organization can leave a lasting memory like this. This page added to my experience of the game. Let's hope we have some memorable games in the near future and all our outlets (blogs, social media, message boards, etc) react and enhance the games like the Globe did that day.


  1. The Globe's coverage is absolutely miserable but then again the Globe is miserable.

    I'm sure if there was some anti-Catholic, BC related article though they'd be right on it.

  2. What? So read the Herald. It will enrich your mind. If hating the idea of pedophile priests is anti-Catholic, then there are lots of guilty people around. Boston is a pro-sports town whether you like it or not. Pedophile priests and cover-up cardinals are disgusting whether you like it or not. Get real.

  3. If Phelan had dropped the ball, Flutie would not have made the Wheaties cover and Boston would never have been the same. It's like "It's a Wonderful Life" and George Bailey. Bedford Falls lives on year after year. Flutie still has the magic even after all these years. Let's see if Addazio can "pull a rabbit out of the hat" and build on that magic. Folk lore is what it is. Build on it.

  4. The Herald gave BC the cover when we won the NC in hockey. That was pretty cool. Got that bad boy framed, but would so prefer an Orange Bowl victory!


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