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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Basketball loses ACC opener

The final score of BC-Maryland doesn't indicate how the game played out. The team showed some heart and overcame an early Terps run. The second half was back and forth. But late in the game, just when BC needed stops, the defense fell apart. BC couldn't close the gap and lost again.

If you're looking for bright spots, Owens had a solid game. The team also keeps converting on their FTs. But the whole effort still remains incredibly frustrating to watch.

The team is now 3-7 and 0-1 in the ACC. That's a huge hole. I am going to hold out as long as possible before I give up on the season. Maybe the Philadelphia game this weekend will spark something.


  1. Donahue went 21-13 in his first year with the Skinner players he didn't chase out. That mark wasn't good enough to make the tourney (we were one of the last 4 out after getting whupped in the first round of the ACC tournament (70-47 by Clemson).

    Now we are 3-7, so just to match the mark that didn't get us to the tournament, we'd have to go 18-6 the rest of the way, which seems about right. Donahue would need a major reversal of fortunes to turn around his career at BC. hopefully it doesn't happen and we have a new coach in 4 months.

    Congrats to Andre on bringing home the Hardware! just goes to show you that with the right coaching and motivation, we can have successful football/hoops teams on the Heights.

  2. Preppy white guys, playing soft, jacking 3's. Sounds like the Dartmouth Big Green. This game against Philadelphia, whoever they are, should be win or go home. If they lose, Donahue should be fired on the court at the buzzer. Either way, his ass is out of here. Can't stand this guy, his pathetic recruiting, his soft style ... it has taken the program back 20+ years. Thanks GDF!

  3. Philadelphia U is the new name for Philadelphia Textile University which has had a long and rich history for solid hoops. I don't think it's D1 but it's a good hoops program for a second tier school. They will play tough d and be scrappy for sure. The Don has a relationship with its coach which I likely why they are on BC's schedule.

  4. "Preppy white guys, playing soft, jacking 3's"

    Need to underscore how soft these guys are. Absolutely zero balls.

    Good for the new coach is next year he'll have ~7 scholarships to fill.

    The place was so dead last night from players to students to coaches it actually makes me believe Bates will spend to get a big coach here.

  5. The only pleasant thing about watching last nights game was seeing Andre's name on the scroll below the screen. I think Len Elmore's analysis was spot on, and I bet he doesn't watch them all that much. When it comes to rebounding he is certainly an authority, from wiki, Maryland's all-time leading rebounder, in both total rebounds and rebounding average.
    The only reason we were in the game was due to Owens' spirited play, but hey he's only a freshman. Given time onahue will ruin him too!

  6. Not going to happen but I'd love to see a guy like Dudley come back and coach. Him and Smith defined tough and hard working.

    Too bad his NBA career is going so well.

  7. SLe

    Dudley was very intelligent also. He drew charges all the time. When was the last time u saw one of onahue's guys do that? You have to be in position to draw a charge, which these guys never are.

  8. I had high hopes for Donahue -- especially when he took Skinner's squad that had finished 15-16 (6-10) the previous year and, with the same players less Rakim Sanders, and went 19-11 (9-7) in his first year. Clearly though he is a terrible recruiter and focuses way too much on offensive efficiency and not nearly enough on defense and rebounding. As much as it can be boring to the casual fan I would much rather have Virginia's or Wisconsin's system than this crap that BC is running

  9. You mean a boring offensive system like the Al Skinner flex?

  10. I loved the flex. Basketball is only boring when you lose.

  11. At this stage I couldn't care less what system the next coach runs as long as he's successful.

  12. WI Eagle

    You forget Revenel, wouldn't we love to have a guy like that on this team. Heslip would have played for us that year also. I think if Gene had left things alone we would have had quite a year. Saunders came back w/ a vengence the next year for Fairfield U. Cooley parlayed that year into the PC job.

  13. "Basketball is only boring when you lose." -- spot on as far as figuring out a system to run.

    ATL - you must be the ultimate optimist to be still holding out hope and not giving up on this season. I almost wish i shared even a shred of optimism left but this schedule is too hard, the team is too soft & unprepared & the coach and his staff look too lost for me to have any hope on this year

  14. I like watching a bowling tournament more than watching this team.

  15. Owens has to be a starter for the rest of the year. He is way too athletic to be riding pine a majority of each game. Wells did blow by him a few times because his footwork is abysmal, but BC needs to that athletic presence on the floor. Rahon is too slow to do anything on defense. And I'd prefer not seeing Caudill play ever again. Not only is he slow, but he's soft too. He can't rebound and he can't even take the ball strong to the rim from 3 feet out. Sad times.

  16. Re: Caudill

    If he's also going to continue to be so out of shape, might I suggest a looser fitting uniform?

  17. After watching last night my disposition towards this team has completely changed. I am no longer mad, just very sad. This is a group that belongs some where in the Patriot League. Last night at least they tried getting a little closer to the rim, but clearly "out of their league" as they say. And, this was against a mediocre Maryland team at home. Obviously a really nice group of guys blah blah blah, but that is not what this is about at this point. Dribbling was a problem at times, and defense.....well. I hope they can figure out a way how not to be on TV the rest of the year. Don't know how they are going to fill seats in Conte, don't think free tickets would help. Some of those "home" games are really going to turn into the visitors arena. I would hope that a poor showing against
    D2 Philadelphia would prompt some drastic action.

  18. Hsk

    although sad, it's probably a good thing that there will be so many empty seats. It will make it more obvious to the powers that be, that they need to make a change

  19. Hsk

    although sad, it's probably a good thing that there will be so many empty seats. It will make it more obvious to the powers that be, that they need to make a change

  20. If its not already obvious - then we also need some new powers that be.


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