BC Fan Resources

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Williams finishes 4th in Heisman

Andre Williams finished fourth in the 2013 Heisman voting. As expected Florida State Quarterback Jameis Winston won in a landslide. Williams deserves our thanks for an incredible and memorable season and for representing BC so well in this process.


  1. Really proud of Andre. He acquitted himself and the University well in the ceremony. Winston was obviously going to win it once he was cleared of charges, but I think Andre would have finished higher than 4th had he not gotten hurt in the Syracuse game. Still, the real loser tonight was the English language: I'm still waiting for a translation of Winston's acceptance speech.

  2. Winston embodies the very best of the academic and athletic traditions of Florida State University.

  3. Andre Williams is a class act, and representative of everything that BC athletics should be.

    I am thrilled beyond words that he beat Tre Mason in the voting.

  4. Congrats to AW.

    Fourth is something to be very proud of.

  5. Johnny Heisman had the right idea. Picked Winston first, Andre second, and himself third.


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