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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Chase Rettig's future

Even if he lights it up at this all-star game (h/t BCI) and BC's Pro Day, Chase Rettig won't get drafted. That is not necessarily a knock on him. It is about value and perception. If the gurus consider him the 22nd best QB in the class, it is unlikely that any team is going to use a pick on him. Why waste a pick when they can sign him as a free agent? I've always been one of Chase's biggest believers and think he can be a 3rd and/or Practice Squad QB next year. All he needs is just one team to give him a shot and then make the most of the shot. This is why I think he will succeed in this process.

Picking up a new offense
The revolving door of Offensive Coordinators at BC certainly stunted Rettig's college career. When philosophies and approaches change every season, the offense never become second nature to anyone. That hurts blocking and timing in the passing game. Yet through each change, you never heard of Rettig struggling to learn or connect with his new coordinator. If anything it was the opposite. He picked it up early and impressed the coaches. When he gets into camp Rettig will have a leg up on the guys who have only played in one system their whole career. 

Having to make tight throws and tough decisions
We can all rattle off bad plays and bad throws Rettig made over the years. But as we all know, many of those decisions and throws were under duress or Rettig trying to do too much. In the NFL the speed of the game is a huge adjustment point. Because our line was in shambles his first few years, Rettig is used to throwing quickly and in a tight spot.

The odds are long for Rettig as they are for any prospect. But he showed he can survive in college. Let's hope that same perseverance pays off at the next level. 


  1. Chase is a gutty kid who never got some of the breaks he deserved. I really admire the way he performed for 4 years. It would be poetic justice if he is able to sign on with a team where he can compete at first as the team's 3rd QB. With the right system, the right coaching staff who believes in him and who gives him some time to develop, and with a bit of luck - perhaps an injury or 2 to the QB's ahead of him - it would be fair if he is given a chance to see if he has what it takes to be an NFL QB. If there's any poetic justice, he'll seize the opportunity and maybe stick for a few years in the League. I' m rooting for him to succeed.

  2. I agree with the entire post. I would add that he has also proven his toughness. Put together a highlight reel of the hits he has taken over the last 4 years and you will question how he survived "injury free."

  3. Rettig is a classy Californian with great parents. BJK tailgated with them at the USC game. Actually, BC needs both types of individuals on their resume'. Fame is a "shooting star". "Ever to Excel".

  4. Chase's experience at BC was better prep for a coaching career than a playing one. Then there's the size thing. He doesn't really fit the prevailing molds of classic drop-back passer (Manning, Brady), big bruising runner (Newton) or speedy scrambling run 'n gunner (Wilson, Kaepernick).

  5. I wish him the best. He's the polar opposite of a quitter. Ever to (try to) Excel - that's what it's all about.

    Thank you, Chase.

    There's one reason to stay in the Northeast - it's called drinking water. :-)


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