BC Fan Resources

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Interest heating up for BC recruit and other links

When BC offered Georgia QB/Athlete A.J. Bush, I thought we would get him. At the time we were the biggest program involved. Now Nebraska is involved and wants him as a QB. That is going to be a tough sell for BC to overcome. We want him as a WR.

Navy hired TOB's son and BC grad Dan O'Brien as a Linebacker's coach.

Matt Ryan -- the basketball prospect -- now has interest from North Carolina. Depending on who is coaching BC next fall, I think we could still be involved with the 2015 big man.

Expectations are high for Myles Willis for the 2014 season.

The NFL invited Matt Patchan to the Combine.

1 comment:

  1. Willis is good but he is not big enough. BC needs a "big" back to complement Murphy. The history of Addazio at Temple was to run, run, run. The blocking schemes are all run, run, run. Andre caught not one pass (zilch) for the year. If Addazio will bring in Murphy to be an "alter ego" to Williams, then all is lost. ND brought back Golston for the same purpose. Don't you think that a few defensive coordinators may have figured out the key? Murphy is definitely not Tim Tebow at 240 lbs. If all that he does is run, then eventually you will scrape him off the turf and you bring on his replacement. Addazio has to develop a diversified offense. He has Murphy and that is a good place to start. What about the rest of the pieces in the puzzle? If Murphy is just Andre II, then you can chalk up a disaster.


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