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Friday, January 31, 2014

No narrative needed

Thursday Brian took apart  Vega's article on Donahue's scheduling. I understand his stance. There is a narrative being shaped to defend Donahue's tenure in an effort to give him one more year at BC. But unlike past narratives, I don't think this has BC's fingerprints on it. If anything, I think it was just a case of Vega serving up a softball to a coach he likes. Other writers and bloggers (including me) have done the same with coaches they like or wanted to defend. But despite Vega's work or a few tweets from BC Basketball's account, I don't think anyone who matters is out trying to shape a defense of Donahue. In fact, I would say it is just the opposite. Everyone I gossip with either says nothing or says he's a goner. Notice there were no quotes from Bates about Donahue and he also avoided the topic at the Town Hall. As I've said all along, barring some miracle finish, Donahue will not be BC's coach next year.

As for the narrative, it is only natural. It happens in all walks of media reporting. But it is never really needed in sports. We have wins and losses to clear through the subjective. When Donahue is fired, it won't be because of the schedule or the injuries or the rule changes. It will be because of his record. All those issue might have been factors in his record, but every coaching situation has its issues. It is how you overcome those issues that really matters. That's the beauty of sports. It can be brutal and rarely fair, but there is a clear shared measurement. There is no narrative needed.


  1. Well said. And let's not forget that while the coaches are all thrilled with the enormous increases in average salaries, the downsides are the expectations that come with those salaries and the loss of sympathy when those expectations remain unfulfilled.

  2. I think that Donahue is a good guy and a very good representative of the University. He's a coach who had a plan that simply hasn't worked. There are many "if only's" that could have helped his cause, but any kind of sustained success has simply not been there since he's come aboard. I would like to package Donahue's good qualities - and I think there are many, in a coach that better fits the ACC mold. This will be a very dangerous but probably necessary decision that BB will have to make. I hope he's really thought this through and considered all the negative ramifications that a poorly thought out coaching change will set off. If a new coach is on the sidelines next year. we'll need someone who is really good and who can help us claw back quickly to a place where we can be relevant and successful once again within the framework of what is required at BC. Here's hoping someone can come in and take a negative situation and do an attitudinal 180 ala Dazz, with the same kind of W/L turnaround. Wish there was an obvious person out there who fit the bill.

  3. Yes, and breathing is also good.


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