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Friday, January 17, 2014

Tweets of the Week


  1. Am I the only one who isn't amused that that d-bag came to campus? He's a rapist and a pompous, arrogant ass.

  2. I must've missed the part where he was convicted of rape.

  3. I think the d-bag was the guy in the picture with the Yankees hat.

  4. Good point about the Yankee cap 3xEagle. @WI_Eagle: you have a point except for the fact that Christianity teaches forgiveness. Don't forget that his dad (Jellybean) played for LaSalle. Kobe also travelled all over Europe while his dad played European ball. He is multi lingual and has respect for BC education. Isn't he back together with his wife? Kobe reached out to BC. Maybe, BC can reach out to him. Like it isn't easy to get to BCs campus. He had to make an effort to get there in the first place. I took the train from New York and then the Green Line. The Heights are difficult to reach in more ways than one. "Ever to Excel", maybe Kobe has a kernel of idealism instilled by his mother. Of course, there is a kernel of truth in what you say WI_Eagle but let's reach out to Kobe and thank him for his visit.

  5. Stop it JBQ!! Stop it now!! Enough is bloody enough. BC hard to get to for a zillionair? He could hire his own train. His own helicopter. So what does playing for LaSalle prove? Only that he played for LaSalle. Nothing more. Jeepers.

  6. Everyone knows (except for bitter Celtics fans) that he didn't rape that woman. Needless to say, it's been a damn good week for BC.

  7. I still don't get what he was doing there. He just waltzed in for class? The article I read said the teacher had no idea he was coming. Did he really find out when International Marketing was being held and in what classroom?

  8. It certainly is bizarre and Bill was wise not to post anything about it other than to mention the tweet. Too much controversy.

  9. Best collection of "Tweets of the Week" yet. By far.
    Pretty good week for BC exposure.
    #Go Eagles!

  10. Best collection of "Tweets of the Week" yet. By far.
    Pretty good week for BC exposure.
    #Go Eagles!

  11. Just from reading the article on the BC website, his appearance had to be coordinated with the professor. The professor was lecturing about the NBA's international marketing efforts and he just happens to go into the class at that time? Sounds like an implausibly big coincidence.


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