BC Fan Resources

Friday, February 07, 2014

Women's Basketball wins and other links

The Women's Basketball team defeated UVA Thursday night. The win helped BC improve to 3-7 in ACC play.

New Jersey is going to be a focal point of the 2015 recruiting cycle.

According to 247's metrics, Ryan Day is the best recruiter on BC's staff. Their system did not rank any of the BC staffers among their 100 best recruiters.

If you look at the last item in this article, you can read about Addazio's restaurant recommendations. We know he uses Twitter. Is Yelp also one of his favorites?

Johnny Gaudreau and Thatcher Demko earned player of the month honors from Hockey Commissioners’ Association.


  1. Ryan Day is the 129th best recruiter in the FBS. Awful. He is #22 in the ACC.

    Our 62 year old DB coach, Kevin Lempa, a graduate of So. Conn. St, is 255th nationally! Uhm, maybe someone else should be recruiting and coaching DBs? I am sure there are some decent DB alums from the Matt Ryan days and earlier who would be delighted to coach. Gotta be better than Lempa.

    I was able to get my hands on another set of stats. Turns out Ryan Day is the 12th best offensive mind on the current BC, one spot behing Lempa and Baldwin.

  2. mod, call Daz and tell him that you want to be his staff evaluator. Make sure that you tell him that the first thing that you will do is suggest that he be replaced because he only hires buffoons, of whom you do not approve.

    But, then again, maybe Daz believes in the team approach to life and that the overall effort was pretty damned good considering how bad the BC reputation had fallen.

  3. Mod, if you want to read an intelligent, rational analysis of what happened, look here: http://www.bcinterruption.com/boston-college-football-recruiting-class-2014/2014/2/7/5388906/national-signing-day-2014-class-breakdown

    Notice no backup to your myopia about your obsession with Day.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Joseph, did some nuns back in the day do a number on you? You are unable to deal with any criticism of perceived authority figures.

    Sister Mary Joseph of the Thorns is retired and so is Sister Robert Anthony of the Hot Wax. You need not fear espousing some mild dissent.

    If you like Day, well bully for you. If you don't like Day, that's okay too. But do not try to constantly suffocate others' dialog just because you are asphyxiating yourself.

    As for your link, I don't get your point. Please explain

  6. Mod, read it if you can. Forget all your meaningless statistics. BC had a good class. It matters nothing what some numbers say about your favorite hate target. He is not an authority figure and neither are you. They do the work, you sit and snipe. Grow up.

  7. Joseph, I believe mod was criticizing Ryan Day, not Daz's recruiting class. Hence, your article is kinda irrelevant.

  8. Article on jersey recruits and Tommy Hatton refers to Hattons HS coach Augie Hoffman. Isn't he a former BC lineman? I also thought Al Washington was doing most of the heavy lifting on recruiting with key players.

  9. Article on jersey recruits and Tommy Hatton refers to Hattons HS coach Augie Hoffman. Isn't he a former BC lineman? I also thought Al Washington was doing most of the heavy lifting on recruiting with key players.

  10. He definitely was. He played guard and graduated in 05 I think. Had a cup of coffee in the NFL but never really stuck around. You would hope he is telling this recruit great things about BC. He was on some pretty good lines that blocked for Willie Green and D Knight.

  11. haha another thread, another day mod34b goes on an anti-day rant.

    makes me LOL everytime

  12. mod, one last shot at you. did daz confide in you about what he expected of Day? How many targets did Day have and how many did he bring in? You have no idea do you? So SFU. Stop with selective meaningless stats. You have no clue as to anyone's worth as a recruiter according to the strategy set forth by Daz. When Daz confides his plan and evaluation methodology, share it with us. Until then keep your silly stats to yourself,

  13. "Mod" and "Joseph" have more vim and vigor than BCs defense. This is troubling in and of itself. I am quite sure that if either were on the field against Syracuse in the final minute that BC would have had a successful year with the blowout against Arizona easily forgotten.

  14. Waaaaaay off topic but how come I'm just finding out now that Steele Devitto's middle name is Danny????

  15. Mod & Joe

    I know I'm late to the party on this, but I want to give u both some credit. Mod's nun thing was pretty clever and I thought Joes recruiting piece was very interesting. Till next time. hoib


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