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Monday, March 31, 2014

Closer look at Cuse assistants and other links

We've heard and read that Jim Boeheim delegates a lot of coaching to his assistants, but now it has finally been confirmed. Veteran sports scribe is writing a Boeheim biography and shared how Hopkins is much more than a recruiter.  

Brockton lineman Aaron Monteiro committed to Addazio over the weekend.

Jim Christian is a new name getting floated. The longer this drags, more random names will get floated. I still think we land a relatively established coach. But we will see how this plays out.

Women's Tennis lost to Clemson.  


  1. I was with a couple of friends who are hardcore SU fans this weekend, and I asked them how they would feel about Hopkins leaving and going to BC. They both said it would be fine, because "when Boeheim retires in a couple of years he'll just come back for the job." They both seemed absolutely certain the job would still be there for Hopkins (assuming he didn't tank at BC), and that we would definitely return to Syracuse for the job.

    Do we care about this? Should we care that there's a (seemingly real) chance he'll move on as soon as the inevitable opening arises?

  2. You'd have to imagine that Hopkins would take a similar approach to coaching that Boeheim has, in that he will surround himself with competent assistants who take care of the micro stuff while he is responsible for the macro- game planning, strategy, etc.

    In this case, it may not matter if Hopkins jumps for SU, if he leaves behind a strong, competent staff that could fill in.

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  4. Also, if BC makes a real commitment to being a national program, he just may build something that he'll take ownership of and stay. Boston is a little nicer than Syracuse.

  5. I have no problem w/ it, because it assumes success for him at BC. This will be a huge rebuild to come in and restore some semblance of respectability after Onahue. The alternative is we become Rutgers of the ACC.

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  8. Jack McCallum is far more than a veteran scribe and any basketball book written by him deserves mentioning his name. Bob Ryan and McCallum are the deans of American basketball writers. If Seven Seconds or Less is any indication, this book will be excellent.

  9. ESPN's Goodman reported that St. Bonaventure's Mark Schmidt and Syracuse assistant Mike Hopkins are no longer options at BC. And he said Jim Christian may be the frontrunner at this time.

  10. I have a good friend who went to 'Cuse and follows their team very closely. He says that if we get Hopkins we'll be the better basketball school within 5 years. He thinks it would be a slam dunk hire for us. I wouldn't worry about him leaving in 5 years since he should be leaving BC in a much better place - what i worry about is him leaving in 2 years and the team only starting to get back on track.

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  12. The longer this goes on the more I'm worried we will get the basketball equivalent of Gary Tranquill from some place like Euphoria State.

  13. Was so hoping for an exciting hire; hope fading fast. Indications are Christian? Never heard of him 'til last night.

  14. I wonder if the esteemed writer Ryan would categorize
    Boeheim as"lazy"!

  15. Jim Christian on his4- year TCU experience:

    "It was a great learning experience for me," Christian said. "When you inherit a situation that hasn't had a lot of success, every decision you make in recruiting, if you miss, you're going back a year. It took us a while. In the beginning, I'd say I felt a little uncomfortable. Toward the end, I figured out who the type of people you want to deal with are and who you don't. Where you can get guys and where you can't.

    "But moving forward, I think it's so much better to walk into an established program where there's a culture of winning and an expectation of winning, where the university wants your particular sport to be the front porch of the university."

    Christian candidly admits his comfort level is higher walking into an established program. His rebuilding experience at TCU was a FAIL.

    I hope Mr. BATES HAS GOOGLE.

  16. There is an awful lot of print in Syracuse about Hopkins and BC. Keep your fingers crossed.


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