BC Fan Resources

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Notre Dame knocks BC out of Hockey East Tourney

Jerry York likes to call this time of year "trophy season." This year we will be missing out on one of the pieces of hardware as Notre Dame eliminated BC from the Hockey East Tournament on Sunday. This is the first time since 2004 that BC failed to reach the Hockey East semis.

The good news is that BC remains a lock for a No. 1 seed in the NCAA Tournament. However, losing means that BC is unlikely to be the No. 1 overall seed. No big deal. To win the trophy that is most important, you have to beat good teams along the way.

After the game, York said the team was devastated. I trust that he will have them in the right frame of mind when the puck drops in the NCAAs.


  1. If anyone can get them motivated and in the right frame of mind, it's Jerry York. Very disappointing losses (especially as I loathe losing anything to ND) but the season's not yet over.

  2. Rumor has it that York is bringing in a sensational motivational speaker to speak to the squad during this long spell without a game. Allegedly, that speaker will be Coach Donahue.

  3. No need for the snarky crap. The situation is bad enough.

  4. Just a bad match up for BC. As long as we don't get them in the first round of the NCAA, I suspect another team will pick ND off.

  5. Joseph--keep trolling.


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