BC Fan Resources

Friday, April 25, 2014

Checking in with Luke and other links

Luke Kuechly is still working on his BC degree and getting ready for another big season in Charlotte.

More talk of the Falcons' interest in Chase Rettig.

Some BC students got caught running the Marathon with fake bibs. I still don't understand the fuss. I know plenty of people who ran without numbers in the past. Did tightened security keep those without numbers out this year?

BCI went through a list of potential new Baseball coaches.

Johnny Gaudreau will be part of Team USA at the IIHF Men’s World Championship this May.


  1. The BAA announced months ago that "bandits" would not be allowed due to the dramatic increase in official runners (up about 9,000 to accommodate all those who were registered last year but could not finish plus an increase in qualified applicants) AND the increased security measures.

  2. I mean, listen, "bandit" runners for a few miles at a time are basically what got me through the finish line in 2007. I appreciated them very much at the time, but I don't think this was the year to do it given the events and security concerns from last year. But really, what bothers me most about the the faked bibs is that they stole them from a runner who earned it, and that person could have been disqualified if they were caught in the act. If you're going to act with blatant disregard of the rules, in a manner that doesn't actually harm anyone, so be it, that's on your conscience, but don't do it in a way that some one innocent can be hurt.

  3. I don't see how the person with the official number was potentially hurt. In a race like this the number matters far less than the rf transmitter that records your time with the electronic timing system. I doubt the forged number also came with a forged timing chip. I think that the numbers are used these days mainly to match up the photos, which I assume is an automated task. Taking a finisher's medal is lame, but it's also crazy to think that the BAA had one medal for each participant.

    I am writing this as someone who bandited in 2002 and 2004 for the Campus School. It was interesting to hear people's reactions to this when I moved away from the north east for grad school. They were shocked by it. Never mind that thousands of people did it every year...

  4. Boston was unique in its toleration of bandits, but they're pretty reviled everywhere else. Since officals did say they were clamping down on the practice this year, responsible groups like the campus school put the kibosh on their runs.


    And stealing someone's number off instagram or buying it off craigslist really is a bastard move. Those guys suck.

  5. Our baseball team has won four ACC games in a row.

    Fact - not opinion.

    Let's support this team instead of constantly speculating about the coach and pretending we are at LSU.

    Unlike other BC teams of late, baseball is improving and is turning a corner. That could not be said with those other programs. Also, the previous BC baseball coaches never had a team finish above .500 in the ACC.

    Next game is on Sunday. Hope to see you there!

  6. four star 2014 recruit Jared Terrell from Mass was granted a release from his LOI to Oklahoma State to move home and be close with a sick family member.

    Terrell chose OK State over URI. who recruited him at URI? Preston Murphy.

    what a coup this would be for the new staff - landing a big time recruit from Mass who has four years of eligibility. would also give us a very explosive backcourt.

    LETS GO EAGLES make it happen Coach Christian, Murphy and co!

  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkgjDQzPfMM

    some clips of Terrell. WOW

  8. A few thoughts about the Bandits:

    They did two things wrong, in my opinion. First, the ran this year, when the race officials asked that the bandits stay away due to the large field. Second, they were masquerading as official runners. That's a really lousy move.

    Full disclosure: I've run this race a few times as a bandit, but I was always mindful of what I was doing and never lost sight on the face that the race organizers were doing me a big favor in letting me run the course that day. I have never and would never wear anything that looks like a real number if I'm not official. The first few times I ran a guy dressed like Groucho Marx was among the bandits selling fake numbers for $1, but these were colored differently and instead of "Boston Marathon" they said "Back of the Pack" and the number was whatever year it was. (He then ran the race complete with long coat, glasses and fake moustache.)

    One year when the corrals wrapped onto route 85 I was heading towards the starting line and I found myself among the last of the official runners, so I stepped to the side of the road and once I saw the bandits I got going again. Another year when I finished a volunteer went to give me a medal and I turned it down. (I wasn't an official runner so in my mind I didn't deserve it). I don't care if they have a million extras, if you're not an official runner you shouldn't take one.

    If you're going to bandit the race, the worst thing you can do is pretend you're not a bandit.

  9. Always possible they bought the bibs online without realizing they were bogus. I know a few people who have bought and sold bibs before...it's a pretty common practice.

  10. Looks like Rettig will end up on someone's practice squad. This would be a nice break for him. He is a hard worker and could end up "coming out of nowhere".


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