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Saturday, August 09, 2014

Sloppy first scrimmage: no big deal; Bordner forced to fill in at QB: big deal

BC held their first scrimmage Saturday. Predictably, the play was sloppy. Addazio addressed the issue with the media and reprimanded the fumbles and said the team will need to practice tackling. Wisely, he said that he avoided too much tackling last year. However, this team is young and green and needs to work on that aspect.

I am sure things will get better with each scrimmage. They always do.

The one issue that sent off alarms for me was when Austin Tedesco tweeted that Bordner was playing QB. He later clarified that Wade sat out with a hamstring issue and is not expected to miss much time. But flipping Bordner back to QB -- even as just an emergency backup -- is not a good sign. If he is forced into QB duty, it wastes much of the time invested in his transition to WR. Hopefully Murphy and Wade stay healthy and Flutie matures enough to become the emergency guy. Because we need Bordner at WR too. I am optimistic about the offense, but a few injuries could turn the season upsidedown.


  1. The lack of depth is a huge issue this season and is the main reason I think BC takes a step back this year. No need to panic. Daz inherited a disaster from Spaz and it is going to take time to turn things around. I am not going to place unrealistic expectations on this team and we all need to be patient. All signs are pointing to a break-out year for the Eagles in 2015, but this year could be very disappointing.

    I place my trust in Daz and have been very impressed with his coaching so far.

  2. Bordner is super slow. runs a 5.2 40. Same speed as 315 OT Emmitt Cleary. Crazy slow. Can't really be a WR.

    at 226 lbs, he is too light to be a TE (and we have enough TE). too light to block DE/DTs

    not a TE; not a WR

    i hope he has amazing hands

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