BC Fan Resources

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Bob Ryan: an appreciation

Grantland posted a great tribute to Bob Ryan last week that is well worth the read. I know many BC fans dislike Ryan, but he was great to me as a student and supported this blog in the early days. Anyone who likes sports and likes the passion and the arguments and being an advocate, should appreciate what Ryan did and how he changed the dialogue. The article doesn't focus on his time at BC, but Ryan has always kept BC close and mentioned how it helped shape his career. He's always been fun to read and fun to talk to, so I am glad he's getting his due.


  1. I used to be a fan, but that all changed when he shilled for Gene D. And ruined Al Skinner's reputation.

  2. His Skinner take down was a surprising low. Especially for a basketball guy. And to do so in a way that killed Skinners career was the worst part. But overall, really enjoyed his work and not sure why BC fans wouldn't appreciate him overall.

  3. you'd think between his ESPN & globe salary he'd be able to afford dental coverage

  4. Enjoy a lot of Ryan's work, but the hatchet job on Skinner was reprehensible. And telling Al, "Al, that’s the universal perception of you, I was just writing it down” is so cowardly.

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