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Saturday, October 18, 2014

In-game comments post: Clemson

Most of the BC-Clemson games have been exciting. Let's hope this one is too. Leave your thoughts and comments during the game.

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  1. What's the weather like?

  2. Windy and warm. Will start to cool down later.

  3. 2nd and 1 and you pass?

  4. Bordner.....come on!!!!

  5. Zero passing game is killing us this season.

  6. Bordner reminds me of Roberto Duran.

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  10. We need receivers next year!

  11. O-line had a horrible missed assignment on that blitz.

    That Bordner miss is going to come back to haunt us. You just cannot waste opportunities when you are an underdog

  12. Clemson doing a good job picking up the blitzes.

  13. In case u were wondering Roberto's nickname was hands of stone

  14. I don't think you can go lateral on this speedy defense.

  15. The Clemson D is good, but I am impressed with the Eagle D so far too.

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  17. I saw the Frosh Clemson QB 2 weeks ago. Big brake for us that he's out.

  18. Crap, I don't think BC can score on these guys. BC might want to consider keeping a back in for extra protection.

  19. Willis had by far the best run of the game and I don't think he has had a touch since.

  20. Damn. Just when I compliment the D, they blow a big drive. But I blame the O for that TD. They have got to find a way to stay on the field.

  21. Great return by Willis. Feed him the rock!

  22. Another 3 and out. This was my fear coming into this game.

  23. The Sherminator!!!!!!

  24. ATL

    U called for that play a while back, nice job

  25. This is the best I have seen the D play all year. Only touchdown was off a short field.

  26. Johnson's doing a nice job. Haven't been hurt by Jones dismissal.

  27. I guarantee they will blitz here.

  28. Wow, needed that punt.

  29. I wish we had a qb that could pass like the Clemson qb.

  30. Eagles

    But the guy can't run at all. We had one last year, I prefer Murph

  31. Major hold on that qb run.

  32. Looked like it to me too, of course we're completely objective. I like where we are though.

  33. 1st half thoughts: D is playing well. Did not like the field goal at the end. It seems as if the past 4 years, the D has given up too many points before the half. BC offense is killing this team. Dropped TD pass, 0-6 on third downs. A paltry 68 yards. Not getting it done. We have seen this pattern in the first 2 BC losses and something needs to change or this will be the 3rd home loss.

    Adjustments: Run straight at them. Going lateral does not work. Keep a back in to help block on passing downs. Always have a quick option on blitzing downs and maybe roll Murphy out. Do not let Clemson score again before BC does. The Eagles offense is not designed to come from behind due to the passing issues. Hang on to the football!

    I consider 10-7 a win. We are within striking distance. Our offense has played horribly. D is keeping BC in the game but they need help. Let's go Eagles!

  34. Why is Williams cheering about a guy blowing out his knee? I hope he was just celebrating the play and did not realize how hurt he was.

  35. "Clemson is loading the box."

    Of course, BC can't pass. This 1 dimensional O is a huge issue for this team.

  36. Shoot, you can't blow early timeouts in close games. No excuse for 12 men in the huddle.

  37. 2ns and 20 and you are running the ball? Huh?

  38. Bordner has cost BC 2 touchdowns. Dropping the sure TD and under-throwing the sure TD.

  39. And yet, we are only down 3.

  40. That screen play is killing BC. We need a linebacker to go with the motion man.

  41. A third huge missed opportunity on the missed INT

  42. I feel like it's 1977 and I am a 10 year old watching a Big 10 football game. 10-7 deep in the 3rd??

  43. 0-9 on third down. This is why I don't like Murphy at quarterback, but I realize he is Daz's guy for the rest of the season.

  44. Brown needs to figure out how to stop that wide receiver screen play. They send a back in motion to block and then they have numbers against the cornerback. Sweeney is going to the well on this play until BC proves they can stop it. He could also be setting us up for a fake and then the receiver goes deep.

  45. A 3rd down conversion!!!!!

  46. Roberto no more. That's a tough catch to make, must have seemed like it took an hour to get there.

  47. Please, please have open tryouts for a kicker. Please!!!!

  48. Oh Jesus Christ. What the hell is wrong with these kickers?

  49. Might as well go back to Howell at this point.

  50. Who is the cornerback coach? They NEVER turn for the ball.

  51. And that shitty defensive series completely blew the fun out of this game.

  52. And the missed extra point and the blown timeout loom extra large.

  53. Well the defense went to crap at the most inopportune time again. Their 3d down defense is so bad still.

  54. Asprilla got hurt, they took advantage.

  55. Feeling down but there is plenty of time here. Crazy how momentum can turn so fast. One missed extra point and the defense drops their guard and now we feel completely deflated.

    I want to see more Willis. He is averaging 10 yards per carry but only has 3 touches. He has been a thorn in Clemson's side.

  56. Stop trying to go lateral against this team. Go right at them!

  57. I think Murph needs to keep it more on the read option

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  59. Well that was a horribly called offensive series. Game is just about done now.

  60. It's wet, let's hope for a t/o.

  61. There's the game. Well it was a good run at them. Hate to lose 3 games at home and the bowl window is slowly closing, but I am proud of the way this squad played today. Just wish they had a little more mojo on offense. The defense did their job. The offense and special teams did not execute at critical times.

    At this point, the only goal still open is bowl eligibility.

  62. Defense was pretty bad on 3d down eagle. They played well on first and second down though.

  63. Bad call by them, gives us a chance

  64. Fuck! Never put him in again!

  65. Murphy had nice touch on throw to Rouse

  66. Horrible, horrible coaching.

  67. A comedy of freaking errors

  68. Why the hell is Rouse even in the game?!

  69. Good game Clemson just executed a little better. I like our team though.

  70. Damn, that was the first time Reverse Karma did not work. I have not pulled it out in years and it worked 4 straight times before that. Reverse Karma can only be used once per year. It is calling the game with plenty of time left and I do not know how it works, but BC reverses luck and wins. Except for tonight. Someone from Clemson must have a more powerful spell.

  71. Way to lose the game Tyler Rouse. You can throw knoll in there as well.

  72. Geez, I would almost rather be blown out. The would have, could have, should have's are brutal.

  73. Bad coaching? Did Daz/Day drop any of those balls? Did they miss the kick? Coaches did a great job,in a year or 2 when we have better players, we'll win these games.

  74. Bravesbill,

    Clemson dominated BC in the stats. 2-14 on 3rd downs cost BC the game.

    The bad news is the only goal remaining for BC is bowl eligibility and they have to somehow find 2 more wins. The 4 dropped passes were brutal. You have to execute against better teams. The missed extra point cost us a potential field goal to take the game to OT.

    The good news is I saw a lot of positives. BC never gave up, the defense was great except for the last scoring series, and the play calling was creative. They did not get blown out and were in it down to the last minute. We are almost even with one of the premier teams in the ACC. The fact that this is a step-back year for BC and they are playing even with great teams is a huge opportunity. Look out next year.

  75. Bad coaching was referring to the 12 men on the field for the second time today, not the overall game. I thought the coaching staff had this team prepared and the play calling was magnificent. But, you need to make sure you are substituting correctly so you don't put the team in bad situations.

  76. You're right on that EagleB, but Even that could be on the kid not knowing which package is supposed to be out there. I think we have allot more to play for, 5 games to go out and play hard, w/ the idea being to improve. We are way ahead of where I thought we'd be. I think we should be able to get 2 more wins to extend the season if we keep playing like this. Against good teams under Spaz we weren't even competitive. W/ the exception of Pitt, we've been competitive in every game. I hope we keep it up.

  77. Hoib,

    I think we will be competitive in every game remaining, including Florida State. But, most of those games will also be close, turning on just a few plays. It seems like we have been on the wrong end most of the season so maybe the breaks start going our way. I think we will win 2 more and get bowl eligibility. 6-6 is better than I thought in the preseason and I love Addazio's approach. This program is leaning in the right direction.

  78. Murphy played very well. He pressed a bit on the final drive. Drops by Bordner, Willis, and the missed extra point were heart breaking. Why the drops? Someone needs to figure it out. The pass to Bordner should have been caught. The one to Willis was devastating. Actually, Phillips very easily could have caught that final pass at about the two yard line. I thought that the 3rd and 6 inch pass was a good call. How come Clemson had three defenders on Bordner? Someone telegraphed the play. The best read is that BCs side line signals are being read.

  79. EagleB

    I enjoyed watching the game w/ you. It's nice to have a back and fourth w/ someone on this blog who doesn't look to jump down your throat. Glad we see things the same way.


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