BC Fan Resources

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Soccer upsets Notre Dame and other links

The Men's Soccer team got the weekend off to a good start by upsetting Notre Dame Friday night. The Irish were ranked No. 1.

The Heights went deep on Boston's College Athlete Bill. Bates weighed in too. Bates -- as usual -- was careful with his words, but the impression the article gives is that he thinks it is all a mistake. It sounds like bad law that doesn't cover the complexity or the specifics of college athletics. I still feel like this is political grandstanding by local politicians.

This was from earlier in the week, but Deadspin charted college teams' recruiting success vs. their recruiting success. It just happened to focus on the Spaz's years and as we know, both areas suffered from neglect under our old coach. Believe it or not though, even with Spaz's poor recruiting, he underperformed with those players.

1 comment:

  1. That USC win is looking less and less impressive.


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