BC Fan Resources

Friday, October 31, 2014

Tweets of the Week


  1. After watching Jameis overpower Louisville in the second half, some comments are warrented. Jesse Palmer made some nice comments about BCs running game. BC has to send a message from Mehdi to O'Leary. Cook is more than quick. Greene is quite a receiver. Winston is all business on the field and is outstanding especially in the second half. 54, his offensive right guard or tackle, is very vulnerable to a quick rush. O'Leary is very good but a bully. He picked up one of Louisville's d backs after an interception and speared him into the ground head first. FSU is beatable if you make adjustments at half time. The 50 yd td pass in the final second must not happen again. If you are beat, you bring the receiver down for a p.i. penalty. BC can do it. Louisville blitzed but always over and through 54. Most of BCs blitzes leave open the middle for a short pass which goes for a long gain. BC has also been unable to stop the swing pass from out of the backfield.

  2. JBQ,

    I don't think our pass defense can stop either L'ville or Florida State. We just can't cover anyone. However, I think we match up better to Va Tech and Syracuse.

    Because BC is so bad in coverage, I agree with your comment to commit PI fouls if beat. 15 yards is a heck of a lot better than 50.

    I think we will be competitive in all 4 games, but not sure we can get over the hump against the two teams that played last night. Should be fun. I really hope we win tomorrow which will remove all pressure on the team and allow them to be more free-wheeling their final 3 games.

  3. Let's see if we can get this one tomorrow.

    O'Leary is a thug - a sick-puke.

    Go BC.


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