BC Fan Resources

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Good looking uniforms, ugly basketball

Once again BC wasted decent stretches of basketball with poor efforts, lack of hustle and dumb mistakes. Even when facing an unmotivated Syracuse, BC lacks enough talent to win when playing poorly. After playing decently in the first half, the team faded in the second half. The throwback uniforms were a nice touch, though they seem wasted on the crowd and opponent. Embarrassingly you could see free t-shirts draped over seats in Conte that went unclaimed. I keep telling myself that winning will solve many of these issues. It will, won't it?

-- Turnovers against the 2-3. I understand how 'Cuses D forces long, bad shots and controls the board, but how were we so bad passing? Clifford and Heckmann both had some head scratchers.
-- Clifford's offense. Ellis said that Clifford lacked confidence on his mid-range shots. I don't know if it is that simple. He used to be a good shooter. Those shots from the high post should be gimmes.
-- Good movement on defense. In looking for a silver lining, I did want to note that the defensive execution is improving. We still get overpowered, but there are fewer mental errors or guys missing assignments.


  1. The team has been so bad for so long... it is in such a rut... that typical sports marketing tricks and gimmicks won't help. An exciting opponent from time to time may, but hiring a no-name coach certainly did not. He doesn't do anything to build excitement around the program the way Adazzio did, and no matter how good of a coach he ends up being, Bates did not help his own cause by bringing him in. I fear if Bates has to choose York's successor. I truly to.

  2. I fondly remember beating Syracuse at Conte in 2005 and 2001. Place was packed and atmosphere was electric. Just win.

  3. Bates didn't cause this problem Gene did. Christian was the only guy he could get to take the job. Remember how long the search dragged on? It was because no top candidates were interested. We have to hope Christian can gradually recruit top notch players. The alternative is permanent cellar dweller status.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You liked those uniforms? The appeal of gray and script eluded me. I felt like someone missed the "never copy the 70s" memo.

    What the hell does "trust the system" mean? I googled it and read all the #trustthesystem tweets and still don't get it.


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