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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Christian talks to Vega and other links

Michael Vega remains the friendliest media outlet BC sports has, so I found the tone of this article with Christian interesting. The Basketball coach gives of the impression that this rebuilding and retooling of the roster is all part of the plan. Yet, there's no mention of the staff change nor how quiet the transfer news has been. How does Vega not even mention a staffer leaving last week? I agree with Christian that roster construction is more fluid than it has ever been, but BC fans would hope that he could speed up the turnaround by finding the right players quickly.

It has been a long, long road back for Charlie Davies, but this seen in New England has been great.

ESPN posted a short preview of the Football team.

BCI pointed out that a Miss State-BC series would fit both team's football schedules. I would love to see it too, but highly doubt it will happen. I don't think Mullen or Addazio would want it at this point.

Ifeanyi Momah switched positions from WR to Tight End and it may help him make the Cardinals' roster.


  1. Very little info in the article of substance. He keeps bringing up the # of transfers and finding the right type of student. I think he should be allowed to bring in players that meet the NCAA standards and no more. Well under 1/2 of them will last the 4 years it takes to get a degree so what's the point. Why handicap yourself compared w/ the competition. We are in the ACC afterall. Aren't things bad enough w/o giving the competition a head start?

  2. I have always been a Davies fan. He was a "whirl wind" until he got hurt. Let's hope that he gets another shot with the National Team.

  3. Hoib - Another hurdle may be BC's core requirements and the lack of a physical education major or specially designed basket weaving program used to keep them eligible. Certainly BC has some less challenging majors - but even those must seem like physics compared to what's put in place for the jocks at a Louisville, FSU or NC.

  4. Gru setting up the excuses early here.

    Hard to trumpet yourself with a transfer that (at least offensively) worked out in Brown while also using it as a crutch.

  5. Nappy

    Good point. Just doesn't seem to be a way out of this mess.


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